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Maegan Murray

Journalism Industry Changes As Digital Media Dominates - 0 views

    Interesting piece about how digital technology changes the media
Vasile Grigorita

WorldWideRecap: Double Logic of Remediation - 0 views

    According to J. David Bolter and Richard A. Grusin their theory on the topic is the characteristics of new media and its continuous remediating media outlets such as television, radio, journalism and other old media. Remediation also spreads out and takes two different forms to explain it, such as immediacy and hypermediacy in its media form."
Eric Guy

Who is a journalist? - Chicago Tribune - 0 views

    Here is an article I read. Kind of parallels that of Gladstone's book. Really points to the mess that is becoming of journalism
Joshua Hinkle

OSU's law journal on internet policies - 0 views

    has articles that feature up to date internet and government regulations
Eric Guy

Popplet - 0 views

    Here you will find what I hope to take in and benefit from while in ENG 307. I am looking forward to learning more.
Eric Guy

Interview: Brooke Gladstone, Author Of 'The Influencing Machine' | What It Teaches College Kids : NPR - 0 views

    Really good interview on NPR. Check it out, gives insight into what Gladstone is conveying in the book. 
Zack Hill

Students' Strategies for Writing Instructions - 0 views

    This is a rather lengthy article, but it provides good insight into why we write instructions and how to effectively do so. I think this article will help me with the project because I like thinking about the cognitive processes behind reading what is writtena nd I hope to incorporate some of the article's information into the project.
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