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Philleo Boni

Assisted Suicide - 0 views

    The law prohibits assisted killing, Think we should get this changed for the terminal ill patient
Gladys Ramirez

The rights of publicity and privacy ... when should you be concerned? - 0 views

    This website explains the difference between privacy and publicity. At work and relating to other topics whats right and wrong.
Rafael Montes

What Is SOPA? - 0 views

    Explains sopa to people. Companies can censor website or videos for potentially having copyright infringement. and if the company is wrong , its no big deal because the website is down and the company is untouched.
Diane Beeson

'Sister Wives' family to challenge bigamy law - Entertainment - Reality TV - - 0 views

    The famous reality TV show 'Sister Wives' is using their show to not only educate America about their religious lifestyle, but to help fight to let it be legal once again. Polygamy was outlawed in the 1890s, but it is still practiced today by many Mormon families. The religious practice has to be carefully done in secret for the fear of being convicted. The author states that Mormons just want to freely practice their faith and be left alone about it without legal consequences.
    I watched the first season of Sister Wives on Netflix, and, without voicing my personal opinions on the subject, I was really surprised that people are still practicing polygamy.
Nadine Borwege

Regulating Eugenics - 0 views

    Despite how people feel about eugenics whether it be that it is morally wrong or unnecessary they United States will always be faced with this issue of how to regulate it. For many years people have tried to eugenics under wraps so nothing can be done with it, but as we all know there are loop holes and where there is a will there is a way, and people have found ways around them and thus gotten genetic engineering regulated. *Unfortunately the group who wrote it chose to not reveal an author sadly so hard for a bibliography.
Donette Fincher

Fifth Grader's Right to Distribute Christmas Invitations at School Upheld - 0 views

    The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a fifth graders right to distribute invitations to her church's Christmas party. The school had banned the student from distributing the invitations citing the invitations contained religious materials. The court's decision was based on the First Amendment's right to free speech.
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    This is wrong. Children just want to have fun and celebrate holidays together. I feel like holding children back from celebrating what they believe in can make them feel ashamed in their beliefs. This reminds me of how in most schools, kids aren't even allowed to bring in home made snacks for birthdays and its disturbing.
    Children just know it's a party and that the picture on the card is pretty. What if the invitation had a Jewish or Medieval Norse design would they have gone after it the same way. Was it only because the party was for his church. This is just silly.
    Yes, invitations should not play a role in school policies. Taking the freedom of creativity from the child would be a dishonor to their freedom.
    I find that the student should be able to hand out invitations to a Christmas party as long as she isn't putting down other students beliefs or religious views why should this innocent act be banned?
    I agree that student's should be able to learn of and encourage the religious beliefs of their classmates. How do we expect to raise well rounded individuals if we raise them to treat religion with such a hush hush attitude?
    Being in a public school system, no religion should be enforced at all. These were Christmas invitations, inviting the students to a church event imposing the Christian belief system. This could have been done outside of school or elsewhere. This situation would only be okay if it was conducted in a private religious school, where public money does not fund the institution.

Supreme Court mostly rejects Arizona immigration law; gov says 'heart' remains - 1 views

    Arizona Law - Illegal immigration is still in controversy on how Law Enforcement will conduct proper immigration stauts checks. Having the proper procedures in place can elimanate other legal matters concerning racing profiling.
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    I understand that Arizona is just trying to stop immigration but some of the laws and rules taking place are making it seem like it is allowed to racial profile. Though that may not be the case. People are thinking that if you look Mexican then the police can pull you over but I reality there most likely not going to do that. If you get pulled over for speeding and then for some reason the cop thinks you could be illegal then he can ask for paper work. I get that the law seems racial, but Arizonans should not care so much if your a citizen and have nothing to hide.
    Arizona immigration laws have consistently supported racial profiling and make it difficult for legal Latinos to avoid being harassed, interrogated and detained unlawfully. State laws should be fair and adhere with constitutional freedoms afforded all citizens. If you're an American citizen, you're afforded the same rights as other citizens and should not be detained unlawfully because you "look like an immigrant". This is where Arizona crosses the line with it's immigration laws.
    I understand how these immigration laws here in Arizona can make people feel, however i feel like if i have nothing to hide whats the problem. I still don't like the fact that it makes it so easy for police to racial profile because its almost insulting to get pulled over for no reason except skin color. I have seen cops pull people over just for skin color, especially in the northern part of Arizona and its wrong.
Richard Mendoza

Oregon's Law Withstands the Test of Time - 2 views

    This article talks about Oregon's Death with Dignity Act passed in 1997. It reviews your personal freedom to die at a time & place of your choice if your facing a terminal illness.
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    This is a great article. I believe that a person who is facing a fatal debilitating illness should be able to die peacefully and with as much dignity as possible. It should be a personal choice how, where and with whom you die.
    I agree that this is a good article. I wrote a paper last year on this topic. Its very interesting and there are many articles that describe the pros and cons. I also believe it is a right to be able to die when a person is in such pain and bad health.
    Very good article and very forward thinking. It's good to see states are taking an interest and putting legislation into place to protect a terminally ill person's right to die with diginity.
    This content of this article gives me mixed feelings. I agree mostly on the side of helping miserable suffering people end their lives without pain. On the other hand i feel bad for families that would have to be going through this and it almost makes me feel like the person tired of living might be slightly selfish? At the same time, there are some terribly painful illness' that no one should have to go through.
    The article was different and to the point. Choices of an individual that is suffering from his or her own terminal illness should have their choice on what they want to do in their final days.
    I think this is an awesome article, and a very important law. I would cautiously compare it to the living will statement of "Do not resuscitate." Last wishes should always be respected regardless of what anyone else may think. As long as it is within the bounds of compassion and humanity I find nothing wrong with choosing how one wants to exit life.
    This article was very interesting and I have to say I agree with the right to be able to choose the time and place you will die. The way your life ends (if you can control it) is a very civil and peaceful freedom we should all be allowed to take advantage of.
    This was a good article, but I have to agree with Alexis, I have mixed feelings as well. I personally don't agree with assisted suicide. To me, suicide is suicide, and I feel that people should die in the natural way.
    This is surprising to see in the way that it has been kept underground and has had successful results. Although it is not surprising that many terminally ill patients would opt for this.
    This article is a tough one. I agree with everything everyone is saying, but initially it is about the person who is suffering. If one of my family members were suffering with an illness that unfortunately ended with an early death and they were in horrible pain, I would rather tem be at peace and end their suffering if it is what they wanted.
Erika Gorostieta Rojas

Abortion Freedom - 3 views

    as part of our personal freedoms women should be allowed to have an abortion, or as many as they want.Many American believe abortion freedom is as important as the right to free speech, and the right to vote.
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    I don't believe that, why should a woman be allowed numerous abortions? These women need to take precautionary measures so they don't end up in the same situation.
    I believe abortion is a personal freedom. Why is it anybody else's business of what YOU decide what to do with YOUR body? Don't get me wrong, I do not necessarily think that someone should do it, but it is not my choice. It is theirs. It's kind of like gay marriages - if it is not a problem in your everyday life, then don't worry about it! Also, people always protest it until they are put into the situation - it's scary and life changing and some people are just not ready for that kind of responsibility. To be honest, and as bad as this sounds, I rather allow abortions to be done if the individual knows for a fact that they can't take care of the child.
    Abortion has always been a tough topic and I still have yet to decide on a solid answer. When you hear of women getting raped and pregnant its hard to tell them that they should have the baby. That would probably be the only case in which I believe abortion would be some what okay. On one side I believe it is a woman's right to do as she pleases with her own body, but at the same time she's not only making a decision for herself but also for what could be a baby. Your stopping a human from having a chance at life. I understand that some women may not be ready to take on such a responsibility but I would rather support adoption over abortion. As far as numerous abortions go, I think that if a women would ever need more than one then she should probably take a sex education class.
    The freedom for a women to choose to have an abortion is her personal freedom its should remain her and only hers. This freedom has been allowed to women by the scarifice of thousands of women before us.
    This topic is a difficult one to discuss. I feel as if birth and pregnancy is a miracle and its such a beautiful thing. Women able to be pregnant should be proud and feel blessed as some women aren't as grateful. I feel as if their is no excuse to take an infants life for the mothers fault. The only time i feel that there should be a debate about it is if the woman was raped.
    The right for a women to get an abortion or even several abortions is ultimately one of her personal freedoms. There are many different scenarios that happen that lead to an abortion and who are we to questions anyone about to get one? Its a woman's private decision and freedom and should be left that way.
Jodi Coffman

New York soda ban - 1 views

    Individuals should be able to consume as much soda as they want. I think that there should be more education about how drinking soda in excess can lead to obesity. Maybe warning labels on soda to remind people of the effects of drinking sugary beverages. I think it is then up to each individual to make the decision of how much soda they consume.
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    I get why this is being done, but if they do ban the soda. Some people are seriously addicted to soda. Could this also turn ugly and people start selling it like if it was a drug?
    I think that one has the right to consume as much soda as they wish. Its a personal choice that should not be governed.
    I total understand the ban, since most Americans don't pay attention to the main ingredient in soda which is "high fructose corn syrup". Research has shown high fructose corn syrup is as addictive as cocaine yet there are no laws regulating the use and quantity of it in food and beverages. High consumption of high fructose corn syrup has been proven to cause obesity and diabetes. There's not enough public education regarding this ingredient to enable consumers to make intelligent choices when consuming beverages and lobbyist lobby the government to make sure it stays this way.
    I think this ban is ridiculous controlling the amount of soda and sweetened drinks people consume is wrong. Although sugary drinks can be detrimental to health, people have the right to control and live their own lives according to what they think is best. I like how this article has statistics and shows how many people don't agree with this outrageous ban.

Freedom of Religion - 1 views

    Religion is one of our Constitutioal rights proctected by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. No one has the right to tell any U.S. citizen what or what not religion to practice.
    I think that everyone has the right to believe in what they want. As long as they don't try to force others then I see no problem in it. I myself am not a religious person, but that does not mean that I should go around telling people what they believe in is wrong. We should all have an understandings for others beliefs and not try to shut them down just because of our own beliefs.
Jessica Bruck - Legalization of Marijuana (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Agains... - 0 views

    This article is about legalizing marijuana. It gives supports from both sides of the argument, both very interesting.
    A number of movements to legalize the use of marijuana have been gaining steam lately. There are places in California where it's already legal for medicinal purposes. Much of the American public now believes that the drug should be legalized (40 percent according to a Rasmussen International Poll) but others are still concerned about health damage and other adverse affects.
evangelina gonzalez

Late-adolescence (15-18) = Acting More Grown Up | Psychology Today - 0 views

    Late-adolescence are acting and becoming more grown up than past years. Many high school students are wanting to grow up fast and experiance new life as their older peers, no matter what the cost is. Families need to protect and make sure they talk to their adolescent childrent so he or she will not go down the wrong path. Parents need to show them what exactly an adult goes through and thier responsibility they endure to be a successful adult.
justin corrigan

Rights Clash as Town Clerk Rejects Her Role in Gay Marriages - 0 views

    Town clerk refuses to sign same sex marriage certificates. Her religious belief is that homosexuality is a sin and it is wrong. she feels that her government job is asking her to leave her religious beliefs behind, something she simply will not do.
Tasha McNutt

Assisted Suicide: A Right or a Wrong? - 1 views

    The issue of whether or not patients have a right to die is explored, as well as whether or not those who help such people should be considered murderers. It gives anecdotes about family members who could not bear to see their loved ones suffer, and offers opinions on both sides of the issue.
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    This article touches on the debate of assisted suicide. Some people are pro, believing that once one has lost their quality of life they should be able to make the decision to end their own(with assistance, since, for whatever reason, they are unable to commit suicide on their own). Other people are against assisted suicide, believing there are situations where it would go against personal moral codes of doctors or nurses, or that the person pleading to die may change his/her mind and it will be too late.
    Another good article about the morality and legality of assised suicide. Who are weto decided a person can be helped to die and be forced to live on constant pain?
    Another good article about the morality and legality of assised suicide. Who are weto decided a person can be helped to die and be forced to live on constant pain?
Becky Silvas

Personal Freedoms of our rights - 0 views

    This article has 3 issues, the TSA, wikileaks and the drink Four Loko. First it talk about how american dont like the fact TSA is not fair with how they screen for bombs and such things but they want to be have a safe flight to go see reltives or a fun vactions. Then the government doesn't like that the website has taps on them when wikileaks reports on what they are doing but do not have a problem when it comes to tapping the americans phone calls. Lastly the state of New York banned the drink of Four Loko claiming that it is bad for americans but again wants to play big brother and tells us what is right or wrong. We as americans should decided what is good or not for our bodies.
Tiffany Odgers

Exotic Pets - 0 views

    Zoo's already have their hands full taking care of the animals they have so why is it so wrong for us to help by taking some exotic animals to care for? We should have to right to take care of exotic animals if we have the ability to do it.

Arizona's Other Crazy New Law - 1 views

    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
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    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
    This is crazy its about how the copscan arrest you on the spot if you can't prove your citizenship status. Further more it states that if you buy a gun made in Arizona you don't have to register it.
    The weapon of choose becomes their Constitution right to bear arms. Perhaps that prospect will make police a little more concerned about who they round up on the streets. We doubt it. Weapon's instructors in Arizona feel cheated by the state's law makers as they are killing their business.
    It is wrong to be stopped by patrol just because you don't seem to look like you're from the US. As for the weapons not having to be licensed also defeats the purpose. I think anyone who owns a concealed weapon should be trained on how to use it, and with that you have to own a license.
    I defiantly disagree with both of these laws. I don't think it is right that a cop can pull someone over just to make sure they are legal. I also think in order to be allowed to handle a gun people should go through safety classes.
    I think there should be a little more added to both these laws. If you want to search someone regardless of race, gender, religion or whatever you should need probable cause. Also I think if you are going to handle any type of weapon you should have some background with weapons handling; maybe off free weapons safety classes at public ranges?

The New World Order: have we gone too far with technology? - 0 views

    This website talks about the advantages and disadvantages of technology today.
    In many ways technology has made it very convenient to do things from the comfort of our homes. This has many advantages, learning is just a click away. There is an application for almost anything from bills, music, health, and gaming. However, in the wrong hands it can be catastrophic.

The opposition to same sex marriage - 0 views

    This site gives you an incite of the people that oppose same sex marriage and their reasons for why they believe it to be so wrong. I think its fair to see both sides of the argument, so have a read.
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