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Hans De Keulenaer

ECREEE Validation Workshop on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies and Scenarios for West Africa | Workshops and Conferences | EREF - 1 views

  • The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) works towards a voluntary commitment to the Sustainable Energy For All Initiative of the UN Secretary General presented at the Rio+20. In a regional workshop, held from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Dakar, Senegal, the Directors of the ECOWAS Ministries of Energy agreed on the main targets and pillars of a regional renewable energy and energy efficiency policy of ECOWAS. The policies aim at the following objectives: Around 30% of the electricity consumption in the ECOWAS region will be saved through demand and supply side efficiency improvements by 2030. The share of renewable energy (incl. large hydro) of the total installed electric generation capacity of ECOWAS will increase to 35% in 2020 and 48% to 2030. The share of new renewable energy such as wind, solar, small scale hydro and bioelectricity (excl. large hydro) will increase to around 10% in 2020 and 19% in 2030. These targets translate to an additional 2.425 MW renewable electricity capacity by 2020 and 7.606 MW by 2030. To provide universal access to energy services it is envisaged that around 75% of the rural population will be served through grid extension and around 25% by renewable energy powered by mini-grids and stand-alone systems in 2030. By 2020 the whole ECOWAS population will have access to improved cooking facilities either through improved stoves or fuel switching to other modern forms of energy such as LPG. The share of ethanol/biodiesel in transport fuels will increase to 5% in 2020 and 10% in 2030. By 2030 around 50% of all health centers, 25% of all hotels and agro-food industries with hot water requirements will be equipped with solar thermal systems.
Energy Net

Worldchanging: Bright Green: A New, Bold Plan for a Carbon-Neutral UK by 2030 - 0 views

    "Carbon neutrality by 2030 is the new standard for climate policies, and again the UK is leading North America in the climate debate with a bold national-level proposal about how to get there. The Centre for Alternative Technology just launched zerocarbonbritain2030 (ZCB2030), a collaborative project showing one possible scenario for making the entire UK carbon-neutral by 2030. ZCB2030 is a well-researched, well-written, and well-designed report on a set of possible pathways to a zero carbon Britain by 2030 (The goal, though bold, is not unique: Alex Steffen called for a very similar position for Seattle, a target which the Seattle City Council has included in their legislative priorities this year; and a variety of other nations and cities are approaching the same target, from Copenhagen to New Zealand). In 384 pages, CAT presents a comprehensive look at the kind of systemic changes needed to achieve dramatic emissions reduction in just 20 years in such areas as farming, energy generation, building codes, transportation planning, and economic frameworks. This report truly addresses the scope, scale and speed of the climate crisis and the solutions needed to create a bright green future. "
Hans De Keulenaer

Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period to 2030 « RFF Library Blog - 0 views

  • The IAEA has revised upwards its nuclear power generation projections to 2030, while at the same time it reported that nuclear´s share of global electricity generation dropped another percentage point in 2007 to 14%. This compares to the nearly steady share of 16% to 17% that nuclear power maintained for almost two decades, from 1986 through 2005.
Hans De Keulenaer

Transportation Battery Recycling Market to Surpass $10 Billion by 2030 - 3 views

    "Driven by the rapid implementation of electric vehicles, the need for battery recycling grows with it and the world's transportation battery recycling market is expected to generally nearly $10.3 billion by 2030, according to a new report."
Colin Bennett

Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Projected to Increase 39% by 2030 - 0 views

    In the absence of specific policies to limit greenhouse gas emissions, the world's energy use is expected to increase by 44% between 2006 and 2030, causing a 39% increase in global carbon dioxide emissions, according to DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Colin Bennett

Household Energy Use to Triple by 2030, Due to Power-Hungry Electronics - 0 views

    The IEA says in a new "Gigawatts and Gadgets" report that electricity consumption from power-hungry electronics could cause household energy use to triple by 2030. That means increased greenhouse gases from electric generation, and increased electric bills for creating that power.
Colin Bennett

Global Renewable Energy Expenditure to Reach $200 Billion by 2030 - 0 views

  • A new long-term projection model from Bloomberg New Energy Finance projects that annual global expenditure on renewable energy projects will increase from $90 billion in 2009 to $150 billion in 2020. The model expects that this will further increase to $200 billion by 2030 given current policy targets.
Hans De Keulenaer

UK opposes 2030 renewable energy target | Environment | The Guardian - 0 views

  • "The UK envisages multiple low-carbon technologies: renewables, nuclear and carbon capture and storage, all competing freely against each other in the years to come … For this reason, we cannot support a 2030 renewables target," it reads.
Sergio Ferreira

Over-population, climate catastrophe, energy crisis but the 2030 future is bright! - 1 views

  • Remember the hippie movement of 1967? Those naive, young but well-meaning guys and boys who believed in “making love, not war” at a time when the US was fighting one of its dirtiest wars in Asia? Well, I guess a lot of these guys and boys now are running big businesses (or advising them) and still seem to have the same vision of humanity than in those times.
Hans De Keulenaer

Renewables industry urges government to clarify post-2020 targets | - 0 views

  • The renewables energy industry has again called on the government to urgently clarify its plans for low-carbon energy development after 2020, following the release of a controversial submission to the EU, which argues the bloc should abandon specific renewable energy targets post-2020.
Sergio Ferreira

Norway to become Carbon neutral by 2030 - 0 views

  • As the world's fifth-largest exporter of oil and Western Europe's biggest exporter of natural gas, Norway has found itself under increasing pressure to improve its environment profile. The new plan includes offsetting Norwegian emissions by stopping deforestation in developing countries and planting trees. On the domestic front, money is to be earmarked for investment in renewable energy and new taxes on fuel introduced as part of a 'carrot and stick' strategy promoting more environmentally friendly behaviour and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • become a leader in the global technology race in the new experimental and costly technology known as carbon capture and storage (CCS)

BBC NEWS | Scotland | Glasgow, Lanarkshire and West | Switch on for largest wind farm - 0 views

    Europe's largest onshore wind farm is set to be officially switched on by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond. David MacKay, professor of natural philosophy at the University of Cambridge's department of physics, said Whitelee was a step towards targets to cut carbon emissions, but was only a start. He said: "To achieve the government target of a complete decarbonisation of our electricity supply system by 2030 we need to be talking about a 100-fold increase in wind farms in Britain and perhaps as much as a five-fold increase in nuclear power. "That's the scale of the building challenge we have if we're serious about getting off fossil fuels."
Hans De Keulenaer

Alternative Energy eMagazine - | AltEnergyMag - 0 views

  • A robust transmission system is the cornerstone for large-scale integration of wind power in the United States. Therefore, perhaps the greatest barrier to achieving this goal is building new transmission to connect the large amounts of location-constrained wind resources to the load centers. Another goal-limiting factor is the lack of appropriate market rules across the various interconnections in the US. Furthermore any reversal of policy decisions made at Federal and State levels (e.g. Renewable Portfolio Standards) in support of renewable energy could send the wrong signal to the industry causing uncertainty in the markets, potentially stalling the investments in new wind plants. The reality is that there are five election cycles between now and 2030 so it is important that wind energy related policies are sustained during this period.   Other potential barriers to achieving this 20-by-2030 goal include: a surge in the global demand for wind energy which could limit the supply of turbines in the US; another financial crisis during the next two decades which affects the credit and investment markets; and lastly the lack of skilled work force to operate power systems with high penetration of variable generation.
Sergio Ferreira

EERE News: Wave Energy Project Proposed for Maui - 0 views

  • it plans to install a 2.7-megawatt wave energy project off the northeast coast of Maui
  • oscillating water column technology
  • which aims to meet 70% of the state's energy needs with renewable energy by 2030
Hans De Keulenaer

Hydrogen Roadmap - 0 views

  • If hydrogen is introduced into the energy system, the cost to reduce one unit of CO2 decreases by 4% in 2030 and 15% in 2050, implying that hydrogen is a cost-effective option for the reduction of CO2
Hans De Keulenaer

Environmental Capital - : Blow Hard: Wind to Supply 20% of U.S. Power? - 0 views

  • The U.S. can follow Denmark’s lead and get 20% of its electricity from wind by 2030, the Department of Energy said today. The only obstacles, according to the DOE report, are building the wind turbines, improving them, getting them in place, and getting their electricity to where it’s used. Piece of cake.
Sergio Ferreira

IEA Says Massive Investment in Alternative Electricity Generation to Reduce CO2 Emissions - 0 views

  • The world needs to build 30 nuclear power stations and the equivalent of two Three Gorges dams every year to prevent dangerous climate change, the International Energy Agency has said. It also needs to build 13,000 wind turbines and 40 coal and gas power stations fitted with carbon capture and storage technology each year between 2013 and 2030, the head of the Agency told the climate change conference in Bali.
Colin Bennett

Lifestyle won't have to change in CO2 cut: report | Environment | Reuters - 0 views

  • NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. citizens will not have to drive less or read in the dark to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, but they will have to buy more efficient cars and appliances, a report from two business groups said on Thursday.
Sergio Ferreira

Hillary Clinton's climate and energy plan - 1 views

  • renewables generating 25% of electricity by 2030
  • A $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund, paid for in part by oil companies, to fund investments in alternative energy. The SEF will finance one-third of the $150 billon ten-year investment in a new energy future contained in this plan;
  • 10 "Smart Grid City" partnerships to prove the advanced capabilities of smart grid and other advanced demand-reduction technologies, as well as new investment in plug-in hybrid vehicle technologies
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