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IDTechEx Predicts Electric Vehicle Charging Going Zero-Emission, Off-Grid - 5 views

  • The new IDTechEx report, "Zero-Emission Electric Vehicle Charging: Off-Grid 2020-2040" examines how the electric vehicle business is finding it profitable to respond to criticism that clean vehicles should not be charged with fossil fuel electricity. The purpose of this 230-page report is to enable materials, component, vehicle and infrastructure suppliers and putative suppliers, and all others in the value chain, to understand this large emerging opportunity for off-grid zero-emission OGZE charging of electric vehicles land, water and airborne.

Printed Electronics When Will Organic Photovoltaics be Viable? - 0 views

    The benefits of non-silicon photovoltaic materials are many and varied. Some are transparent, permitting the face of a wristwatch to generate power, the power source having zero footprints. Some, such as Dye Sensitised Solar Cells printed by G24i in the UK, generate electricity at narrow angles of incidence and even with polarised eg reflected light. DSSC designs can use light of all visible frequencies, not just sunlight.
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