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Cindy Hanks

Education World: Student Broadcasters Capture Headlines From the Hallways - 1 views

  • Find out what essential items you will need to start a broadcast journalism program.
  • "There are so many important skills, but the most important one for the broadcast club is confidence,"
    • Cindy Hanks
      This site particularly stood out to me because starting tomorrow, our students will be involved in a new Journalism/Video Production club on our campus. I plan to share these ideas with my co-worker heading up this club.
Amanda Torres

National Council of Teachers of English - 0 views

    I have used this website in Kindergarten and am excited to see that there are plenty of resources I can use for second grade. The NCTE is composed off dedicated teachers who share their resources, strategies, and best practices with others. You can enjoy the benefits of being a NCTE member by enrolling in the membership. Many of the resources are free and can be used in the classroom. There are lesson plans and student interactives to use for any subject on a computer or smart board. The great thing about this website is that parents and children can access it at home for after school resources. There is community involvement and professional developments that one can attend.
Muneer Salem

Blackboard for your classroom. - 0 views

    This website can help you improve performance at all levels. You'll be able to streamline processes, automate tasks, empower teachers, boost parental involvement, and engage every student with personalized learning experiences on the devices they love with "Blackboard".
Cindy Hanks

Classroom 2.0 - 0 views

  • Welcome to, the social network for those interested in  Web 2.0, Social Media, and Participative Technologies in the classroom
    • Cindy Hanks
      Great resource involving training in Web 2.0 for the classroom setting.
  • Classroom 2.0 is a free, community-supported network. We especially hope that those who are "beginners" will find this a supportive comfortable place to start being part of the digital dialog.
Karla Shaffer

Newseum- Current Events Reports - 0 views

    This website provides students with access to daily headlines from newspapers around the U.S. There is an interactive map in which students can pick the city to see the current events listed there. This could be good for a compare and contrast assignment or an daily opening excercies to keep students involved in current evetns.
Nadia Afzal

Twitter Goes to College - 0 views

    Students and profs use "tweets" to communicate in and outside of class.
Brian Glasby

NASA MoonKam - 0 views

    Great website that shows NASA projects involving the Moon. There's an app as well for this (GRAIL).
Brittany Monet

National PTA® - 0 views

shared by Brittany Monet on 28 Oct 11 - No Cached
    Great website for parents who would like to get involved on a national level.

Mobile Technology Integration - Article - 1 views

    *UCF NID Account Required* *Open in New Window may be Required* The article provides an overview of the process involved in envisioning, developing and incorporating mobile technology into the curriculum at 2 institutions of higher education and a public charter school. Topics discussed include the 3 projects for experiences envisioning, developing and integrating digital media and technology at the Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a prekindergarten class at Big Pine Academy, Florida and University of Central Florida (UCF)
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