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More Technology Finding a Place in Public Education - Public School Review - 0 views

    As technology takes a bigger place in the professional and personal world today, it is also finding its way into more and more public classrooms across the country. From laptops to iPads, students are learning to incorporate technology into the learning process to enhance their educational experience overall.
Kelvin Thompson

The Word 'Curate' No Longer Belongs to the Museum Crowd - - 1 views

    A brief study of the current usage of the word "curate." This word has become popular especially among those interested in so-called 21st Century learning/skills. What information do you "curate," and for whom do you present it?
    I curate everything for my child, and for my students....apps, websites, games, field trips, resources, books; anything i know they could use and benefit from and enjoy. I also curate info on plants, especially native and edible ones, and how to grow and preserve them, and present it to whoever is interested. I really could "curate" a lot of things, being the resourceful person that I am...but I wouldn't want to come across as a know it all, trying only to speak when I know the info would be appreciated.

HAPPY (Having Active Participation Prepares You) Hour Showcase 2015! - 0 views

    Jan 30 - 31 , 2015 ! Register Early and support your peers UCF College of Education and Human Performance Professional Learning for Teacher Candidates initiative that supplements the teacher preparation provided by coursework and field experiences. It enhances the quality of UCF's initial teacher certification program, contributing to the development of highly credentialed teacher education graduates, and increasing their marketability in today's competitive job market. HAPPY Hour underscores the importance of life-long learning and professional and personal growth in becoming a highly effective educator.

FETC 2015 Keynotes Highlight the Future of 3D Printing and Game-Based Learning - 1 views

    The first keynotes of FETC 2015 were led by personalities working at ground zero for the innovation happening in 3D printing and human-gaming relationships in the classroom. Jane McGonigal, director of games and research development at nonprofit Institute for the Future, led the conference's opening keynote speech Wednesday. McGonigal has a Ph.D.

BBC Radio 4 - My Teacher Is an App, The Classroom of the Future - 0 views

shared by melsmithucf on 17 Sep 16 - No Cached
    • melsmithucf
      - BBC Podcast shows how technology is improving individualized learning and improving student achievement - kids move ahead at their own pace versus no technology schools that believe in free play and creativity - Silicon Valley pays 30% more for their teachers - Salman Khan & Nolan Bushnell - flipping the classroom - technology personalizes education and teachers become mentors - Florida virtual school - Noah Schnacky - Silicon Valley parents send their children to no technology schools - free play is a priority
Mark Corey

Why You Need a Personal Learning Network [video] - 0 views

    Today I get to share with you something special - a sneak peek of one of our EdTech UNconference Sessions! Each EdTech UNconference session features one of SimpleK12's EdTech Leaders - real educators who use technology at an expert level and can share their experiences with you.
Cindy Hanks

Florida Technology Plan - 2 views

    The State of Florida's Department of Education has an overall plan for the implementation of educational technologies in K12 schools. Below the conceptual graphic, you will find a link to the pdf of the complete 52 page document. It is worth a skim to find out how Florida schools' integration of technology compares to that of schools in other countries. There are also a number of resources available to Florida teachers of which you may be unaware.
    According to this FDOE 2012 report, Florida has a plan to incorporate technology in our schools, which involves provision of "personalized learning" environments, staff training and leadership, and availability of networks.
Muneer Salem

Blackboard for your classroom. - 0 views

    This website can help you improve performance at all levels. You'll be able to streamline processes, automate tasks, empower teachers, boost parental involvement, and engage every student with personalized learning experiences on the devices they love with "Blackboard".
Kelvin Thompson

100 Tips, Apps, and Resources for Teachers on Twitter | Online College Degrees - 2 views

    Extensive collection of annotated links related to using Twitter effectively. There are numerous resources for general users, but there are many educator-specific articles as well.
Jane Hertz

5 Free Twitter Curation Tools To Enhance Your PLN - 1 views

    Your personal or professional learning network (PLN) is alive and seemingly awake 24-7 when it comes to Twitter. You've probably faced a few scenarios where your real-world obligations got in the way of a hashtag chat, your vacation meant you weren't able to connect as often, etc.

Office Mix for Education - 0 views

    "I took the huge leap of flipping my library classroom today with Office Mix. I recorded videos on the weekend after deciding being the person on stage wasn't working. My videos aren't perfect and we enjoyed some laughs, but it didn't matter. Office Mix engaged my students and put the shift of learning back on them.
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