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Lari Tanner

The Daily Dot - Alex Day and the dangers of YouTube celebrity culture - 0 views

    Talk about blurred lines on what and who is a celeb now-a-days. Totally gonna use some of this for my Fandom paper. If applicable of course. :)
Lari Tanner

Timehop and checking your social media past - 0 views

    This is an interesting app. You can check what you said on social media in the past with this application.
Tony Adamo

Impulse Activity Tracker - 3 views

    I have been researching activity trackers for awhile and happened upon this one last week after seeing so many coming new ones coming out of CES. It seems to be different than many of the other ones I have seen and just wanted to share.
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    Wow, that is very interesting. It's like the Nike fuel band and Ct Scan in one. I wonder about the cost for something like that, especially the the monitoring of it. I wonder about the applications as well, besides home use I mean. Businesses and government could also use this monitoring system for employees or soldiers. Wait am I getting to SyFy with this? Anyway, very interesting gadget...I would love to go to CES one day! #emac6300
    I am starting to think it is just me, but these types of wearables freak me out. I understand the health benefits and many of its pros, but I don't want anything monitoring my body all the time. Like those smart contacts, again I can see where they would really help someone, but I would be freaked out having a computer chip on my eye.
    I totally see what you're saying Katy. I am not a fan of wearing contacts, so that would be a problem for me, but if it monitord my glucose levels and only I and my healthcare provider were the one's who could view the data I would be ok with it. The activity tracker/wristband thing isn't something I'd even want to wear all the time, just when I'm working out. But yah, not sure I'd want to be "Monitored" all the time! :)
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