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Leo de Carvalho

Learning or Management Systems? « Connectivism - 1 views

  • The shortcomings of these approaches rest in their lack of integration and the control required by many universities. The experience of many educators parallels my own—learners are very active with technology, but once in an LMS space, they seldom do more than the minimum required (a particular concern in courses where dialogue and theory are important to explore). This may be a function of students taking on “the student role”—defaulting to passive behaviour—once in an academic environment. It may also be due to the change in behaviour expected by educators—where learners must leave their tools behind and adopt tools with limited functionality. For an individual used to Skyping, blogging, tagging, creating podcasts, or collaboratively writing an online document, the transition to a learning management system is a step back in time (by several years).
    Jon Mott recently published an article in EDUCAUSE Quarterly on Envisioning the Post-LMS Era. Jim Groom captures the reactions of individuals who have been exploring the link between learning management systems and personal learning environments. There is a sense - and I'll admit I felt it as well in reading the article - that many long-time contributors to the discussion were not referenced in the article. In theory, the review process should draw attention to important omissions of literature. However, most reviewers would likely not see the spaces (blogs) where much of the conversation happens before it jumps into mainstream as good sources. I've posted below that I wrote while at University of Manitoba addressing the LMS/PLE issue. I'm not sure how long an archive of their copy will exist, so posting it here might give it a bit more of an existence.
Martin Burrett

The @UKEdPodcast now available on Spotify - 0 views

    "From now, Spotify users can follow and listen to UKEdPodcast episodes directly within the app, available on SmartPhones, desktops and Smart Devices."
Martin Burrett

The @UKEdPodcast - Episode 31 - #EdTech - Data Privacy and Behaviour - 0 views

    "Hosted by Colin Hill (@digicoled), we speak to Jamie Manolov about his research into how ClassDojo is used in classrooms globally, with potential implications to data, privacy and behaviours encouraged."
Antwak Short videos

AntWak | Short videos from real people with real insights - 0 views

    One such effort to address the continuous learning needs of professionals is AntWak AntWak is a "Social Learning Platform" which believes that the knowledge professionals painstakingly accumulate by years of industry experience is invaluable. Early professionals can benefit immensely from this "Experiential Knowledge" to become better professionals and chart more rewarding careers for themselves AntWak has recently been recognized by multiple EdTech platforms as one of the most promising platforms for professionals

Career In Digital Marketing With Eduvogue * A podcast on Anchor - 0 views

    Grow your ideas learn from experts turn your passion into profession and learn Digital Marketing. For further inquiry: E-mail - Inquire- Whatsapp - 7715079915
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