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Teacher Rosa

Keep Calm and Carry On - - 3 views

  • I am not going to let myself get frustrated or move into victim mode.
  • I loved the metaphor: Turn away from the net. Let it go.
  • Don’t dissipate energy on something you can no longer influence. Invest it instead where it has the power to make a difference. I came to call it the Energy Serenity Prayer.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Whatever amount of energy we spend obsessing about missteps we have made, decisions that do not go our way or the belief we have been treated unfairly is energy no longer available to add value in the world.
  • Negative emotions also burn down energy at a furious rate. It is exhausting to be a victim.
  • to keep calm and carry on
  • one of the best ways to make yourself feel better is to make someone else feel better
  • t people who give without expecting anything in return actually turn out not only to feel better for having done so, but also to be more successful.
  • Rather than feeling sorry for myself, I decided to focus on making other people feel better.
Mita Jordan

Crickweb - 2 views

    English educational kids games and activities for your IWB, PC or Mac. Teach your child, spelling, sentences, verbs, collective nouns, compound words, singular to plural, story sequencing, alphabetical order and grammar with these English learning games.
Teacher Rosa

Learning Theory - What are the established learning theories? - 6 views

    a real gem, you'll love it! It provides a detailed synthesis of current learning theories
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