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When do people learn languages? - 0 views

    Advice for language learners General warning: what follows may or may not apply to you. It's based on what linguistics knows about people in general (but any general advice will be ludicrously inappropriate for some people) and on my own experience (but you're not the same as me). If you have another way of learning that works, more power to you. Given the discussion so far, the prospects for language learning may seem pretty bleak. It seems that you'll only learn a language if you really need to; but the fact that you haven't done so already is a pretty good indication that you don't really need to. How to break out of this paradox? At the least, try to make the facts of language learning work for you, not against you. Exposure to the language, for instance, works in your favor. So create exposure. * Read books in the target language. * Better yet, read comics and magazines. (They're easier, more colloquial, and easier to incorporate into your weekly routine.) * Buy music that's sung in it; play it while you're doing other things. * Read websites and participate in newsgroups that use it. * Play language tapes in your car. If you have none, make some for yourself. * Hang out in the neighborhood where they speak it. * Try it out with anyone you know who speaks it. If necessary, go make new friends. * Seek out opportunities to work using the language. * Babysit a child, or hire a sitter, who speaks the language. * Take notes in your classes or at meetings in the language. * Marry a speaker of the language. (Warning: marry someone patient: some people want you to know their language-- they don't want to teach it. Also, this strategy is tricky for multiple languages.) Taking a class can be effective, partly for the instruction, but also because you can meet others who are learning the language, and because, psychologically, classes may be needed to make us give the subject matter time and attention. Self-study is too eas
Michael Stout

Language Testing - 0 views

  • It was agreed that personnel who rate speaking and writing tests must be well-trained and have regular opportunities for refresher training. These tests require considerable judgment, so raters need to be normed and re-normed periodically to ensure they adhere to standards.

The IELTS Training Academy Bangalore - 0 views

shared by jaiserve on 28 Jun 14 - No Cached
    The IELTS Academy Bangalore helps in scoring high band score in IELTS test, both in academic and general module of IELTS test
eflclassroom 2.0

Professional Development - 0 views

    All the best teacher Professional Development sites
ellen pham

Bringing Happiness into our Classrooms - Seoul Education Training Institute - 3 views

    David's materials on bringing happiness into the classroom
eflclassroom 2.0

Training Games - 2 views

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