they were so quick to see the connection to literacy - not just using blogging as an opportunity to publish writing, but as an actual form of writing, and just as important as the others they already teach.
It would be a writing course. Every assignment would be delivered in five versions: A three page version, a one page version, a three paragraph version, a one paragraph version, and a one sentence version.
[Could reverse the order too]
We've been stalking people in english class.
Wanting to teach the kids in my class about concepts of digital footprint and online safety, I used three people well known from the edusphere as examples: Will Richardson, Jabiz Raisdana and Jeff Utecht.
Students from our two schools were grouped together to study an issue of social justice using web 2.0 tools. These tools help students put the best practice of collaborative learning into play by working with others to problem solve. Tools such as VoiceThread allow teachers to practice differentiated assessment. Being socially connected, students believe their contributions matter and they feel a stronger degree of responsibility to support their new partners. Students want an authentic audience to express themselves too.
Fair warning, you could easily eat up a big chunk of your day following the links in this post. Buy hey, you'll be helping out the world a bit in the process.