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Wiki citation maker - 11 views

    This page helps you create biomedical citations to use as references when writing on wikis such as Citizendium, Medpedia, Wikipedia, and others. This page also helps create citations for biomedical blogs hosted on Blogger, Wordpress, and other sites.  To make a new citation enter a PMID or DOI or PMCID or NCT
Vicki Davis

Son of Citation Machine - 5 views

    There are a lot of great citation makers out there, but one of my favorites is David Warlick's Son of citation machine. He's added the ability to generate a pdf now. This is a great free option and works so well.
Danielle Klaus

NoodleTools : NoodleBib Express - 0 views

    Just need one or two quick citations? No need to log in or subscribe -- simply generate them in NoodleBib Express and copy and paste what you need into your document. Note: citations are not saved and cannot be exported to a word processor using this version of the tool.
Vicki Davis

Docs Blog: Find facts and do research inside Google Documents - 8 views

    If you want students to draft work in Google Docs, you have to teach them about the Research pane. It lets you search for the appropriate license (click the down arrow) and set the citation method. You can insert photos, search Google Scholar and a dictionary, your own files, and even the web. When you mouse over the item, you have the option to cite the source or insert a link. Very cool and handy for writers. This is an older feature that hasn't gotten the press it deserves in classrooms. If you have Google Apps for education this is a BIG DEAL because it simplifies finding pictures and does many other things that online citation generators do all within Google Docs.
Ben Rimes

Citation Creation - Create APA, MLA and Chicago citations or bibliographies online - 13 views

    Simple and free tool for creating citations from a wide range of sources, including print and electronic.
Vicki Davis

Google Scholar Citations Open To All - Google Scholar Blog - 8 views

    Researchers should use Google Scholar Citations. This is like Google Analytics for your paper or article. You can create links to your work, update your profile, add links to coauthors, and then track how often your article is cited. The modern researcher should definitely set this up.
Fred Delventhal

Welcome to Schoolr. The only resource you'll need. - 19 views

    Google,,, Wikipedia, Acronym Finder, NCSU, unitconversion, Bablefish, and Wolfram-Alpha. Click on the MORE link for more options.
    Schoolr would like to thank the family, Google, Wikipedia, Acrnonym Finder, Urban Dictionary, Altavista Babel Fish, SparkNotes, NCSU, and unitconversion for their great resources.
    Love to see metaphor tab search maybe citations too? Ah! there's citations in the drop down tab!
Ben W

Sprixi - Free images to choose and use! - 36 views

    VERY cool search engine for free images. Best I've seen!
    Nice Flickr search tool can automatically add citation info to the image.
Nelly Cardinale

OSLIS :: APA Citation Maker :: Home - 17 views

    Automatic APA style web 2.0 citation maker based on APA style 6.
Vicki Davis

How Teens Do Research in the Digital World - 0 views

    In a recent PEW study, National Writing Project (NWP) and Advanced Placement (AP) teachers said that "a top priority in today's classrooms should be teaching students how to 'judge the quality of online information.'"  Furthermore, teachers are concerned that students don't get past Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube into deeper (and more accurate) ways of collecting information. If you want to discuss research sources, social bookmarking is the best way to do this. We should see more classrooms using Diigo (the most superior bookmarking service, in my opinion) or Delicious as they discuss and share the documents they will use in their research papers.  I've found when topics need deeper research or when the sources of research are in dispute, that social bookmarking is the best way to facilitate those discussions. It is a powerful form of pre-writing for students. If they can begin the conversations around research articles and sources, then more accurate information will emerge in their final document. Often students don't verify the sources of information and should learn to view all online information with skepticism and a critical eye as they converse over what makes a good source. Social bookmarking is a key source of discussion, data collection, and citation in the modern classroom.
Vicki Davis

Google Scholar - 3 views

    Google scholar lets you search articles, patents, legal opinions and journals. It is time to take students into this took, especially now that you can use google scholar citations.
Vicki Davis

Presentation Inspiration - Gallery of Featured Decks | Haiku Deck - 9 views

    Haiku Deck is one of my all time favorite quick presentation makers when I just have to share something meaningful with my class and only have a few moments to pull it together. (For example, if I realize that students don't know something valuable, etc.) One of the best things about Haiku Deck is its incredible search feature for Creative Commons and automatic citation. If you're 1:1 ipad, this free app is a must have. They are beta testing and online version that should be available soon. Great tool.
David Hilton

QUT | Elsie - A legal citation online guide - 9 views

    Might be useful for legal studies teachers.
Nelly Cardinale

"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?" - 0 views

    danah boyd Microsoft Research Tech Fest, Redmond 26 February 2009 [This is a rough unedited crib of the actual talk] Citation: boyd, danah. 2009. "Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?" Microsoft Research Tech Fest, Redmond, Washington, February 26.
Kelly Faulkner

Zotero | Home - 0 views

    Designed by researchers for researchers. This tool will allow you to organize your research online & offline. It automatically captures data for citation in MLA, APA, & Chicago. The aspects that they are working on will be amazing in relation to collaboration with other people.
    firefox extension for compiling a complete works cited while researching on the internet.  pretty nifty tool - wish it worked on other browsers as well.
Vicki Davis

projecthelp - Citing Sources - 0 views

    How to cite sources using the source citation code in wikispaces.
    You can cite sources using MLA, APA or any way you wish on your wiki.
Ruth Howard

Purdue OWL - 2 views

    APA style citation referencing updated resource link
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