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1More | Greek Gods Family Tree - 11 views

    Horizontal scrollbar is down below. Use at your own risk; Greek mythology is ambiguous. Click a name for its Wikipedia article. Download the PowerPoint version. Other Greek Gods trees: from Edith Hamilton's Mythology * by Jimmy Joe * on Wikipedia

Penn-Finn Learnings 2013: A Journey of Inquiry | Edutopia - 0 views

    I love this trip that is happening in Finland, especially the transparency. I'm going to be "hanging out" with some of those in Finland in the hangout on Wednesday. You can look at what they are doing and how they are traveling and sharing. I think more information-gathering trips should be this transparent. "Doctoral learners from the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education will spend a "week in the schools" -- the schools of Helsinki, that is -- looking at a variety of research areas through the lenses of students, teachers, parents and leaders. These lead learners will use that week to reflect upon where the United States and Finland agree and disagree on core beliefs surrounding teaching, learning and leadership."

Globe Genie - Joe McMichael - 4 views

    A fun mashup of Google Street View and Google Maps. Allows you to hop around the globe by randomly teleporting to a continent. Useful for reviewing how to find coordinates of a location.

Multiple Choice Tests: Thinking Handcuffs - 19 views

    Yes! Yes! I' ve been there!
    Joe Bowers misgivings on multiple choice

Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts - 11 views

  • According to Picasa, If you’ve signed up for Google+ photos up to 2048 x 2048 pixels and videos up to 15 minutes won’t count towards your free storage. (hat tip to Greg Grothaus)
  • To add people who have added you to their circles, but you haven’t add them, go to the “People who’ve added you” tab and select “Not yet in circles” from the sort menu.  All the people not in your circles will be listed first (hat tip to Owen Prater)
  • Right click on a circle and select “View circle in tab”. This is a terrific way to see who’s in a circle and allows you to do neat things like drag all the people inside it to another circle.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • If you have a lot of Circles and/or a lot of people in your various Circles views (e.g. “People in your circles”, “People who’ve added you”, etc.”), Mac users can use the pinch functionality to make the Circles section smaller so you can view all of your Circles.
  • Order of Circles in Left-Hand Nav: Default Circles appear first in this order – Friends, Family, Following, and Acquaintances. Then your personal circles are arranged alphabetically. You can rename any of the circles, including the default ones, and renaming a default one makes it part of the normal alphabetized list. Put an underscore in front of one that you want at the top of the list. You could also delete the default circles and start over in the order that you want.(hat tip to Donna Fontenont and Joe Hall)
    List of links and shortcuts for working/playing with the various functions and features of Google+
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