Challenges in Implementing Strategies for Gender-Aware Teaching - 2 views
Jenny Davis on 03 Jun 12Discusses the negative consequences of gender stereotyping in the mathematics classroom, especially for girls. Addresses possible challenges associated with creating a safe learning environment and combating gender stereotypes. Describes difficulties in various settings in the mathematics classroom and explores challenges associated with traditional gender roles, role models, and sexist language.
Bob Oddo on 03 Jun 12Gender stereotyping primarily of junior high female math students is a relatively recent awareness. I liked the three points they made on combating this issue, i.e., (1.) reinforcing the fact that math should be nonsexist, (2.) including the contributions that female mathematicians have made to society, (3.) teaching nonsexist language by example. Also, several good ideas on countering domineering students so that all students feel free to participate. I plan to implement the idea of limited and revolving discussion groups