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Razmik Badalyan

Loss of the night - 1 views

    "The Loss of the Night app turns your eyes into a light meter, allowing you to become a citizen scientist and report how bright the night sky is where you live! In many parts of the world, the night sky shines with wasted artificial light from poorly designed street lamps. Skyglow outshines the stars in the skies, and dramatically changes the natural nighttime environment. Scientists are concerned that light pollution might have a big impact on nocturnal ecosystems, but they have very little information about how bright the actually sky is worldwide, or how skyglow is changing over the years. You can help monitor skyglow using this app!"
Razmik Badalyan

Colony B - 0 views

    "Colony B is a mobile game developed at McGill University that allows you to contribute to research on microbes. Collect microbes and grow your colony in a fast paced puzzle game. Unlock badges to learn about microbes living inside our body."
Razmik Badalyan

Sea Hero Quest - Android Apps on Google Play - 0 views

    ამ თამაშით შეგიძლია დემენციის კვლევას შეუწყო ხელი.
Razmik Badalyan

Chemix - Draw Lab Diagrams. Simply. - 0 views

    Chemix is a free online editor for drawing science lab diagrams and school experiment apparatus. The app provides easy sketching for both students and teachers.
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