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Field Survey Management Relies On Survey Design and Data Management for Any Successful Field Survey - 0 views

    Field survey management is a strategic business practice that enables companies to make informed decisions in regards to their surveys. These decisions can involve the allocation of resources, or information collection from people who live and work in communities.

Global Hydro Turbine Generator Unit Market is Estimated to Account for US$ 9,510.0 Mn by End of 2027, Says Coherent Market Insights (CMI) | Business Wire - 0 views

    The Hydro Turbine Generator Unit Market Report is proposed to work as a strong way to survey the Hydro Turbine Generator Unit market alongside the total examination and obvious measurements identified with this market.The Hydro Turbine Generator Unit Market Report is proposed to work as a strong way to survey the Hydro Turbine Generator Unit market alongside the total examination and obvious measurements identified with this market.

Seismic Survey Market Growth Is Linked To the Ever Growing Demand for Seismic Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry - 0 views

    A seismic survey is a non-invasive method of collecting information about the location and characteristics of geological structures beneath Earth's surface. It is widely used to investigate geological properties of the earth and to explore petroleum, natural gas, and mineral deposits.

The usage of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare and Life Sciences has increased over the years owing to the increase in the number of languages in the world - 0 views

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare and Life Sciences is the process of converting any natural language, usually from a foreign language to English, into a sentence or group of words that can be understood and used by a person. Natural Language Processing is commonly done for business, marketing, and advertising purposes. It is also used in the social sciences wherein researchers use it for large-scale surveys and data analysis.

Research: 9 in 10 Teachers Don't Use Social Media in the Classroom -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • Only 44 percent of teachers surveyed said that social media can enhance a student's educational experience.
  • more than half (62 percent) have had minimal or no training in the area of interacting with students and parents through social media
  • worry about conflicts
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • intimidated by their students'
    Concerning in the world of our digital native students

Turmeric Oleoresin Market Professional Survey by Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Trends - 0 views

    Turmeric oleoresin is a rhizomatous, herbaceous, enduring plant that hails from the group of Zingiberaceae. Normally utilized as a zest in numerous provincial cooking styles, it is additionally used to grant tone during the cycle of coloring.
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