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Jay Blackman

EETT Cut From Federal Budget Expected - Digital Education - Education Week - 1 views

    You knew that had to be coming.
daniel rezac

Google Analytics Installation Guide (traditional) - Analytics Help - 1 views

    • daniel rezac
      Take a look..
daniel rezac

Oracle gives up on OpenOffice after community forks the project - 1 views

  • In a statement issued on Friday, Oracle announced that it intends to discontinue commercial development of the (OOo) office suite. The move comes several months after key members of the OOo community and a number of major corporate contributors forked OOo to create a vendor-neutral alternative.
judith epcke

10 Ways Open CourseWare Has Freed Education | MindShift - 1 views

    Thought this might be a nice compliment to the OpenOiffce article for this week
James O'Hagan

Does the Digital Classroom Enfeeble the Mind? - - 1 views

  • Go up to any adult with a good life, no matter what his or her station, and ask if a teacher made a difference, and you’ll always see a face light up. The human element, a magical connection, is at the heart of successful education, and you can’t bottle it.
  • My father would have been spat out by today’s test-driven educational regime.
    • James O'Hagan
      Really? Would he?
  • Probe one of those illuminated faces further, and you can also usually elicit memories of a particularly bad teacher.
    • James O'Hagan
      Mrs. Souza, fifth grade, but we still did some awesome projects around Haley's Comet. She was just mean.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Trusting teachers too much also has its perils. For every good teacher who is too creative to survive in the era of “no child left behind,” there’s probably another tenacious, horrid teacher who might be dethroned only because of unquestionably bad outcomes on objective tests.
    • James O'Hagan
      Just as there are people bad in their profession in any field- private sector, government, education. Remember Windows ME and Vista, Microsoft Boy?
  • How do we use the technologies of computation, statistics and networking to shed light — without killing the magic?
  • Nothing kills music for me as much as having some algorithm calculate what music I will want to hear. That seems to miss the whole point.
    • James O'Hagan
      I wonder if this guy has a TiVo or an Amazon account, or has ever taken a suggestion from a friend of a band to listen to or see?
  • nventing your musical taste is the point, isn’t it?
    • James O'Hagan
      And part of the exploration is suggestions. Some people live in cultural enclaves that don't have readily available "culture."
  • Education — in the broadest sense — does what genes can’t do. It forever filters and bequeaths memories, ideas, identities, cultures and technologies. Humans compute and transfer nongenetic information between generations, creating a longitudinal intelligence that is unlike anything else on Earth. The data links that hold the structure together in time swell rhythmically to the frequency of human regeneration. This is education.
  • The future of education in the digital age will be determined by our judgment of which aspects of the information we pass between generations can be represented in computers at all. If we try to represent something digitally when we actually can’t, we kill the romance and make some aspect of the human condition newly bland and absurd.
    • James O'Hagan
  • The crucial choice of which intergenerational information is to be treated as computational grist is usually not made by educators or curriculum developers but by young engineers.
    • James O'Hagan
      Schoology? :)
  • Some of the top digital designs of the moment, both in school and in the rest of life, embed the underlying message that we understand the brain and its workings. That is false. We don’t know how information is represented in the brain. We don’t know how reason is accomplished by neurons. There are some vaguely cool ideas floating around, and we might know a lot more about these things any moment now, but at this moment, we don’t.
    • James O'Hagan
      So as an educator I should not use my professional judgements on what technologies I should try to use to help my students understand the intergenerational material that is so important?
  • We are tempted by the demons of commercial and professional ambition to pretend we know more than we do.
    • James O'Hagan
      Oh, I completely agree on this one... i.e. MIE, ADE, GCE, DEN...
    • James O'Hagan
      In addition, professional EdTech speakers.... AKA sell-outs.
  • We see the embedded philosophy bloom when students assemble papers as mash-ups from online snippets instead of thinking and composing on a blank piece of screen.
    • James O'Hagan
      Is this REALLY any different, at a rudementary level then what happened in the past. It is just easier to copy and paste. The stupid prompts teachers use should garner the need for thought. It is just that teachers continue to use the same dumb prompts in a world where Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha can provide the easy answer.
  • What is wrong with this is not that students are any lazier now or learning less.
    • James O'Hagan
      Is this even a sentence?!
  • What is really lost when this happens is the self-invention of a human brain. If students don’t learn to think, then no amount of access to information will do them any good.
    • James O'Hagan
      I don't see this as a technology issue, at all. This is a teacher issue. This is an educational issue. This is a systemic problem that if we took all high tech tools out of the schools this would STILL be a problem.
  • I am a technologist, and so my first impulse might be to try to fix this problem with better technology.
    • James O'Hagan
      People applying technologies can solve a problem though. The ultimate example is the Printing Press and what that did to promote education around the world. 
  • it might now lull us into hypnotic complacency.
    • James O'Hagan
      You only have to read 1984 to understand that statement. That one I do agree with.
  • Learning at its truest is a leap into the unknown.
    • James O'Hagan
      So Learning is a leap into the unknown, but we cannot use technology, which produces unknowns, to leap into the unknown of Learning? Am I missing the point?
  • Right now the first way is ubiquitous, but the virtual spaceships are being built only by tenacious oddballs in unusual circumstances. More spaceships, please.
    • James O'Hagan
      I honestly was not agreeing with Lanier, by and large, until this last statement. He really is a Papert-kinda-guy just by that last statement alone. Computers should transform pedagogy and the curriculum. Computers do not have to serve our 20th century curriculums and make people believe that if a computer is involved that this is 21st century learning.
  • a partner architect at Microsoft Research and the innovator in residence at the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California
    • James O'Hagan
daniel rezac

Thoughts By Jen » Blog Archive » Yes, I am Frustrated - 1 views

    For the last few months, there has been a grumbling in my soul regarding my "Personal Learning Network" - or as I prefer to call them "my friends online". Instead of moving forward, it feels we have come to a crossroads and have stalled. As the dweller that I am - I have spent some time in self-reflection of why this might be (both as a participant and also as a grateful receiver of info). …..and just decided to share my thoughts. 1.  The honeymoon is over. The newness of wonderment with this thing called "twitter" or "PLN"  is now over.  We are getting to know each other - the true parts of each other - and seeing each others pros and cons.  With familiarity at times can come contempt.  The being on our best behavior (whether some of us ever really were - grins) has also faded and there is impatience and nit picking where before there was compromise and "this I can ignore."    Plus, the small network that was manageable is now huge - and at times overwhelming and overstimulating. Because the "honeymoon" is over - reality is settling in…..which can be a good thing, as well as bad - it just seems (to me) that we are not as nice to each other as we used to be.
James O'Hagan

Can Mobile Devices Transform Education? - 1 views

  • February 2011 | Volume 53 | Number 2 Make Parents Your Partners    Can Mobile Devices Transform Education? Rick Allen The popularity of smartphones, including Droids, iPhones, and BlackBerries, that now have GPS, texting, voice, and multimedia capabilities has prompted industry and education reformers to shine the light on these mobile devices as vehicles suitable for transforming K–12 learning for the 21st century. Although they present challenges as well as potential benefits, education experts reason that these powerful small computers motivate students; provide constant access to the wealth of knowledge, tools, and experts on the web; and are cheaper and more plentiful than laptops or desktop workstations. "A big c
  • "cognitive audit trail"
  • Students also said they used their wireless devices to look up information on the Internet and consult with other students to share tips for solving problems or clarify their understanding of concepts with the teacher.
    • James O'Hagan
      What was their digital learning space?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Dunleavy hopes his research will determine whether using mobile devices can enhance learning
    • James O'Hagan
      HOPES! There is HOPE! I like "it does" rather than HOPES!
  • The greatest strength of mobile devices could be for outside-the-classroom learning. It's a cheaper way of doing one-to-one learning, and students would have a shorter learning curve because they're used to these devices

High schools need engaging classes | | The Des Moines Register - 1 views

    Shadow a high school student for half a day, suggested Tony Wagner, featured speaker at the Iowa Association of School Boards convention Thursday, during a question-and-answer session after his speech. "Count the number of minutes you are awake in class," continued the national school reform expert, responding to a woman wondering about the connection between boredom and dropouts.
James O'Hagan

Pascack Valley Regional High School District in northern New Jersey goes high-tech, giv... - 0 views

  • If you were to walk around our classes, you’d see students using Google Docs to share documents, to peer edit their papers. You’d walk into a science classroom and they may be using a Wiki space so that they can their data that they’re getting from an experiment
  • Now we’ve had students that have been collaborating on projects with students in Taiwan, China, and we have an Italian class that holds class very early in the morning every Friday morning with a school in Italy
  • Basically, in every class, we’re using laptops to take notes on Microsoft Word
    • James O'Hagan
      That is an AWFUL lead in!
Jay Blackman

Mountain Brook schools booting up for e-day | - 0 views

    via @jimohagan
James O'Hagan

Google's 8-Point Plan to Help Managers Improve - - 0 views

  • What employees valued most were even-keeled bosses who made time for one-on-one meetings, who helped people puzzle through problems by asking questions, not dictating answers, and who took an interest in employees’ lives and careers.
    • James O'Hagan
      How many principals, or superintendents, do you know who are like this?
    Something we can all learn from since many are administrators.
daniel rezac

TED Blog | Let's use video to reinvent education: Salman Khan on - 0 views

    Let's use video to reinvent education: Salman Khan on
Jay Blackman

A Call for More Engineers in Education | MindShift - 0 views

    Not sure if I agree with all of this but it could be interesting from an app angle...
Jay Blackman

Google Not Serious About Online Gaming? This Job Offer Suggests Otherwise - 0 views

    Thought I might steal this for the Educast but it might be fun to speculate elsewhere.
James O'Hagan

MITAR Games | MIT STEP - 0 views

    The MIT Teacher Education Program, in conjunction with The Education Arcade, has been working on creating "Augmented Reality" simulations to engage people in simulation games that combine real world experiences with additional information supplied to them by handheld computers.
daniel rezac

Will Richardson: A Pep Rally for Tests? What We Need Is a 'Prep' Rally - 0 views

  • f all we want for our kids is to pass the test, we really don't need schools any longer. Just load 'em up with a computer, an Internet connection and some test prep guides, and send them to Khan Academy or any number of other similar sites, and let them go crazy.
    Just load 'em up with a computer, an Internet connection and some test prep guides, and send them to Khan Academy or any number of other similar sites, and let them go crazy.
daniel rezac

EdTechTrek - 0 views

  • Educon is described as “both a conversation and a conference”. Although I don’t want to romanticize Educon as a learning event, one of the things I appreciate the most is the nature of the presentations. They are indeed conversations. Dialog and open thinking are essential to the “structure” of the sessions. And, often, the conversations spill over to the hallways, the stairways, the meals, and of course, in virtual spaces. Back to the quotation above, it resonates greatly on a number of dimensions. The essence of its message to me is that innovation happens as a result of continued open exchange of ideas in conjunction with intentional and serendipitous expansion of one’s learning network. It is this open and networked exchange of ideas that leads to the creation of new ideas.
James O'Hagan - 0 views

    According to private industry, this is a 21st Century Classroom
judith epcke

Tell the Kids, "I Stand with Gilbert!" : Stager-to-Go - 0 views

shared by judith epcke on 25 Mar 11 - No Cached
    Possible BlogWatch discussion? Gary makes some interesting points. Could led with Wes' post on the subject then get to Gary's. Maybe for the News segment?
daniel rezac

Mother hopes others will opt out of standardized testing - - 0 views

  • "Testing is a parent's ally" and that in order to compete with countries such as China and India, U.S. schools need to be held to a higher standard. And testing, he says, is the way to do it.
    • daniel rezac
      Testing is a parent's ally? 
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