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Digital citizenship for kids and teens | Raising Children Network - 10 views

    I found this resource very helpful and quite comprehensive. I especially liked the Cyberbullying acronym G.E.T R.I.D. I think this concept would make a great poster to hang on the wall of my classroom when I am a teacher. It passes the C.R.A.P test (Gold, 2010) as it is current being copyrighted from 2006-2016 so I would assume it is updated quite regularly and relevant for the topic. It is reliable because it is supported by the Australian government, Murdoch children's research institute and the Royal Children's hospital in Melbourne among others. The media collaborator is the ABC and it has won quite a few awards. There are no advertisements so I do not think there is any agenda and the information is not really biased in any way, it is quite factual and informative rather than opinionated. One negative that I found was that there are a few statistics mentioned but no reference to what study these statistic come from, making me wonder how reliable they really are. All in all a brilliant resource for understanding the concept of digital citizenship and cyberbullying. Thank you for posting it!
  • ...1 more comment...
    I also found this site great - lots of hyperlinks to take you on a researching journey! It's one of those sites you could spend ages digging through, its also easy to read and well formatted. The above comment was actually what triggered my interest, which is interesting in itself - I guess the more attention something has the more interest it gathers...a good way to explain internet safety to students :)
    I agree, this website is great. I've found it really helpful in my research and it passes the CRAP test :)
    I totally agree with previous comments, this has been very helpful for me as I research information on digital citizenship ;)

Could Checking Facebook in Class Help Students Focus? - Education - GOOD - 2 views

    There is a programme I have heard about called something like 'self-control'. Apparently it allows a student - or their parent - to lock a computer out of a site for a specified period of time, such as 60 minutes, to help the user exercise self-control and get their homework done. Has anyone else heard of this? It would be very welcome in my house!
    Hello Angela I haven't heard of this before... but a Google search turned up this info - it sounds like what you are referring to. You might want to check it out :)
    I think I would use this for myself! I always end up shopping or on facebook when I'm trying to study!

Education World: Help Kids Become Responsible Digital Citizens - 2 views

  • Take Care of Technology Equipment
  • Explore Appropriate and Safe Sites for Learning and Research
  • Copyright Law, Fair Use Act, and Creative Commons Matter
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Help Prevent Cyberbullying
  • Self-image Is Important
  • Make Use of Netiquette
    I believe this article passes the CRAP Test due to this article being relevant and including points 2007-2012. It has many types of information on how to help kids become and stay responsible and safe in digital world.
    I believe this article passes the CRAP Test due to this article being relevant and including reference from 2007-2012. It has many types of information on how to help kids become and stay responsible and safe in digital world.
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