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Integrating Technology to Support Differentiated Instruction - 0 views

    Integrating Technology

6 TED Talks Educators And Students Should Watch Together | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Education is a pretty hot-button issue for so many people out there. The issues in education are numerous and varied, and interestingly, many people find themselves feeling pretty strongly about one or two issues, and could take or leave many of the others. So whether special needs students, public funding, gender equality in education, or something else is ‘your’ issue, you can at least understand that many facets of education get people fired up.

6 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2014 | Edudemic - 0 views

    • Kate Singler
      #1:  This is very similar in education, I think.  Because the students we teach are growing up in the digital era, it is imperative that we utilize social media into our teachings. 
    • Kate Singler
      #2:  In one year of teaching, I can't even count begin to count the number of times I asked students to get off their cell phones.  If they are that connected to mobile devices, why not utilize them as a teaching resource!  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
    • Kate Singler
      I have heard such good things about Google+ and Google+ Hangouts, but I haven't used them or figured them out yet.  Incorporating an assignment using Google+ for this EDLT 561 course may be beneficial for future sections.
  • ...16 more annotations...
    • Kate Singler
      #4:  Do infographics like the one I'm currently looking at fall into the category of images?  I totally agree with this point and can several ways to utilize images through social media in education.  Multimodal learning can be very effective, and I know I personally learn better when I have an image to associate with content.
    • Kate Singler
      The possibilities for using videos in education as a means of social media are endless.  Video sites like Vine are like Twitter (but for videos) in that they are typically very brief.  Using video social media tools like this could help students learn the importance of being concise but effective.
    • Kate Singler
      In online classes, podcasts are extremely important, but I have also seen them used more and more in flipped classrooms.  For example, one of the high school science teachers I used to work with ran her classes as flipped classrooms.  Because of this, she would use podcasts to teach students outside of the actual class time so that when students did show up to class that day, they could hit the ground running with labs, projects, etc.  She was able to get a lot more done by using podcasts, and she expressed how great they are for student review purposes, as well.
  • handy infographic
  • technology and trends are changing all the time
  • 6 trends
  • somewhat geared towards businesses
  • implications
  • classroom
  • must!
  • Social media
  • Mobile is growing
  • Google+
  • Images will be the top content and furthest reaching
  • Video
  • Podcasts will continue to grow

Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup | Edutopia - 1 views

  • High-quality OER can save teachers significant time and effort on resource development and advance student learning inside and outside the classroom.

Making Sense of the Higher Education Technology Landscape - 1 views

  • It’s estimated that colleges and universities will spend between $20B and $25B this year on technology and services
  • We have identified over 50 categories and hundreds of providers that market and sell technology and services to post-secondary institutions, which demonstrates how daunting this market can be for higher education leaders
  • leverage elements of digital disruption to the advantage of their institutions

MIT Team Turns 6.9 Million Clicks Into Insights To Improve Online Education - 1 views

    MIT has been a leader in online education for more than a decade, and many leading thinkers in the evolution of education technology have emerged from the Cambridge, Massachusetts campus. MOOC leader, edX, is run by Anant Agarwal, who is a professor at MIT, for example. The path of progress has [...]

New design for mobifreaks - 1 views

  • ADDIE is an instructional design approach for creating the best instruction in an organized, efficient, and effective manner. As other Instructional System Design (ISD) models, ADDIE provides a step-by-step approach for designing the course or training but it also provides for implementing and improving that instruction. The 5 components or phases of design give ADDIE its name.
  • Analysis:Identify needs and constraints Design:Define learning activities, assessment and media Development: Produce, perform formative evaluation, and revise Implementation: Deliver the instruction Evaluation: Evaluate results

YouTube - 0 views

shared by iclw5582 on 24 Sep 14 - Cached
    Youtube has become one of the most useful tools for many professionals regardless of field. Because of its relative ease of use and availability utilizing youtube as a tool has become commonplace in for many educators especially in online learning.

Overcoming Hurdles to Social Media in Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | - 5 views

    • Kate Singler
      This is the main idea --->
    • Kate Singler
      This is the main idea ---->
  • 2012 study
  • results show
  • ...96 more annotations...
  • faculty
  • very aware of social media
  • levels of social media adoption
  • for teaching purposes lag behind both personal and professional use
  • blogs and wikis
  • social sites most often employed in teaching;
    • Kate Singler
      I wonder why this is...Is it because blogs and wikis are the most practical, or are professors afraid to branch out?
  • faculty are growing more sophisticated in their use of social media
  • certain platforms
  • personal use
  • others for professional
  • instructional purposes
  • pattern might be linked to more experience on social sites
    • Kate Singler
      Do you think there is a place for social media sites like Facebook in education, or should they be corned into the section of personal use only?
    • Kate Singler
      Do you think there is a place for social media sites like Facebook in education, or should they be corned into the section of personal use only?
  • faculty adoption
  • almost universal
  • use of video for classes
  • YouTube
    • Kate Singler
      These are both great resources!
  • students are now more interested
  • YouTube
  • significant levels of faculty concern around using these sites.
  • use both social media and networking sites in teaching
  • would do more with technology if I had more time to develop things
  • more direction
    • Kate Singler
      Time always seems to be an issue when it comes to developing technology tools, especially if it is the first time a person is using it and trying to familiarize themselves with it.
  • eight barriers
  • Integrity
  • submissions
  • privacy
  • Separate
  • accounts
  • Grading
  • Inability to measure effectiveness
  • Lack of integration
  • Takes too much time
  • Lack of support
  • first two worried faculty the mos
  • student submission integrity as the largest obstacle
  • authenticity concern
  • not related solely to teaching with social sites
  • second largest barrier
  • privacy concerns
  • 100 percent of the colleges and universities studied are using it.1
  • using social media for marketing and communication
  • higher-education professionals
  • teaching and learning process
  • faculty
  • faculty concerns about social media
  • how those concerns might be mitigated for some of the more common social network sites
  • female faculty members are more likely to express concerns about privacy than their male counterparts
    • Kate Singler
      Interesting...I wonder why?
  • privacy concerns by faculty
  • warranted
  • 13 million users either didn't know about or hadn't cared to set their Facebook privacy settings
    • Kate Singler
      Wow, that's a little scary...
  • Facebook and Google's privacy policies are harder to comprehend than the average bank credit card agreement
  • social media policies are non-existent or "gray
  • faculty concerns
  • decreasing over time
    • Kate Singler
      Could institutions provide professional development in the realm of social media and its incorporation into the classroom to help these individuals tap into the asset of social media?
  • concerned about removing the "invisible" barrier between instructors and students
  • what you don't know can hurt you
  • strategies for bringing social media into the teaching and learning process while being mindful of integrity and privacy issues
  • create a single Twitter account for their class
  • have the students manage the Twitter account
  • can't tweet from their own
  • students learn what content is appropriate or "tweet-worthy"
  • job postings requiring social media skills rose 87 percent
  • there is something to be said for being concise where it counts
    • Kate Singler
      Interesting concept, and a good point, well made!
  • one of the most popular sites for social sharing for educators
  • a great content-curation tool for instructor
  • create resource boards for themselves, other instructors, or their own students, and use the boards for classroom assignments
  • offers no privacy controls
    • Kate Singler
      I didn't realize the lack of privacy controls on Pinterest until I started pinning things for my wedding.  I had dozens upon dozens of notifications of people repinning this and liking that - mainly from people I didn't know.  I can see where this could be worrisome for educators.
  • on't add any comments that can be taken out of context
  • Think before you pin
  • Don't add any comments that can be taken out of context
  • better privacy protections
  • word clouds
  • see if they've used certain words or phrases too often
    • Kate Singler
      That's really interesting!  I hadn't thought to use Wordle in that way before!
  • walled garden
    • Kate Singler
      I'm not sure I understand what this means...
  • students use social content and toolsets within the environment of an LMS that incorporates social content and tools
  • separate, unique profile specific to academic pursuits
  • educators create a private group on a public social network
    • Kate Singler
      Like our EDLT 561 class has!
  • faculty can ensure distinct boundaries between students' schoolwork and social lives on these sites.
  • concerns are decreasing over time
  • student/alumni community
  • cannot fully replace face-to-face encounters
  • not everybody participates
  • The more that faculty members understand the effective uses of social media for teaching and learning, and the better the industry gets at learning how to balance "privacy" within the social sphere, the faster these new practices will proliferate across higher-education faculty and support student engagement and success.

Lost in Translation: Importance of Effective Communication in Online Education - 0 views

    Approximately 3.9 million students enrolled in at least one online course in fall 2007. According to Allen and Seaman (2008), online education growth rates have continued to outpace total higher education growth rates and there are no signs of online growth slowing down.

Fearless Tech 4 Teachers! - 2 views

    What did one control freak say to another control freak? "Get your hands off my wiki!" If you've heard the word wiki, but are not quite sure what it means or how to use it, then you've come to the right blog! Wikis are webpages created for ongoing editing and revision by one author or multiple authors.

4 Technology Trends Changing Higher Education | Edudemic - 2 views

  • The New Media Consortium (NMC) defines learning analytics as a “field associated with analysing patterns and trends from big data”. Its primary goal is to help educators develop educational programs to address a student’s needs.
  • 3D printing is the process of making products and parts using a computer. It’s a faster and more cost-effective way of building parts from computer-aided designs (CAD).
  • Apps, or applications, have become indispensable tools for learning. In fact, many courses, such as Information Technology courses, have integrated them into their curriculum.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • games have proved to be effective tools for learning. They are helping students learn soft skills like critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving and communication.
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