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Small L.A. Unified campus showing large gains - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • Like many large districts throughout the nation, Los Angeles Unified has been trying to increase the number of smaller learning communities, hoping that personalized instruction would boost student achievement and offer an alternative to charter schools, including the five Green Dot campuses close to Jefferson.
  • the 266 academy students rarely have traditional homework. Instead, they are assigned group projects, often requiring a multimedia approach.
  • Guzman said the work was more interesting than listening to a lecture and doing his homework solo. "It really seems more like a job than school," he said.

Mento - 0 views

shared by Heather Sullivan on 14 May 08 - Cached

FreeRice - 0 views

shared by Heather Sullivan on 14 May 08 - Cached
  • Click on the answer that best defines the word. If you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word. For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. WARNING: This game may make you smarter. It may improve your speaking, writing, thinking, grades, job performance... (more)

Top News - Facebook, states set online safeguards - 0 views

  • Facebook, the world's second-largest social-networking web site, will add more than 40 new safeguards to protect students and other users from sexual predators and cyber bullies, attorneys general from several states said May 8.
  • The changes include banning convicted sex offenders from the site, limiting older users' ability to search online for subscribers under 18, and building a task force seeking ways to better verify users' ages and identities.
  • Officials from Washington, D.C., and 49 states have signed on.
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  • Texas has not endorsed this agreement or a similar one reached in January among the other states, the District of Columbia, and MySpace. Texas officials have said they want quicker action on verifying users' ages and identities than the pacts guarantee.
  • Among other changes, Facebook has agreed to: • Ensure that companies offering services on its site comply with its safety and privacy guidelines. • Keep tobacco and alcohol ads from users too young to purchase those products. • Remove groups whose comments or images suggest they involve incest, pedophilia, bullying, or other inappropriate content. • Send warning messages when a child is in danger of giving personal information to an adult. • Review users' profiles when they ask to change their age, ensuring the update is legitimate and not intended to let adults masquerade as children. - 0 views


Past Sites of Week - Shareology provides an online community for educators to exchange ... - 0 views

  • At, a web site managed by the nonprofit Nicholas Foundation, educators can exchange best practices, review new technologies, post feedback on their innovations, learn from each other's experiences, and find resources to help them succeed in the classroom.
  • educators will find ideas for K-12 instruction, funding sources for projects, and information about technology products and services.
  • The site also includes a Podcasting Corner, which features samples of how students are using podcasts and gives educators ideas for how to use podcasting in their own lessons.
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  • Users can search the site for ideas on classroom instruction, classroom management, and student assessment, and they can sign up to receive a monthly eNewsletter.
  • Searchable subject areas include technology, biology, chemistry, geometry, algebra, computer science, and business.

Around the Web - Software database reveals what kids are reading - 0 views

  • but the largest survey ever of youthful reading in the United States has revealed that none of J.K. Rowling's phenomenally popular books has been able to dislodge the works of longtime favorites Dr. Seuss, E.B. White, Judy Blume, S.E. Hinton, and Harper Lee as the most read.
  • Books by the five well-known U.S. authors, plus lesser-known Laura Numeroff, Katherine Paterson, and Gary Paulsen, drew the most readers at every grade level in a study of 78.5 million books read by more than 3 million children who logged on to the Renaissance Learning web site to take quizzes on books they read last year.

Top News - Latest Wi-Fi standard on the march - 0 views

  • Colleges and universities nationwide are launching the newest generation of Wi-Fi networks even before a final version of the standard has been ratified—a move technology experts say could allow schools to do away with wired networks in the coming years.
  • Network administrators at several universities said higher education is embracing 802.11n technology now, because many students own laptops that are compatible with the newest Wi-Fi option. The "n" standard is expected to allow for faster audio and video streaming, including high-definition television. Digital recordings of lectures also could be accessible through "n" networks. 
  • As more students buy computers and phones with "n" capabilities, "universities are very willing to make their networks into living laboratories,"
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  • The new Wi-Fi option offers download speeds of 120 to 200 megabits per second—rivaling or trumping the speed of a wired network—compared with 54 megabits per second for most other wireless networks
  • Theresa Byrd, chief information officer at Ohio Wesleyan University, said officials were hesitant to commit to the "n" technology until they saw students buying laptops with "n" capabilities. 
  • Once students become accustomed to the increased speed of wireless "n" networks, they will enter the workforce with the same expectations from their employers, which could spur a wireless revolution in small businesses and large corporations across the country, experts said.

Google Labs - 0 views

shared by Heather Sullivan on 07 May 08 - Cached

2008space - - 0 views

    by students from the Youth Twitter Network

Education Week: Online Education Cast as 'Disruptive Innovation' - 0 views

  • Technology-based forces of “disruptive innovation” are gathering around public education and will overhaul the way K-12 students learn—with potentially dramatic consequences for established public schools, according to an upcoming book that draws parallels to disruptions in other industries.
  • The book does hold out hope that established school organizations can adapt to disruptive innovation.
  • Like the leaders in other industries, the education establishment has crammed down technology onto its existing architecture, which is dominated by the “monolithic” processes of textbook creation and adoption, teaching practices and training, and standardized assessment—which, despite some efforts at individualization, by and large treat students the same, the book says.
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  • Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns predicts that the growth in computer-based delivery of education will accelerate swiftly until, by 2019, half of all high school classes will be taught over the Internet.
  • Online Opinion A national survey of 3,200 adults found more support for advanced, college-level courses for high school students and online courses for rural students with limited coursetaking options than for courses targeting dropouts or home-schoolers. Source: Education Next and the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University
  • He underscored that the book does not aim to frighten school leaders, but to urge them to treat the approaching changes as an opportunity rather than a threat.
  • “Whenever an industry gets disrupted, people always consume more, because it’s more affordable, it’s simpler, easier to access, to customize to what they need,” he said. “What a wonderful thing, that we would consume more education.”

Top News - University nixes web access during class - 0 views

  • University of Chicago Law School officials have a simple message for their students: less web surfing, more listening.
  • The school announced April 11 that the distractions afforded by wireless internet access no longer will be available during class time, although laptops still will be permitted for note taking.
  • the University of Chicago Law School is believed to be among the first to implement a school-wide ban.
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  • "What makes our law school is our faculty," Peter Rock Ternes, a second-year Chicago law school student, said in a statement. "I think it makes sense to encourage focusing on them and on the classroom discussions." Banning internet access in classrooms, Levmore said, would restore basic rules of politeness and professional etiquette between students and professors.
  • A professor at Harvard Law School who did not want her name published in this article said disallowing laptops has cultivated class discussion and student participation.

Top News - Blogging helps encourage teen writing - 0 views

  • Blogging helps encourage teen writing Survey reveals that student bloggers are more prolific and appreciate the value of writing more than their peers
  • Buried beneath the alarm of writing "purists," however, was a promising finding with equally important implications for schools: Blogging is helping many teens become more prolific writers.
  • The survey, conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project with support from the College Board and its National Commission on Writing,
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  • Forty-seven percent of teen bloggers write outside of school for personal reasons several times a week or more, compared with 33 percent of teens without blogs. Sixty-five percent of teen bloggers believe that writing is essential to later success in life; 53 percent of non-bloggers say the same thing.
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