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Roland Gesthuizen

Citizen Scientists Making Incredible Discoveries - NASA Science - 3 views

  • "Not only are people better than computers at detecting the subtleties that differentiate galaxies, they can do things computers can't do, like spot things that just look interesting,"
  • And the Zooniverse team has proven that the Zooites' classifications are as good as those by professional astronomers. "Their contributions are extremely important," says Lintott. "They're helping us learn how galaxies form and evolve. And they take their work seriously." But that doesn't prevent them from bringing a sense of adventure and just sheer fun to the research.
    nd now you can be the one to find it, thanks to Zooniverse, a unique citizen science website. Zooniverse volunteers, who call themselves "Zooites," are working on a project called Galaxy Zoo, classifying distant galaxies imaged by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
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