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Roland Gesthuizen

Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff - - 0 views

    You can save about $3500 hundred dollars per classroom if you buy a tablet and projector rather than an interactive whiteboard and get the same results, but you don't know that because this and other research (almost always commissioned by IWB companies) is purposely misleading you, comparing classrooms with IWBs to those without technology rather than comparing classrooms with IWBs to the much less expensive projectors/laptop or projector/tablet combo.
Roland Gesthuizen

Death of the IWB? | Australian Teacher Magazine - No.1 national education sector publication - 4 views

  • Where, perhaps, when considering how to best set up learning spaces for our students, we once thought it was a choice between a regular whiteboard and an interactive whiteboard, we now have a full array of options to choose from.
  • In our senior school, on the other hand, what a lesson looks like has been more radically shifting. Recently we have been able to flood our senior school with MacBooks and iPads.
  • Students have access to the tools and devices that can empower them to discover things for themselves. They can take charge of their learning, and personalise it in a way that never before has been possible.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I was able to get in 55” LCD TVs for around $1300 (ex GST). Adding a trolley for the TV was another $600. A grand total of $1900 meant we still had around $6000 in the bank compared to if we had purchased more IWBs with ultra short throw widescreen projectors.
    "IT'S been over a year now since I removed an interactive whiteboard (IWB) from a classroom wall for the first time. Yes, you read that right: removed. And not to put another one up. In fact, what went in its place was a good old-fashioned non-interactive whiteboard - the same sort we tore down just two years earlier."
John Pearce

Why we're betting the Chromebook isn't just another interactive whiteboard - 1 views

    "There was a lot of head-nodding around the office when Jason Orbaugh's article for EdSurge "Lessons from the Downfall of Interactive Whiteboards" made the rounds on TechSmith's internal social media site few months back. When we visit schools and ask teachers how they're actually using their IWBs, the answers would probably surprise the people who wrote the checks for these devices. But we're making a huge bet that things are going to be different with Chromebooks. Why? "
Darrel Branson

CUE Live 2009 - Dr. Robert Marzano and Dr. Debra Pickering Video - 0 views

    A follow up to the IWB link from last week's podcast. Video > Popular Posts - (beta) > CUE Live 2009 - Dr. Robert Marzano And Dr. Debra Pickering
Shane Roberts

Everyday Mathematics - eToolkit - 8 views

    Resource for IWBs
Shane Roberts | Interactive Whiteboard Teaching Resources | - 11 views

    A range of IWB resources
Gillian Light

Math Cats -- fun math for kids - 0 views

    Simple website with some problems which could be useful if displayed on IWB
John Pearce

Dr. Z Reflects: Poof! Your iPad Becomes an Interactive Whiteboard - 5 views

    "I have never been a big fan of the Interactive Whiteboards (IWB). We continually cry for more student-centric problem-based learning curriculum and then we introduce these BIG TICKET devices to maintain the teacher's control of the classroom. Where is the sense in that? We need to provide a system where the control is in the students' hands. That IS the definition of student-centric."
Rob Rankin

The Tempered Radical - 4 views

    5 questions to ask BEFORE buying IWBs (or any new technology).
riss leung

:: e-Learning for Kids :: - 0 views

    Amazing site with loads of interactiove activities. Great for IWBs!
Ian Guest

Sketchometry - 3 views

    "Intuitive mathematics software for tablets, desktop computers, and whiteboards."
John Pearce

: PBS LearningMedia - 0 views

    PBS LearningMedia™ is your destination for easy, instant access to tens of thousands of classroom-ready, digital resources including videos and interactives perfect for the Interactive Whiteboard, plus audio and photos, and even in-depth lesson plans. You can search, save, and share with ease. Best of all, PBS LearningMedia™ is free for educators. Register today!
John Pearce

Education Week: Battle for Whiteboard-Market Supremacy Heats Up - 2 views

    "The battle for supremacy in the K-12 whiteboard market is heating up. Companies are scrambling for new sources of revenue, making strategic moves to reinvent their products in the age of tablet computing, and sizing up their competitors to see what they can do to differentiate themselves from the pack. Who ultimately ends up on top has huge implications for educational technology leaders, who must determine which company is the best fit for their needs, and at a cost their districts can afford in still-difficult budget times. Complicating those decisions are changes in the technological landscape that are raising questions about the long-term educational relevance of interactive whiteboards. Do classrooms really need them in the age of iPads?"
Ian Guest

Open Sankoré | The Free Interactive Whiteboard Software - 4 views

    "Free, open-source interactive digital teaching software"
Ian Guest

Games for the Brain - 4 views

    Play neverending quiz, memory & brain games to train your thinking
Shelly Terrell

Welcome - 3 views

    Welcome to these pages of resource links, rubrics, work samples and ideas for your tech integration and IB needs.
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