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Shelly Terrell

10 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen - 4 views

    "September 27, 2014 Projecting your iPad on a large screen is great for demonstrations, simulations, explanations, and showing examples. There are several ways this can be done in the classroom.  VGA or HDMI Adapter Connect directly from your device to a projector's video cable. Click to find out which of the four possible adapters is the one you need. Document Camera Put your device under a camera connected to a projector. Glare may be a problem. Your audience can see your fingers.. Search Amazon for document cameras. Apple TV Connect an Apple TV to your projector and use your device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Apple TV is available from AirServer Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get AirServer at Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Download the Annotate Mirror Client.  Mirroring360 Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Download Mirroring360. Reflector Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get Reflector at X-Mirage Install software on your projector-connected computer and use device's AirPlay feature to mirror the screen. Get X-Mirage. iTools Install software on your projector-connected computer and attach device using its USB cable and choose Live Desktop. Macs can wirelessly mirror to iTools. It's beta software with no documentation and can be buggy. English version currently not available. OS X 10.10 Yosemite Update to OS X Yosemite on your projector-connected Mac and attach device using its Lightning cable. Open QuckTime & choose iPad as the camera source.  If you don't mind keeping your iPad in one spot, then a VGA adapter (for 30-pin Dock connector or for the new Lightning
Shelly Terrell

Teachers speak out - the full results of the Guardian Teacher Network survey | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional - 3 views

    he job of teaching * Join in the discussion reddit this Comments (1) Wendy Berliner Guardian Professional, Monday 3 October 2011 18.30 BST Article history Teacher Daniel Hartley from Chulmleigh Community College, Devon. Photograph: Apex Back in the summer we decided here at GTN HQ that, with our membership rocketing, it was the right time to mark our first six months in operation with a survey to find out what members thought about teaching today. There were questions across a wide spectrum of topics and, at the end, we left a free text box for teachers to add any comments they wanted to share. It was the dying days of the summer holiday - August 25 - when it went out just after lunch. We knew the survey would take ten or 15 minutes to complete so we weren't quite expecting what happened next, but within those first few hours after its release, we realised you had started something big. By 10.30pm that night we'd had several hundred questionnaires back, which in itself was impressive with many teachers perhaps still away on holiday or back but busy preparing for the new term. The most impressive thing of all was the content of those text boxes. There was just so much of it. Some people wrote several hundred words at a time, speaking clearly from the heart and arguing cogently against the things they felt were going wrong in education. A love of teaching and vocational pleasure felt working with children and young people emerged but it was emerging from a fog caused by far less pleasant aspects of the job - disrespect from society and governments, bullying by senior management, other teachers, parents and students, despair at the parenting skills of some homes and despair with government targets and league tables that were funnelling education into an ever thinner tube feeding stuff that improved Sats and exam results rather than nourishing a lifelong love of learning. One former solicitor questioning the sense of the switch into teaching said: " M
John Pearce

Part 1… The Google Advanced Search.. Basic Student Skills And Learning « 21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning - 1 views

    "Welcome to another post that is a new entry in my Googal In Google Series. In fact, I was ecstatic about the enthusiastic responses from my Ten Items All Should Know When Using Google Basic Search… Far From Basic posting. (If you didn't see it, give it a click.) In this first of a three part posting I will cover some great things to know about Google Advanced Search. I will even try to convince you that perhaps you will increase student understanding by teaching them to search with the Advanced Search Page! As always, feel free to subscribe to this Blog by RSS or email, follow me on twitter at (@mjgormans), and also discover some great resources at my 21centuryedtech Wiki! You will also find my other postings at Tech and Learning Magazine. Now let's take a moment and advance to some of the advanced search strategies using Google Advanced Search! - Have a great week - Mike"
John Pearce

The History 2.0 Classroom: X Evernote X Explain Everything X iPads - 3 views

    conjunction with Explain Everything, students now have the ability to publish blog posts through their existing Evernote account that can include customized images, graphics or posters. One of my favorite uses for Explain Everything is to create graphics by using the cropping image & text feature. Once the graphic is created, it can either be exported to the camera roll or uploaded directly to Evernote. Once the image is included in the Evernote note that is tagged with "published", the blog post will appear on the blog with the custom image. (If publishing directly from Explain Everything to Evernote, remember to go into the note and add the "published" tag word).
Darrel Branson

BlogBooker - Blog Book - 3 views

    Create a PDF from your blog posts. "BlogBooker produces a high-quality PDF Blog Book from all your blog's entries and comments. Archives can be generated from any blog running on WordPress, LiveJournal (and derivatives) or Blogger."

How to Make Money from Blogging Part 2 - 0 views

    If you've been on our website for a while you probably have come across our first post about how to make money from blogging. If you liked that, here's a few more ideas and tips on how you can profit from running your very own blog! Read more
John Pearce

In Search of the Other: Decoding Digital Natives | DMLcentral - 4 views

    "This is the first post of a research inquiry that questions the ways in which we have understood the Youth-Technology-Change relationship in the contemporary digital world, especially through the identity of 'Digital Native'. Drawing from three years of research and current engagements in the field, the post begins a critique of how we need to look at the outliers, the people on the fringes in order to unravel the otherwise celebratory nature of discourse about how the digital is changing the world. In this first post, I chart the trajectories of our research at the Centre for Internet and Society (Bangalore, India) and Hivos (The Hague, The Netherlands) to see how alternative models of understanding these relationships can be built."
John Pearce

Snapshot of a Modern Learner - Amherst, NY, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - A Professional Networking Community for Educators - 2 views

    Santos is not an enigma, but he is misunderstood. Santos sends approximately 125 texts per day. He sneaks his phone into his classes either in his book bag or his jacket and is online just about all day. He posts messages to Facebook during class. He looks up answers to definitions of words online. He checks sports scores, plays games, posts his location so his friends can find him easily, and streams music through an app on his phone. His teachers use technology as an event. Outside of school, he doesn't separate technology from other activities. For him, it is air or water, something that he doesn't really think about because it's always available.
John Pearce

Top 7 Myths Of Mobile Learning | Upside Learning Blog - 2 views

    When it comes to mobile learning myths and misconceptions abound. The mlearning domain is still new to many, so this confusion is to be expected. These myths are holding back widespread adoption of mobile learning in the workplace. Here is a list of the more common ones I come across. Also contrast with a list of myths we posted on this blog a couple of years ago.
Ian Guest

Playing the Role of MOOC Skeptic: 7 Concerns - 0 views

    Blog post from Inside Higher Ed which lists some concerns ... the follow-up comments express varied and alternate views.
Kathleen Morris

7 lessons educators can learn from the Urban Outfitters PR disaster | 21st Century Collaborative - 8 views

    Must read post about the power of Twitter and blogging, and how it can be used in the classroom
Ian Guest

Which Are More Legible: Serif or Sans Serif Typefaces? - 2 views

    Detailed blog post by Alex Poole
Ian Guest

Your Friendly Guide to Colors in Data Visualisation - 5 views

    "Once upon a time, I tweeted on an urgent matter. "Can somebody tell me how to get better with color?" I wrote." My color decisions are awful." I got a lot of replies with links to tools. They were awesome, so I collected them in a blog post."
    Thanks For Your Guide. Keep sharing More Info with Us
Kathleen Morris

Blog the Leap Year - 1 views

  • is a global blogging project that will cross all age groups and continents. As soon as Feb 29th 2012 begins in Tonga, the will open up for posts for one day only.
John Pearce

Mr G Online: iPad - 13 views

    "This is my first attempt at blogging. I want to write about iPads in schools ( a crowded blogosphere there) from real world experience. I want to share how Web tools can change education. I want to write what I believe ( not what I'm expected to believe ), hopefully by thinking before I post. I want to get our students inspired to write by blogging themselves so they can see writing has a real purpose beyond file books and NAPLAN assessments! I want to inspire and encourage my own colleagues ( and hopefully others outside my school ) to take a chance and think outside the comfort zone of the 20th Century where I began my life as a teacher." This URL is the iPad category of Mr G Online.
Rhondda Powling

What is Evernote? | Using Evernote | How To Blog Better - 3 views

    Interesting post discussing another way to use Evernote - this time to keep a blog organised.
Adam Brice

Emergency Management for Schools - 3 views

    Following on from my last feel-good link 'Stop Disaster' I received a response from a post I put up about the game at my blog - Melanie, the Manager - School Education, National Security Capability Development Division, Attorney General's Department came across the post and shared this link with me. 'Dingo Creek - the disaster' and 'Dingo Creek - The Recovery' immerses students in an emergency management situation and gets them to make decisions will change the course of the game. The great thing this has been developed for Australian students. There are also offline units and lesson resources to download from the site. Another great resource for incorporating games / simulations effectively into the curriculum.
Ian Guest

Sutton Trust Report 2014 - 3 views

    "This post aims to collate news coverage and blog posts about the recently published Sutton trust report into what makes great teaching." By @mrocallaghan_edu
Ian Guest

How To Train Your Robot - 2 views

    A blog post outlining how to introduce programming to our youngest students in an interesting and involving way - no computers needed!!!
Ian Guest

Driving down Social Media Way - 2 views

    "Imagine for a second if we taught our teenagers to drive a car in the same manner we attempt to teach them about social media." Blog post by Dan Haesler
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