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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Clay Leben

Clay Leben

Learning_20_for_Associations_v1.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    A free ebook on how professional associations and groups can use web2.0 tech for elearning solutions. Examples of blogging, podcasting, and course development tools.
    A free ebook on how professional associations and groups can use web2.0 tech for elearning solutions. Examples of blogging, podcasting, and course development tools. By Jeff Thomas Cobb. also has podcasts on elearning and associations.
Clay Leben

AACE Global U - Social Media Seminar Series - 0 views

    Series of free live webinars on the topic of Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning. Led by George Siemens and David Cormier. Next event is 9 PM (EST) on August 10. Also Sept 8 at 3 PM, October 13 at 9 PM, November 10 at 3 PM, and December 8 at 9 PM.
Clay Leben

Teaching with Technology / Index - 0 views

    An large directory of online software and services useful for teaching. Catagorized by function. The site is also a wiki so it can be improved by many persons.
Clay Leben

From Joystick to Diploma: Great Sites for Online Educational Video Games | AceOnlineSch... - 0 views

    Blog entry with a list of some great educational game sites. Found on @edu_tweets.
Clay Leben

WebEnabled (beta) | Free Hosting for developers - 0 views

    Host up to 3 apps like Drupal or Joomla or WP for free. 1GB storage. Major apps are easily installed for you. Get a domain and point to this host.
    Host up to 3 apps like Drupal or Joomla or WP for free. 1GB storage. Major apps are easily installed for you. Get a domain and point to this host. A new business model for hosting?
Clay Leben

Brain Rules: 12 Principles - 0 views

    Popular book and DVD explaining brain functioning research. Applications to learning. Great tutorials to try out the "rules"
    Web site has fair amount of freely accessible sample and examples and tutorials.
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