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Tony Richards

This Little-Known iOS Feature Will Change the Way We Connect | Gadget Lab | WIRED - 1 views

    "The idea behind FireChat is simple. It's a chatting app. After registering with a name - no email address or other personal identifiers required - you're dropped into a fast-moving chatroom of "Everyone" using it in your country. The interesting aspect, however, is the "Nearby" option. Here, the app uses Apple's Multipeer Connectivity framework, essentially a peer-to-peer feature that lets you share messages (and soon photos) with other app users nearby, regardless of whether you have an actual Wi-Fi or cellular connection."
    "apple apps peer to peer security FOLLOW WIRED Twitter Facebook RSS This Little-Known iOS Feature Will Change the Way We Connect"

mywritinglab Homework Help Now! Best Answers Online - Studyfull. - 0 views

    mywritinglab Homework help - post Assignments, Research Papers and Homework Questions. Chat with experts online now!. Get mywritinglab help at Studyfull. Ask your mywritinglab homework questions and get answers from verified experts. Thousands of online mywritinglab experts are ready to help you with your mywritinglab homework now!

10+ Online Collaboration Tools for Managing Remote Teams - 0 views

    Below there is a list of 10 ultimate team collaboration tools you will find useful when working with a remote team. Lack of effective tools, however, might hinder the productivity of your team so making the right choice in terms of software that would empower the team collaboration, will save you from facing numerous challenges.

best school app - 1 views

a school app with multiple features like chat and GPS Tracking.

school app

started by junctiontech on 11 May 17 no follow-up yet

Địa chỉ bán gốm sứ để biếu tặng uy tín chất lượng nhất - 0 views

    Cần mua gốm sứ để biếu tặng, nhiều người lựa chọn các sản phẩm gốm sứ cao cấp. Tuy nhiên, địa chỉ bán những mặt hàng này uy tín chất lượng nhất không phải ai cũng biết. Chính vì vậy, mình sẽ giới thiệu với bạn địa chỉ bán để bạn tham khảo.


    Chum sành là vật dụng ngâm ủ và bảo quản rượu trong thời gian dài. Vì thế, chum sành có khả năng tác động trực tiếp đến sức khỏe người dùng. Toàn bộ sản phẩm chum sành ngâm rượu của Gốm sứ Bảo Khánh đã được chứng nhận an toàn sức khỏe do Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn và Đo lường chất lượng kiểm chứng.

Buy Wechat Account-- 100% Fully Verified & cheap... - 0 views

    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Microblogging platform WeChat offers a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with potential customers. A WeChat account allows businesses to set up a presence on the platform and share updates, articles, and promotions with users. Why do they buy WeChat? When talking about why people buy WeChat, there are a few different reasons. The most common one is because WeChat is a Chinese app, and a lot of people who are not from China want to use it to communicate with friends or family who live in China. Another reason is that WeChat is a very convenient app that offers a lot of features, such as messaging, calling, and even payments. Finally, some people may buy WeChat because it is becoming more and more popular, and they want to be part of the trend. We chat accounts unlimited sell low price Are you interested in purchasing a WeChat account? You're in luck! We're here to sell you a WeChat account for a low, low price! WeChat is a messaging and social media app that's monstrously popular in China. It has over 1 billion active monthly users, making it one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. WeChat is much more than just a messaging app though - it also offers a variety of features such as payment options, news updates, and much more. If you're interested in purchasing a WeChat account, then you've come to the right place. We offer WeChat accounts for sale at a very low price, so you can get started using this incredibly popular app without breaking the bank. WeChat accounts come with a variety of features, so you can customise your account to suit your needs. Whether you're looking for a messaging app with a built-in payment system, or you want to keep up with the latest news and information from China, WeChat has you covered. So what are you waiting for? Get started using WeChat today by purchasing an account from us. We promise you won't be disappointed! Wechat Account Sell 3 year old account A
Clay Leben

Chatbots for Good: Introduction to empathetic chatbots - developerWorks Courses - 13 views

    Learn how to develop chatbot technology
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