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Buy Twitter Accounts - Buy Bulk, PVA, Old, OG & Verified ... - 0 views

    Buy Twitter Accounts Introduction Users of the social networking site Twitter send and receive 140-character messages known as "tweets." The limited 140-character limit on Twitter is what makes it unique from other social networks like Facebook and Tumblr, which enable users to send messages that are much longer. Hashtags, which are used to organize tweets about related subjects, are another feature of Twitter that are well known. Buy Twitter Accounts What Is a Twitter Accounts? Both personal and professional uses are allowed for Twitter accounts. Individuals can use Twitter to share tidbits of their lives with friends and relatives. Twitter can be used by businesses as a marketing tool to advertise goods and services or to communicate with clients and offer client care. Buy Twitter Accounts If Twitter is new to you, you might be wondering how to create an account. An account on Twitter can be created quickly and easily. We'll walk you through the process of setting up a Twitter account in this article.
John Pearce

The Twitteraholic's Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter - The Ed... - 6 views

    "Most educators who learn to use Twitter effectively say they learn more from their personal learning network (PLN) on Twitter than they've achieved from any other forms of professional development or personal learning. Unfortunately educators often dismiss Twitter, or fail to see the value of Twitter, when they're first introduced to Twitter. Our aim of this post is to provide all the information you need to learn how to use Twitter effectively as an educator. We regularly update this post with new information.  This post was last updated June, 2014."
Rhondda Powling

What Twitter offers teachers: The evidence | EduResearch Matters - 6 views

    This offers some research-based evidence about how Twitter can be useful to educators. "In order to convince teachers of the possible benefits of using a new technology, such as Twitter, we decided to look for evidence of its qualities. What in particular, does Twitter offer educators? Is it worth getting involved?" 30 leading educators (with an interest in educational technology) were identified. They were the ones who were currently using Twitter. The study analysed samples of their tweets in order to determine their purpose and the possible benefits of the tweets to their followers. Also examined were a sample of tweets from the twitter streams of two popular educational hashtags: #edchat and #edtech, in order to determine what 'followers' may gain."
John Pearce

Twitter now lets you receive direct messages from any follower | The Verge - 0 views

    "Twitter is rolling out an option to ease the use of direct messages. Traditionally, Twitter has allowed users who follow each other to send direct messages back and forth, or for users to send direct messages to accounts that follow them. A new setting, that appears to have been rolling out over the past week, allows Twitter users to receive direct messages from any follower. "If you check this option, any Twitter user that follows you will be able to send you a DM, regardless of whether you decide to follow them back," says a note before the option is turned on."
John Pearce

A Eulogy for Twitter - Adrienne LaFrance and Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic - 2 views

    "Something is wrong on Twitter. And people are noticing. Or, at least, the kind of people we hang around with on Twitter are noticing. And it's maybe not a very important demographic, this very weird and specific kind of user: audience-obsessed, curious, newsy. Twitter's earnings last quarter, after all, were an improvement on the period before, and it added 14 million new users for a total of 255 million. The thing is: Its users are less active than they once were. Twitter says these changes reflect a more streamlined experience, but we have a different theory: Twitter is entering its twilight."
John Pearce - 0 views

  • is a Twitter service that can provide you with the most detailed information about a specific Twitter user in the least amount of time! Here's how it works. You input a Twitter name into the searchbox and hit enter. gets access to the profile of that user via the Twitter API, scans all the public info and the latest 200 tweets! In general, you'd read those 200 messages to get to know what that specific user is all about, right? Well you don't have to! has done that for you already, and provides you only with the most significant parts of those 200 tweets. It builds up three tag clouds: topics, #hashtags and @mentions, all based on the user's recent activity, AND excluding all stop words! Isn't that great?
Darrel Branson

19 Handy Twitter Mashups and Tools | Design And Marketing Blog - Houston Web Design - S... - 0 views

    Twitter mashups and tools put a unique spin on the way we use Twitter. By "mashing" information from Twitter with other applications, you get an unmatchable user experience that can be both fun and useful. Enjoy these top 19 Twitter mashups.
Aaron Davis - 0 views

  • “The Death of Twitter” is Not About Twitter
  • Twitter is, as my research continues to show, a path to voice. At the same time, Twitter is also a free soapbox for all kinds of shitty and hateful statements that minimize or reinforce marginalization, as any woman or person of colour who’s dared to speak openly about the raw deal of power relations in society will likely attest
  • The rot we’re seeing in Twitter is the rot of participatory media devolved into competitive spheres where the collective “we” treats conversational contributions as fixed print-like identity claims
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This doesn’t mean I’m leaving Twitter. I’m not leaving Twitter. If this post is a fruit fly signalling rot, it is likewise the testament of a life dependent on the decaying platform for its sustenance. The fruit is still sweet, around the rotten bits. And there is no other fruit in the basket that will do so well.
    Interesting discussion of Twitter by Bonnie Stewart
Aaron Davis

8 Important Things You Need to Know about Twitter Hashtags - Brilliant or Insane - 0 views

  • 1-Twitter hashtags create conversations
  • 2-Anything can be a Twitter hashtag
  • 3-Twitter hashtags are both synchronous and asynchronous. . . sort of
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • 4-Using Twitter hashtags can increase your following
  • 5-The magic number is no more than 2 (OK, I know that’s not really a number)
  • 6-Twitter doesn’t care about placement or capitalization
  • 7-Twitter hashtags must be unique for small group conversation
  • 8-Twitter hashtags and the rule of 140
John Pearce

Twitter's Advanced Search: how businesses can use it to their advantage - 0 views

    "For businesses, being able to keep track of specific conversations on Twitter can be very important. While there are social media listening tools/platforms that can help you follow set conversations, there are ways you can achieve this on Twitter if you cannot afford to invest in a comprehensive social media listening platform itself. With the use of Advanced Search or a few tweaks to your normal searches on Twitter, you'll find you can really narrow down which conversations you focus on."
John Pearce

Twitter is the Fastest Growing Social Network [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    "Did you know that Twitter is now the fastest growing social network in the world increasing by 40% over the last half of 2012? According to data by Global Webindex, there are 485 million total account holders and 288 million active Twitter users. This new visualization also gives an interesting glimpse into the demographics of the Twitter user base. "
John Pearce

GroupTweet | Group Twitter Accounts Made Easy - 6 views

    "Classrooms using GroupTweet are realizing this is the perfect tool to setup a Group Twitter Account. No more messing with hashtags and having to instruct each student to setup their own hashtag searches or follow every other student in order to follow the conversation. With GroupTweet, your classroom will now have a single Twitter account that can be updated by all the students as well as instructors. It's a great way to organize and archive your classroom discussion under a single Twitter timeline."
Jarrod Robinson

The 14 Day Twitter Challenge | Smore - 4 views

    Without a doubt the connections and learning that is possible within Twitter is simply second to none. However even with all of the amazing benefits many teachers new to Twitter sign up, tweet once or twice, miss the benefit and let their accounts fade to oblivion. So to assist with the goal of helping teachers unlock the potential, I have designed a 14 day twitter challenge. Follow it and reap the benefits of powerful connections.
Darren Murphy

Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools! - 0 views

    Various Twitter-related tools and plugins have been multiplying fast over since we did our big Twitter Toolbox and 8 awesome Firefox plugins for Twitter
John Pearce

Snap Bird - search twitter's history - 6 views

    While Twitter is a great online social network, there is a lot of room for improvement in its search interface. If you want to find an old Tweet or entry, then you have to go through many search pages before you find what you are looking for. Twitter search is made much more convenient by SnapBird, an absolutely free Twitter client that lets you easily search the Twitter stream.
John Pearce

Twitter, algorithms, and digital dystopias | Doug Belshaw's blog - 2 views

    "This may be overstating or overthinking the situation. Twitter is just a website. Yet, I can point to many opportunities, jobs, and (most importantly) friendships that sprung from it. Some married friends met on Twitter. It's tempting to give an importance to the service for those of us who joined early and were able to reap these benefits, but that doesn't mean Twitter needs to stick around forever. It matters. Or mattered. To me, I'm unsure which just yet."
John Pearce

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category | TeachThought - 4 views

    "In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site. Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren't available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we're proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today."
John Pearce

Twopcharts Overview - Check out the most popular twitter users by language and by city - 0 views

    "We have made an effort to find the most influential active Twitter users for cities around the world, as well as widely spoken languages. By selecting any of the cities or languages below you will be directed to a dedicated page with several lists and search capabilities. We have also created a number of twitter tools that can be used for any Twitter account. The menu above shows you the current selection of tools. We welcome any suggestions you may have."
John Pearce

Phil Bradley's weblog: Twitter chat software - 1 views

    "One of the very interesting aspects of Twitter is the ability to have online chats about specific subjects, usually lasting for an hour or so. These chats utilise a particular hashtag, and people who want to engage in the chat will keep an eye out for the particular tag, and will use it themselves if they want to become involved. There are hundreds of chats taking place on a regular basis and there's a useful community run document that lists many of them."
John Pearce

Best Tools to Summarize Twitter Hashtags | Search Engine People | Toronto - 3 views

    "The easiest way to utilize Twitter to its greatest potential is through monitoring hashtags - which means getting a full summery of data that explains how they are being used. This is such a big part of applying Twitter as a professional tool today that endless programs have been created to help you do it. Whether it is seeing the analytics of a hashtag, or just finding out which ones are used most often, these ten tools will help you do it."
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