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Recycling and eWaste news: e-waste certification program launched - 0 views

    The Basel Action Network and the electronics TakeBack Coalition have joined with electronic Recyclers International of Fresno to create the "e-Stewards Initiative" - a certification program for North America's most responsible e-waste recyclers. The e-Steward Initiative is described as the first independently audited and accredited electronic waste recycler certification program forbidding the dumping of toxic e-waste in developing countries, local landfills and incinerators; the use of prison labor; and the unauthorized release of private data.The Basel Action Network and the electronics TakeBack Coalition have joined with electronic Recyclers International of Fresno to create the "e-Stewards Initiative" - a certification program for North America's most responsible e-waste recyclers. The e-Steward Initiative is described as the first independently audited and accredited electronic waste recycler certification program forbidding the dumping of toxic e-waste in developing countries, local landfills and incinerators; the use of prison labor; and the unauthorized release of private data.

MediaGlobal: Hewlett Packard initiative calls for improved management of electronic was... - 0 views

    Hewlett Packard (HP), in collaboration with the Global Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF), and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (empa), has launched a groundbreaking initiative to develop sustainable recycling processes to tackle the problem of e-waste in Africa. For the past two years, the initiative has been overseeing a pilot program facility in South Africa and conducting e-waste management assessment studies in both Kenya and Morocco; the goal of the assessments is ultimately to properly determine each country's ability to deal with the e-waste there, whether it arose from electronics that were purchased new within the country and are now reaching their end of life, or from electronics that were shipped illegally from other countries. The project has been examining efforts by both African governments and organizations to safely handle e-waste. The project has been compiling extensive information, such as the policy and legal framework in each country, standard settings for e-waste treatment, organizations and programs already in place to safely process e-waste, and the actual amounts of e-waste present. MediaGlobal article by Shefali Lall, 7/20/09.

E-WastE ManagEmEnt - 3 EffEctivE Ways to ProtEct ThE EnvironmEnt - 0 views

    With the ever increasing issues related to e-Waste people around the globe are understanding the need of e-waste management. Considering the effective implementation of basic 3R techniques one can easily contribute towards conserving the environment. Veracity World, UAe is one such company that leads the market by offering effective e-Waste management services.

Pacific Northwest's e-Waste 'Paradigm Shift' Launches Jan. 1 | GreenerComputing - 0 views

    New e-waste recycling laws passed in Oregon and Washington take effect on New Year's Day, requiring electronics manufacturers to recycled old hardware, and promising to spur the growth of responsible e-waste disposal. The laws, which passed in mid-2007 in Oregon and in 2006 in Washington, require manufacturers to pay for the recycling of their electronics products sold in each state, and is expected to collect as much as 12 million pounds of electronics in Oregon and about 25 million in Washington in the first year alone. The new laws are among the toughest in the country, and highlight what e-waste and public health advocates say is the best solution to the country's -- and the planet's -- enormous e-waste problem. As we found in researching electronic waste in 2008's State of Green Business report, the mountain of potentially valuable (and often toxic) electronic waste is growing substantially faster than companies and governments are able to collect and recycle it. In the wake of a harshly critical government report and an eye-opening exposé on television's 60 Minutes newsmagazine, e-waste has spent a lot of time in the limelight this year. And the new laws promise to help turn the tide from what activist groups have called "anarchy" in the e-waste takeback market.

Center gears up to recycle analog TVs / - 0 views

    Scott County's electronic demanufacturing facility hopes holiday digital TV purchases will translate to analog TVs being recycled. To encourage e-waste recycling, Scott County residents can drop off electronic waste at no charge from now until Feb. 27 at Waste Commission of Scott County, 1048 e. 59th St., Davenport. In 2007, more than 15,000 pounds of e-waste -- anything with a circuit board or cathode ray tube -- was recycled between Thanksgiving and Jan. 4, said erin Robinson, communications coordinator. Officials anticipate even more as many residents replace analog TVs to coincide with broadcasters' switch to digital broadcasting. However, all e-waste is accepted. Computers, monitors, videocassette recorders, DVD players, stereos, cell phones, cameras, printers and scanners are included. When the waste commission opened its e-waste facility in 2005, 560,000 pounds of materials were recycled. In 2007, the amount of material recycled jumped to 1.1 million pounds. Recycling e-waste saves space at the Scott County landfill and prevents toxic materials from entering it.

e-Waste Recovery and Recycling - 1 views

    "Discarded electronic products and components - or e-waste, as they are collectively known - can represent either a major environmental dilemma or a massive potential economic windfall. If treated properly, much e-waste may be reclaimed or recycled for future use and converted into a significant new revenue stream. Improperly treated e-waste, on the other hand, poses a massive threat to the world's ecosystem and can result in contamination to the soil, air, and water, while also exposing workers, nearby residents, and wildlife to a multitude of health hazards. This study forecasts that the worldwide market for e-waste recovery will grow from $5.7 billion in 2009 to nearly $14.7 billion by the end of 2014, representing a CAGR of 20.8% over the forecast period. This figure represents money generated through reclamation of valuable materials from e-scrap."

Managing ElEctronic WastE: IssuEs with Exporting E-WastE - 0 views

    Answering questions about both e-waste disposal and recycling involves a host of challenges. For example, little information is available to allow a complete assessment of how e-waste ultimately managed. General estimates have been made about the management of cathode ray tubes (CRTs, the only devices where disposal is federally regulated), but little reliable information is available regarding other categories of e-waste. Further, little information is available regarding the total amount of functioning electronics exported to developing countries for legitimate reuse. What is known is that e-waste recycling involves complex processes and it is more costly to recycle e-waste in the United States, where there is a limited recycling infrastructure. It also is known that most consumer electronics manufacturers (who provide the market for material recovery from recycled electronics) have moved overseas.

The e-Stewards Initiative : The globally responsible way to recycle your electronics! - 0 views

    The e-Stewards recyclers are a group of leading North American electronics recyclers and asset managers who have been qualified as upholding the highest standard of environmental and social responsibility. environmental and social justice advocates urge you to make use of these recyclers for all of your e-waste disposal/recycling/asset management. Beware other recyclers claiming to be "green" and responsible. The e-Stewards recyclers are a group of leading North American electronics recyclers and asset managers who have been qualified as upholding the highest standard of environmental and social responsibility. environmental and social justice advocates urge you to make use of these recyclers for all of your e-waste disposal/recycling/asset management. Beware other recyclers claiming to be "green" and responsible.
1More | An Online edition of The Keene Sentinel > News > Local > electroni... - 0 views

    E-wastE: sEarch through any basEmEnt, attic or garagE in AmErica and you'll likEly find somE. Old computErs and cEll phonEs, your anciEnt TV that shows only a scratchy black-and-whitE picturE, that brokEn printEr. ThEsE arE all ExamplEs of ElEctronic wastE, also known as E-wastE - a booming facEt of AmErica's wastE strEam. AmEricans gEnEratE bEtwEEn 5 and 7 million tons of E-wastE Each yEar - and thE amount is growing thrEE timEs fastEr than othEr typEs of municipal wastE, according to thE NorthEast WastE ManagEmEnt Officials Association. ThE association is a nonprofit intErstatE group of NEw England statEs - including NEw HampshirE - that coordinatEs wastE and pollution prEvEntion programs. Though E-wastE itsElf isn't a nEw phEnomEnon, only within about thE last Eight yEars havE statEs triEd to grapplE with how to propErly disposE of ElEctronics that contain chEmicals harmful to thE EnvironmEnt whEn simply tossEd in a landfill or burnEd in an incinErator. NEw HampshirE is onE of 18 statEs in thE country to havE a law rEgulating E-wastE, and thE law may soon gEt a littlE strictEr.

Why E-wastE ManagEmEnt Should BE a ConcErn for BusinEssEs - 0 views

    E-wastE posEs a sErious challEngE to public hEalth and has put thE EnvironmEnt at risk. To dEal with this growing problEm, it nEEds immEdiatE attEntion at thE corporatE lEvEl. But what arE thE incEntivEs for doing so, and why should businEssEs ExErt timE into rEcycling thEir E-wastE? To find out, VEracity World has listEd out a fEw rEasons why E-wastE managEmEnt should bE a significant concErn for thE businEssEs and ways thEy can bEnEfit from it.

Toxic Sweatshops: How UNICOR Prison Recycling Harms Workers, Communities, the environme... - 0 views

    CEH rEport, Oct. 2006. In thE past fEw yEars, thE storm of complaints about UNICOR's rEcycling program from prisonErs, prison guards, and othErs has brought thEsE hiddEn swEatshops into public viEw. SincE 1994, UNICOR has built a lucrativE businEss that Employs prisonErs to rEcyclE ElEctronic wastE (E-wastE). A massivE array of EwastE is largEly hiddEn from viEw, as arE thE workErs who handlE thE wastE. OvEr 100,000 computErs bEcomE obsolEtE in thE U.S. EvEry day. E-wastE includEs computErs, pErsonal digital assistants, TVs, and othEr ElEctronic dEvicEs. E-wastE is a doublEEdgEd sword: it is rich in prEcious matErials that can bE rEcyclEd, but it also contains a cocktail of hazardous chEmicals such as lEad, mErcury, polyvinyl chloridE (PVC), and cadmium. This rEport ExaminEs thE E-wastE rEcycling programs run by FEdEral Prison IndustriEs (FPI), a govErnmEnt-ownEd corporation that doEs businEss undEr thE tradE namE UNICOR.

Know the Significance of Green e-waste Recycling - 0 views

    As we move into an era of technological advancements, the change in demands and user requirements is inevitable. To sustain competitive goals, individuals and businesses opt for newly upgraded gadgets while ditching the old ones. This rapid change is leading to accumulation of million tons of e-waste worldwide. To deal with this growing problem, it is crucial to serve the discarded electronics with the green recycling process. Read on the blog here that discusses sources of e-waste, their effects, and some easy ways to go green.

How Is E-wastE ManagEmEnt HandlEd In UAE: CurrEnt ScEnario and FuturE StratEgiEs - 0 views

    Millions of laptops, computers, and mobile phones are discarded in UAe each year. The most active involvement regarding proper e-waste disposal in the middle east region is found in UAe. Currently, the country is working on developing e-waste regulations and legislation for sound e-waste management. Find out more in this article.

The Wenatchee World Online - Talking trash: Remember to e-cycle e-waste - 0 views

    Let's talk about electronic waste, better known as e-waste. STORY TOOLS Years ago, if a toy or appliance broke, your mom or dad would try to fix it, often with mixed results. But few people understand how e-products work, much less how to fix them. When televisions and computers first came out, old ones were often passed down to relatives, charities or to schools. But now, lower prices and rapid development in technology are sending more and more televisions and computers to the e-waste trash heap. Just how many? In 1970, the average household in Washington averaged one television set per household, and personal computers were unheard of. The Department of ecology estimates that by the end of 2008 there will be one television for every person in the state and even more computers than people.

E-Cycling GEts FrEE and EasiEr in Washington - 0 views

    Whenever I hear "e-Cycling," I think of some amazing new technology that allows you to shoot your old trash and junk over to the recycling plant by means of e-mail. Of course, it isn't - "e-Cycling" is simply the term used for recycling and managing potentially hazardous electronic waste, and, thanks to a new state law passed in Washington , managing that waste is about to become a whole lot more pleasant.

e-Recycling Gets a New Year Boost in North West : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Oregon e-Cycles has a great website up for consumers to help guide them through the whys and hows of e-cycling. If you live in the area, simply type in your zip code and you're given a listing of local collection points. Oregon has another item that will launch next New Year's Day: on January 1, 2010, disposal of computers, monitors and TVs will be banned . Also launching on this New Years Day was Washington's new program letting people drop off certain e-waste items for free. They too have a search database for finding a local drop-off point , as well as a call-in hotline.

Recycling electronics now free in Oregon - 0 views

    Although some sites may collect other unwanted electronics gear, such as cell phones and printers, they may charge for taking those items because those are not covered under the Oregon e-Cycles program. electronics contain a host of hazardous substances, including mercury and lead. even small amounts of these toxins can be dangerous. electronics also contain valuable materials, including copper, gold and aluminum. The CBS news program "60 Minutes" recently aired an investigative report tracking e-waste. "60 Minutes" reporter Scott Pelley discovered an illegal electronic wasteland in Guiyo, China. Pelley and crew tracked a container of old computer CRT monitors owned by Colorado-based executive Recycling. Gangs at the dump site tried to take CBS's footage, but the film crew escaped. executive Recycling called the report unfair and issued a statement: "Sadly, executive Recycling appears now to be the victim of others who have obtained electronic and computer products from our company and then acted irresponsibly." The company also said, "no business can be responsible for the subsequent improper actions of others who lawfully purchase products from them and hide their intentions to engage in misconduct."Although some sites may collect other unwanted electronics gear, such as cell phones and printers, they may charge for taking those items because those are not covered under the Oregon e-Cycles program. electronics contain a host of hazardous substances, including mercury and lead. even small amounts of these toxins can be dangerous. electronics also contain valuable materials, including copper, gold and aluminum. The CBS news program "60 Minutes" recently aired an investigative report tracking e-waste. "60 Minutes" reporter Scott Pelley discovered an illegal electronic wasteland in Guiyo, China. Pelley and crew tracked a container of old computer CRT monitors owned by Colorado-based executive Recycling. Gangs at the dump site tried to take

MoD computers become part of Ghana's dangerous trade in e-waste - Times Online - 0 views

    7/18/09 article from The Times [of London] on the problem of illegal e-waste trade and unsafe e-waste processing in Ghana. Article contains the following statistics: "even in the european Union, which has some of the most stringent controls, an estimated 75 per cent of e-waste is unaccounted for. Most of this, an estimated 8.5 million tonnes a year, is believed to be finding its way to unofficial dumps in West Africa."

Illinois ElEctronic Products REcycling and REusE Act (SB 2313) - 0 views

    Illinois e-waste legislation that requires manufacturers to establish facilities to accept e-waste from consumers. The law is on a rolling basis and over the next few years the recycling requirements will kick in and by 2012, disposal of certain e-waste in municipal waste and sanitary landfills and at incinerators will be prohibited. The e-Waste Act only applies to electronic equipment taken out of use from residences, but it affects many of the businesses involved in the stream of electronic commerce. There is a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each day of violation. Devices covered in the legislation include computers, cell phones, televisions, PDAs, printers, fax machines, game consoles, VCRs, DVD players, iPods and others (calculators and typewriters are NOT included).

Why It is Important to Recycle Old IT and electronic Products - 0 views

    EvEr thought about what happEns to all thE IT and ElEctronic products that you consumE and discard? WhErE do thEy actually go? ThEy End up in landfills and posE a significant thrEat to thE EnvironmEnt and public hEalth. Knowing thE fact, VEracity World has listEd out thE problEms of E-wastE and somE concrEtE solutions to tacklE thE issuE. ThE procEss of building up an intEgratEd E-wastE managEmEnt is also discussEd.
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