HOME - YouTube - 1 views
Surplus La consommation par la terreur - Vidéo Dailymotion - 3 views
Flashy XM - Open Source Ecology - 2 views
openMaterials | DIY smart materials - 2 views
Findhorn Foundation | ICSA2013:Communal Pathways to Sustainable Living -Past, Present a... - 2 views
"The Findhorn Foundation and community will proudly host the 11th international conference of the International Communal Studies Association in June 2013, bringing together up to 250 communal scholars and community activists from around the world. The conference and associated events will offer a rare opportunity in a unique communal setting to share academic research and lived experience of collective life in intentional communities such as ecovillages, cohousing, communes, kibbutzim, sectarian communities and housing cooperatives. "
Instituto Arca Verde: Equipe - 1 views
Ecopol - Wiki livre - 0 views
AGI Mondo ONG - Casa Encantada, un punto di incontro - 1 views
Ecologie Urbaine et ville durable - 1 views
Ville en mouvement * Citie on the move - 1 views
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