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Kim D

Demand-Side Policy Gave Us the Big Economic Fizzle - 0 views

    Nearly five years since the recession ended in June 2009, economic policy discussions continue to focus on dubious short-term countercyclical measures to "stimulate demand." The Economic Report of the President for 2014 wastes an entire chapter rehashing the jobs supposedly "saved or created" by the 2009 fiscal stimulus and Federal Reserve easing.
Clelia K

Why the oil price is falling - 2 views

    THE oil price has fallen by more than 40% since June, when it was $115 a barrel. It is now below $70. Discusses how prices, business confidence and investment can affect the AD/AS curves for Oil
Talu O

Oil at $55 per barrel is here to stay - 1 views

    This article by CNN is an interesting one that focuses particularly how oil prices will hit 55 Dollars after the 100 dollars of price levels in September. The article is an interesting approach to AD/AS balance and how this conflict will be likely to resolve.
Talu O

Jobless rate is worse than you think - - 0 views

    More than four years since the Great Recession ended in June 2009, the unemployment rate is 7.3%, a big improvement from the high of 10% in the fall of 2009. Unfortunately, the rate is hugely misleading: Most of that improvement was for all the wrong reasons. This is an article that focuses on the unemployment rates in USA since the 2009 Recession. By reading this article many can be learnt about why the unemployment rates are such or how healthy the labor market of USA is.
Iqtyider W

Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - West Bank Aggregate Demand down as Israel withhol... - 1 views

    RAMALLAH, February 22, 2015 (WAFA) - The West Bank overall economy has witnessed a decline in aggregate demand for the second consecutive month, mainly due to partial payment of public sector salaries, due to Israel's withholding of clearance revenues, according to the Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA).
Anthony E

The Failure of Macroeconomics - 2 views

    Output per capita fell almost 10 percentage points below trend in the 2008 recession. It has since grown at less than 1.5%, and lost more ground relative to trend. Cumulative losses are many trillions of dollars, and growing. And the latest GDP report disappoints again, declining in the first quarter.
Clelia K

No Jobs At All Were Lost In America Due To Japanese Currency Manipulation - 2 views

    We've another of those calls to arms over the loss of American manufacturing jobs. From the usual suspects, the Alliance for American Manufacturing (a lobby group of a few manufacturers and the United Steelworkers). They claim that Japans's "currency manipulation" has been responsible for the loss of 900,000 jobs in [...]
Sibal I

Deflation Arrives In Germany, Putting Europe's Largest Economy At Risk - Breitbart - 6 views

    Germany's consumer price index fell 0.3% month-over-month in January. It's the first time the inflation rate went negative since September 2009. Deflation is when prices fall, consumers and businesses often hold back on purchases hoping for even lower prices to come. This article examines the economic risks of dropping prices and what it could mean in the future for Germany and Europe.
Kim D

Euro Might Weather Grexit, but Would It Survive Inflation? - 2 views

    The eurozone could well weather Grexit-should it come to that. But would it be able to survive a serious bout of inflation that could ultimately result in other states questioning their membership? Well that's another matter entirely. Right now, the markets are focused on negotiations between Greece and its eurozone creditors.
Iqtyider W

The Time is Ripe for Uranium Stocks - Global Financial Community - 2 views

    Uranium spot prices have shown more life recently, says David Sadowski, mining equity research analyst at Raymond James, and he expects upward pressure to continue as utilities resume buying to meet future needs. In this interview, he tells The Energy Report the time is ripe to invest in uranium company stocks.
Talu O

China G.D.P. Is Revised 3.4% Higher For Last Year - 1 views

    This article focuses on the changes of China's GDP in a specific period time; its causes, possible solutions for better outcomes and many other interesting facts.
Kim D

Economic reality forces Greece back to the table - 0 views

    Eurozone finance ministers will meet again Monday for crunch talks on how to keep Greece solvent, and in the euro, after a first round of discussions ended in failure Wednesday night. Europe insisted Greece honor its commitments under the existing bailout program, 30% of which the new left-wing government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says is unacceptable.
Tekten D

Inflation, growth biggest worries for RBI: Highlights of macroeco review - Firstpost - 1 views

    This article indicates the The Reserve Bank of India's expectations of inflation to remain near current elevated levels for the remainder of the fiscal year that ends in March.As I see ınflation is a big worry for countries and it has an important place in economics.
Isobel Stephen

Inflation is dead: It's below 1 percent in the U.S., U.K., Europe, China, and Japan - 4 views

    "R.I.P., inflation. You had a good run, but it's over now that prices are rising less than 1 percent in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, China, and Japan." Inflation is one of the main effects of economic growth in a country, indicating that the economy is in the "boom" phase. However, after a boom there will always come a recession, meaning that rates of inflation will decrease and give way to the problem of unemployment.
Semsioglu E

Stop letting countries manipulate FX: US Senator - 0 views

    The administration is close to sealing a trade pact with 11 Asia-Pacific trading partners, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and is also negotiating a deal with the European Union. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said on Tuesday Treasury had the lead on currency issues.
Sibal I

Why lower unemployment doesn't mean higher inflation - 1 views

    According to the article, the Federal Reserve may be increasing interest rates in early 2015, increased rates anticipated to come much later in the year. Fed-Watchers and analysts may begin to see the accelerating wage and price inflation, as well as unemployment rates reaching NAIRU. This article also explains some key elements in our learning for this week such what NAIRU is, pressuring on wages, effects of low unemployment rates, etc...
Anthony E

A tangle of anxieties - 0 views

    According to market lore January is a good month. As bourses open to greet the new year, investors funnel in new cash and share prices rise, creating a "January effect" which the savvy try to surf. But punters seeking a quick buck have been disappointed this year, with the main stockmarket indices in the G7 economies all down.
Talu O

Why low inflation hurts the 99% - 1 views

    Here is another point of view to the possible outcomes of government interventions to inflation. In US' case it is Federal Reserve Bank who is the decision mechanism that determines the monetary policies.
Srikanth L

India's Economy Looking Stronger as Exports Rise - 0 views

    "India's merchandise exports expanded by more than 10% for the second month in a row in June, the latest sign that India's economy may be rebounding. June exports rose 10.2% from the year-earlier month, to $26.48 billion, after climbing 12.4% in May..." This shows how an injection (export) to the circular flow system of India has caused the money flowing to increasing for the better of the country. This is helping cover up the leakages that Indians spend on imported products mainly. The campaign by the new Prime Minister to increase exports and decrease imports is having significant impact on the countries economy.
Clelia K

Obama's plan to tax overseas profits could work - 0 views

    For more than two years, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an international economic organization of 34 of the world's richest countries,have been debating how to produce a global tax system that would eradicate the sort of tax avoidance that has seen Apple squirrel away more than $160 billion overseas.
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