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Katie Edwards

Current account deficit widens - 0 views

    This article explores the causes and outcomes of a rising current account deficit in Australia. The central bank is evaluating different options to try and balance the current account deficit by manipulating imports and exports, as well as adjusting the value of currency.
Monique T

Czech October Current-Account Gap Worse Than Analysts Forecast | Bloomberg Businessweek - 0 views

    This article describes the Czech current account balance. The current account is experiencing a widening deficit, as a result of "the outflow of dividends outweighing the foreign-trade surplus". This means that, although this country is experiencing good trade, too much investment in the country is leading to outflow of money to foreign investors.
Lola Z

Indian Equities: Good Bet On The Global Currency War - Seeking Alpha - 0 views

  • 1. India runs a current account deficit (CAD) with ample room to absorb foreign exchange inflows: Import substitution (high inflation and domestic supply-side bottlenecks), slow growth in services sector, inelastic energy demand and anemic global demand would lead to CAD remaining above sustainable levels in 2013.
    This article talks about India and its current account deficit. Import substitution is a good way to reduce current account deficit by reducing the import expenditure.
Katie Edwards

Cyprus - Address by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade . . . - 0 views

    This article shows the real-life application to the new ideas we've been discussing in terms of the Republic of Cyprus. "Cyprus has so far been an energy island -an isolated energy system- and has till recently been almost totally dependent on imports of oil which burden the current account balance. A bright horizon of peace, cooperation and economic growth will then open up for the area of the Eastern Mediterranean, to the benefit not only of the countries and peoples of the area but also of our wider European family." I have included the conclusion to the article as well, which wraps up this sustainability-conscious article."In shaping the world of today and tomorrow through their decisions on energy issues, visionary leaders will aim at improving the prospects of both the current and future generations in terms of economic and social development and of sustainability, and certainly in terms of establishing and strengthening peaceful and hence productive international relations."
Lola Z

Australia's Current-Account Deficit Widened Last Quarter - Bloomberg - 0 views

  • by 1.5 percentage points since November last year to stimulate industries outside of resources as commodity prices ease. A high currency has hurt earnings for manufacturers and retailers, helping create what the RBA has referred to as a multispeed economy with those industries lagging behind mining companies.
    • Lola Z
      Lowering the interest rates means less foreign investment because of the low interest, and hence, the demand for the currency will be lowered as well. The currency value may decrease as a result, and making exports cheaper, reducing the trade deficit.
  • weaker prices for iron ore and coal, the nation’s two biggest commodity exports.
Sebastian van Winkel

Government to speed up sale of stakes in state firms: Manmohan Singh - 0 views

    Slowing exports and foreign investment have widened the current account deficit. Global ratings agencies have repeatedly warned India that it faces a credit downgrade if it does not tackle a high debt burden and the fiscal deficit, which is the largest among major emerging economies.
Hannah S

Making and taking - 0 views

    MITT ROMNEY'S dense comments about the dependency of Americans who pay no income taxes were dense not only because they seemed to write off a significant portion of... This article talks of how the amount of people who pay no tax is very high and tax cuts are currently being discussed to try to decrease the burden on the middle class. The upper class currently has quite a high tax rate. This is trying to distribute the income more fairly.
Katie Edwards

Business Line : Industry & Economy News : High gold imports hurting balance of payments: Gokarn - 0 views

    A lot of movement in the reserve assets component of the financial account in India is causing stress for the balance fo payments. Demand for gold is increasing, and because of great returns on investment and the affinity for gold in India, demand is increasing. The determinants of demand are highly responsible for maintaining this instability in current account deficit and "stress on the system" for the Reserve Bank of India.
Mirren M

Eurozone current account worsens in June - 0 views

    Eurozone's deficit has widened sharply in the past year impacting investors and trading partners.
Sebastian van Winkel

For the first time since 1998 more money leaves China than enters it - 0 views

    The balance of payments records two different kinds of transactions: cross-border payments for goods and services (ie, exports and imports), which are recorded in the "current account", and cross-border payments for assets. China's current account is still in surplus, largely because its exports exceed its imports. China is also attracting plenty of direct investment from foreigners eager to buy or build companies on the mainland. But both these inflows of foreign exchange were outdone by a record outflow of other kinds of capital, amounting to a net $110 billion. This left China's overall balance of payments in deficit, diminishing China's international reserves by $11.8 billion (or just under 0.4%).
Monique T

Competition versus consistency | Global News - 0 views

  • Canadians pay double the market cost for milk
  • To protect those farmers, government started regulating the prices paid to farmers and controlling the amount of milk they could produce.
  • Canadian agriculture is one of the most protected aspects the national economy.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • protection benefits producers at the expense of consumers
    A government sponsored agency currently controls the prices for dairy products in Canada. This was implemented because the government wanted to regulate the prices paid to dairy farmers and the amount of milk they could produce, in order to protect the farmers. However, problems have begun to arise because of these price controls, mostly due to the fact that the market price is much higher than it should be (which hurts consumers) and it is costing billions of dollars each year.
Adam C

The end of food - CBC News - 2 views

    As world worries grow about a crash in the system, this article looks at some of the current issues involving the depletion of food in North America. We have already seen the severe consequences of scarcity (in terms of food) in Eastern Africa with the current famine. Certain steps will need to be taken to make sure that the same this doesn't happen in North America
Mirren M

India doesn\'t yet face balance of payments crisis - 0 views

    The article talks about how India's switch of economic policy led to a recovery and is now in rapid economic growth. "Even if capital flows were to reduce to zero as they did in 2008, following the collapse of Leman Brothers, reserves would drop by only $40 billion over twelve months, still leaving a healthy $250 billion or so of cover." The article ends with advice on how India can further strengthen their current state by increasing foreign investments.
Mirren M

NZ-Russia free trade deal remains elusive - 0 views

    Russia and its partners (Belarus and Kazakhstan) are looking to seal a free trade deal with New Zealand. However, the articles talks about external issues to consider that will affect or be affected by the deal. The main concern of both parties is the current negative state of the global economy and how they intend to overcome this by trade. " "The priority goal is to fight protectionism together in all its forms; traditional and new alike ... It is important to build bridges, not walls," he said. "
Nadiya Safonova

Canada's Unemployment Rises - 1 views

    This article describes the current situation in Canada with the unemployment rate rising to over seven percent...this article discusses the actions of the government and the casues of this rate to increase
Mirren M

The Economy Is Expanding, but at a Pretty Sorry Rate - Economic Intelligence ( - 1 views

    This article talks about how the GDP increase fell in the U.S but that does not mean that the economy is doing badly at all. There IS an increase and overall better numbers for most aspects in terms of the goals of macroeconomics but it is just at a slow pace. The economy fluctuates and even though the increase is "pitiful", it would just mean that the economy would most likely only increase more from here on. This is also linked to the rate of unemployment. "Let's face it, the Great American Bread machine is expanding, but at a pretty sorry rate, and not nearly enough to bring the 8.3 percent unemployment rate into 7.0 percent territory." "Yes, gross domestic product is expanding, but the unemployed are still trying to recover. This is why so few wish to call the current uncertainty-plagued growth an expansion."
Lucas G

Minimum wage due to rise by 11p - 1 views

    This article concerns the fact that minimum wage for the UK will be raised by 11p; an increase of 1.8% from its current level. This change will affect aggregate supply in the short run (SRAS curve); as it will effectively increase the costs of production for all the firms in the industries of the economy. The result will be a shift to the left on the SRAS model.
Adam C

Occupy needs a lesson on financing the public good - 0 views

    This article discusses the current "Occupy" protests which are taking place worldwide, and how the effect which they are having. The protesters are pushing to government to expand the budget of the government so that more goods can become public goods, like health care, for example. The article also discusses how protesters stood outside malls pleading for consumers not to purchase goods however if that were to happen, the economy would obviously sink back into recession.
Hannah S

How the recession is affecting manufacturers - 1 views

    Hey, This article is about how the current economic climate is affecting many industries in the eurozone and how this may be making our situation worse in the long run as less money is being fed into the economy. Hannah
Katrina D

Obama's reform needs a public option - 0 views

    As many of us know, Canada has a great healthcare program that is provided by the government. The US, on the other hand, has opted in the past to keep healthcare a private good. The American goverment is now seeing negative repercussions of this decision, and this article outlines how they are thinking of modelling their healthcare system after Canada's by introducing government healthcare insurance. Although this may not completely eliminate private healthcare companies, it may discourage them for the reasons we learned in Week 12. This idea of reforming the current policies has stemmed from stories of families who have gone broke after needing emergency surgeries while not being able to afford insurance.
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