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Amy X

China to create jobs to counter economic slowdown - The Economic Times - 0 views

    China will make job creation a more urgent priority in the face of slowed economic growth and weakened exports. Equilibrium is connected to this article because of the balance needed to keep the economic growth in China. The growth of China may be going too fast and it is needed to slow down and in order to keep the Economics i China, China had create jobs to counter the economics slowdown.
Lola Z

Richard W. Evans: Punishing China for currency manipulation could hurt the U.S. | Deseret News - 1 views

    It is interesting to receive a totally different perspective on the issue that China keeps its currency artificially low. In this article, it actually says that the benefits to the US of China manipulating its currency far outweighs the costs. The reason is that the consumers get cheaper goods, which are essential goods such as toys and clothes. The other reason is that when the Chinese government is constantly buying dollars to keep Chinese yuan low, it helps to stabilize the price level in the US because the imported goods do not become more expensive, and it also helps to keep the interest rate low. This is beneficial to the US economy.
Monique T

China calls for free-trade deal with Canada within a decade | The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    This article discusses the possibility of a free trade deal between China and Canada; while Canada has the potential to benefit greatly from this deal, Canadians are weary for numerous reasons, including Chinese takeovers of domestic companies, and human rights issues.
Katie Edwards

Gold price not in a bubble | China business news - 0 views

    The China Business news reports about the increasing gold prices of China. The elasticity of the product is going to be incredibly low and inelastic because gold is so unique. Of course there are faux-gold substitues, however gold is the real deal. Having a shortage of gold, combined with economic uncertainty, means that the #3 gold producer's prices may continue to change.
Hannah S

The plan worked - 1 views

    IT'S election season in America, which means that China is in the rhetorical crosshairs. Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have been complaining about Chinese economic misbehaviour, but Mr Romney has attacked Mr Obama especially viciously on the subject of currency manipulation and the administration's failure to label China a manipulator and slap it with tariffs. The article is tring to decide whether China should have a number of tariffs put on it to try to stop the number of exports or whether it is to late for this action.
Sebastian van Winkel

Factbox: Obama, Romney spar on China, other trade issues - 2 views

    The article addresses the trade between the United States and China. The trade between these two countries has swollen to a record $295 billion in 2011. Though, the trade doesn't seem as nice as it actually is, and Obama has filed 8 cases against China at the WTO since 2009. On the other hand there is Romney, who says that Obama hasn't been aggressive enough, so if he gets elected it seems that a lot is going to change.
Sebastian van Winkel

For the first time since 1998 more money leaves China than enters it - 0 views

    The balance of payments records two different kinds of transactions: cross-border payments for goods and services (ie, exports and imports), which are recorded in the "current account", and cross-border payments for assets. China's current account is still in surplus, largely because its exports exceed its imports. China is also attracting plenty of direct investment from foreigners eager to buy or build companies on the mainland. But both these inflows of foreign exchange were outdone by a record outflow of other kinds of capital, amounting to a net $110 billion. This left China's overall balance of payments in deficit, diminishing China's international reserves by $11.8 billion (or just under 0.4%).
Dan Call

The great iPhone trade-off - 0 views

    This article is about the trade off and trade defiecits between America and China during iPhone production and exportation. It discusses the idea in terms of America and China, but also uses an example involving fictional places to give a clearer picture and explanation of the idea.
Lucas Gade

Amid signs of weakness, China set to loosen monetary policy - The Economic Times - 1 views

    This article relates to the fact that the economic indicators in China have been significantly lower than what was expected. In response, the central bank has decided to "loosen monetary policy", in the attempt to stimulate the economy.
Amy X

China's Coal: Demand, Constraints, and Externalities | China Energy Group - 0 views

    China has been, is, and will continue to be a coal-powered economy. In 2007 Chinese coal production contained more energy than total Middle Eastern oil production. The rapid growth of coal demand after 2001 created supply strains and bottlenecks that raise questions about sustainability.
Robert A

Crowded out - 0 views

    This article talks about the rising prices of commodities due to the aggressive and proactive economic policy of China. With the surge in Chinese purchases of commodities such as iron ore and oil, a huge demand has been created in the commodity markets, which were previously unprecedented. The sluggish reactions to the commodity demand,due to archaic infrastructure and depleted resources, have lead to a substantial spike in the prices of commodities. I personally believe that the massive purchases of resources by China is leading to a bubble in the commodity markets. As said in the article Iron ore was once 13$ a tonne in 2001, and now is 178$ a tonne. Although some might say that the rise in prices are a corollary to the rise of China as a economic power, I do not believe the mass consumption of commodities can be sustained over time.
Katie Edwards

China v. the US: \'Free Trade Is Only for Friends\' - 1 views

    I found this article interesting about the international trade relations between the US and China. The perspective on what type of trade is best is explored in this article, leaving us wondering if the free trade economy model will continue to work for the US, or should there be a change?
Lucas G

China may Target Slower Economic Growth - 0 views

    This article discusses China's economic growth over the past few years, and that although the GDP has been increasing, it is doing so at a decreasing rate (e.g. a 10.4% increase in 2010 and a 9.2% increase in 2011). This could reflect a contraction on the business cycle; as it is a period of the economy in which increases, but at a decreasing rate.
Amy X

China's economic outlook remains positive - 0 views

    It is clearly stated at about the first line that China is facing pressure to increase prices, Because of scarcity of sources the prices are going up even though it is only the short term and the long term remain positive, it is still something we need to think about. Countries such as Japan has less resources therefore all of their resources are imported, thats why the price in Japan is so high. the article says that China should prevent the rapid growth in order to not having another economic crisis.
Sebastian van Winkel

U.S. sets new tariffs on Chinese solar imports - 1 views

    The United States hit Chinese solar companies with punitive import tariffs of 30 percent or more, ruling they had dumped cut-price solar panels into the U.S. market. Several of the Chinese companies and a solar trade group opposed to the tariffs denounced the duties, and said they would drive up costs for the clean energy source, stunting its fast growth.
Mirren M

China to end export tariff, quotas on coke exports before WTO deadline: official - 1 views

    China's 40% tax imposed since 2008 is a violation of WTO regulations. As such, they have to renew their policy. However, this would raise their exports competitions decreasing FOB price.
Nadiya Safonova

Economies of Scale - Transportation - 1 views

    This article describes how cheap it is to ship clothing from China to Europ becasue of bulk ship carries loads of clothing, so much actually that it only ends up costing a couple cents a shirt to ship it.
Dan Call

Drug price control in chinese hospitals - 2 views

    This artcile talks about the impacts on the patients and hospitals in general of China as price controls are being implemented, and the overall prices of the drugs for patients is soaring.
Hannah S

Capitalism confined - 1 views

    This article is about how in China the state always has control of the market and doesn't allow things like monopolies and ologopolies to exist that often and that they are always the ones who decide what happens in the end even if it seems as though the consumers are the ones that are making the decision.
Lola Z

Emerging markets: One more such victory | The Economist - 0 views

  • grab a bit of extra demand for themselves by weakening their currencies.
    • Lola Z
      When the demand for currencies increases, there would be more spending.
    • Lola Z
      When the price drops, there will be more demand for the currencies.
    • Lola Z
      Imposing taxes and other restrictions on foreign purchases helps to increase the prices of imported goods, so as to decrease the level of demand for the foreign currencies.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • it fought back by imposing taxes and other restrictions on foreign purchases of local securities.
    • Lola Z
      When the currency of one country is weakened, the prices of imported goods and services will rise. The demand for imported good(in this case, from China) is decreased. The Chinese manufacturers might want to decrease the amount of production.
  • Falling export orders was one of the complaints voiced by Chinese manufacturers in a preliminary survey of purchasing managers published by HSBC last week.
    This article states the relationship between currencies, which links to prices, and the demand for goods and services. While the currencies are weakened worldwide, the manufacturing industries are highly impacted. Therefore, the supply is lowered.
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