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Monique T

Bolivia aims to join Mercosur trade bloc | Al Jazeera - 0 views

    This article describes Bolivia's attempt to join the Mercosur trade bloc in South America, which we learned about this week. There are obvious benefits to the trade bloc that it wishes to exploit, but some people don't feel it is ready to join the trade bloc.
Katie Edwards

Venezuela intent on freezing out Paraguay as Mercosur eludes unity - - 0 views

    This article discusses the potential difficulties of the Mercosur trade bloc in South America. Disputes amongst the members is causing distress to the economic system, and political isolation and dispute are becoming obstacles to economic collaboration.
Hannah S

Venezuela's ports trouble - 0 views

    Venezuela's ports were nationalised in 2010 during a recession. However, now especially during the festive period imports have almost doubled. This has caused a large build up in the ports. Venezuela have just joined the trade bloc, Mercosur. This will cause a larger increase in imports due to the removing of trade barriers. Therefore, the poor infrastructure must be improved. A new container terminal has been suggested to try to cope with this.
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