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Lola Z

Economic growth beats Bank of Canada's estimate - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    This article talks about Canada's economic growth is better than what the economist anticipated. It reveals the economic growth is desirable for government, along with low unemployment rate. Consumer spending contributes to economic growth, the consumer spending is repressed while oil prices rise so high nowadays. Interest rates is one of the measures government take to control economy.
Monique T

Local Manufacturing Critical To Economic Growth | The Guardian Nigera - 0 views

    This article describes a perspective on economic growth and development in Nigeria. Particularly, it focuses on the development of the manufacturing sector in this country in an attempt to fuel economic growth and therefore contribute to development.
Katie Edwards

Indian economic slowdown to continue in next financial year: World Bank - The Economic Times - 0 views

    This is a report on the World Bank's economic predictions for the financial situation of India in 2012-13. Economic growth will be low, and aggregate demand in mentioned in the context of fiscal consolidation and higher interest rates. These factors will decrease the AD, and we are especially aware that higher interest rates decrease investment and firm spending. Both of those activities will undoubtedly hinder India's national economic growth.
Monique T

Obama, other G-8 leaders push economic growth over austerity | Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    The world economy is in a troubling situation right now, and leaders of the G-8 countries have often disagreed on how to deal with economic troubles. Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany) has pushed Europe into using austerity measures to attempt to solve its debt problems; but with this meeting the focus shifted rather to economic growth, and how the countries would work together to achieve this in the next few crucial months.
Katie Edwards

United Nations News Centre - Economies will perform better with more even income distribution - UN report - 0 views

  • Trends over the last 30 years show income inequality increasing both within countries and between them
  • not only for reasons of fairness and social welfare, but because it would improve economic performance,
  • More even income distribution also pays off over the long term, it contends, because high inequality deprives many people of access to education and credit, and prevents the expansion of domestic markets. Over years and decades, that amounts to an enormous waste of a country’s economic potential.
    This article on the distribution of income interested me because of the connection to economic growth and development. The efforts to create more equal income distribution are not only good for the population socially, but for helping economic performance. From the article; "This goal is worthwhile not only for reasons of fairness and social welfare, but because it would improve economic performance," says UNCTAD.
Katie Edwards

Eurasia is an engine of global economic growth: Iran - Tehran Times - 1 views

  • “Meanwhile, Eurasia is grappling with various problems, including terrorism, extremism, illicit drugs, economic and political underdevelopment, ethnic, border, and sectarian conflicts, environmental problems, and political disagreements, which create problems for the stability and security of the region and the world.   “Dealing with these problems and overcoming them requires cooperation, strengthening convergence, and utilizing regional potential properly.” 
    This article discusses the potential of European and Asian nations collaboration to achieve economic growth and face the problems of various nations. "Dealing with these problems and overcoming them requires cooperation, strengthening convergence, and utilizing regional potential properly." 
Katie Edwards

Cox and Alm: The right incentives for economic growth | - 0 views

  • toward supply-side policies that encourage education, hard work and smart investments.
    This article expresses the opinion that in order to experience the best economic growth, America must move towards more supply-side policies, and encourage education, hard work, and investments. There are arguments to support both sides of the debate on govt. spending vs. supply-side policy, but the end goal of achieving a better economy are the same.
Amy X

China to create jobs to counter economic slowdown - The Economic Times - 0 views

    China will make job creation a more urgent priority in the face of slowed economic growth and weakened exports. Equilibrium is connected to this article because of the balance needed to keep the economic growth in china. The growth of China may be going too fast and it is needed to slow down and in order to keep the Economics i china, China had create jobs to counter the economics slowdown.
Lucas G

China may Target Slower Economic Growth - 0 views

    This article discusses China's economic growth over the past few years, and that although the GDP has been increasing, it is doing so at a decreasing rate (e.g. a 10.4% increase in 2010 and a 9.2% increase in 2011). This could reflect a contraction on the business cycle; as it is a period of the economy in which increases, but at a decreasing rate.
Katie Edwards

Cyprus - Address by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade . . . - 0 views

    This article shows the real-life application to the new ideas we've been discussing in terms of the Republic of Cyprus. "Cyprus has so far been an energy island -an isolated energy system- and has till recently been almost totally dependent on imports of oil which burden the current account balance. A bright horizon of peace, cooperation and economic growth will then open up for the area of the Eastern Mediterranean, to the benefit not only of the countries and peoples of the area but also of our wider European family." I have included the conclusion to the article as well, which wraps up this sustainability-conscious article."In shaping the world of today and tomorrow through their decisions on energy issues, visionary leaders will aim at improving the prospects of both the current and future generations in terms of economic and social development and of sustainability, and certainly in terms of establishing and strengthening peaceful and hence productive international relations."
Mirren M

The Economy Is Expanding, but at a Pretty Sorry Rate - Economic Intelligence ( - 1 views

    This article talks about how the GDP increase fell in the U.S but that does not mean that the economy is doing badly at all. There IS an increase and overall better numbers for most aspects in terms of the goals of macroeconomics but it is just at a slow pace. The economy fluctuates and even though the increase is "pitiful", it would just mean that the economy would most likely only increase more from here on. This is also linked to the rate of unemployment. "Let's face it, the Great American Bread machine is expanding, but at a pretty sorry rate, and not nearly enough to bring the 8.3 percent unemployment rate into 7.0 percent territory." "Yes, gross domestic product is expanding, but the unemployed are still trying to recover. This is why so few wish to call the current uncertainty-plagued growth an expansion."
Desmond M

Egalitarian distribution of income is destructive - 0 views

    This article discusses a new study that shows rising levels of equality do not necessarily result in lower crime, or health. On the contrary, it shows that higher inequality is associated with higher growth. However, the author argues that extreme levels of poverty should be combatted, and that economic policy should be used to promote "human exceptionalism."
Katie Edwards

Foreign exchange market EURUSD: Market Outlook. Nov 1st 2012 - 1 views

    Unemployment is a huge issue that is coming from the eurozone economic challenges. There is a negative growth, and increasing unemployment rate. Changing the value of currency, and having difficulties stimulating economic growth are contributing to the problem. The economy is slowing down, which inevitably leads to higher unemployment.
Katie Edwards

Norway's Key Rate Seen On Hold - - 0 views

    This article highlights the positive economic growth seen lately in Norway, and how those positive changes caused the central bank to hold their decision to increase action and monetary policy. The adjustments will not be necessary if in fact the domestic economy continues to improve.
Lola Z

Mitt Romney's Secret Fundraiser Remarks Put The Lie To Supply-Side Economics - 1 views

    • Lola Z
      Sometimes economic policies have become slogans for political campaign. It may not do good to the real society but just a strategy helping one to be a president. 
  • lowering taxes for "job creators" benefits the poor and middle class by spurring job creation.
    • Lola Z
      This is a supply side policy. To lower the taxes for the producers will lower their costs. As a result, they will cut less personnels or even create more jobs to increase production.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • So he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich.
Katie Edwards

Fed's Policies Have Been 'Hideous' for Economic Recovery - 2 views

    "We need to have a much more honest conversation about the tradeoff between inflation and real growth." There is an ongoing conflict of how to manage inflation via increasing aggregate demand which is the classic trade off. The article indicates "liberals arguing for government intervention and conservatives often pushing for tax breaks and incentives to get the private sector moving again." This is not only a national economic conflict, but a political conflict as well.
Lola Z

India needs a dose of supply-side economics - Economy and Politics - - 0 views

    India's booming GDP has been making it become a leading pioneer in economic development. However, while the demand side is soaring, the supply side is lagged behind. The production capacity is not enough to catch up with the expand in demand. However, while the trend could not slow down, India can neither create enough jobs nor fund an ambitious welfare state without faster economic growth.
Lucas Gade

No recession, but 'years' of sluggish growth ahead - Telegraph - 0 views

    This article concerns the 'simultaneous' rise of the unemployment and inflation rate in the UK. This goes against the Phillips curve; which shows an inverse relationship between the two.
Dan Call

Budget 2012: Fiscal policy will help control inflation; no escape from biting bullet on subsidies, says Manmohan Singh - 0 views

    This article talks about the economy of India, and talks bout how recent budget talks have affected the economic outlook, not only nationally but globally on the economy. It largely consists of questions and answers, asking questions such as when is the price of oil likely to rise, and budget resposnses to rapid GDP growth.
Dan Call

Economic growth in japan slows due to supply woes - 0 views

    This article talks about how as a result of Japan's horrific earthquake and tsunami, the supply of many products from Japan, has caused the growth of there economy to slow dramatically in comparison to recent years.
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