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Home/ Economics HL - Jacob Solomon's group - Year 1/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lola Z

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lola Z


Indian Equities: Good Bet On The Global Currency War - Seeking Alpha - 0 views

  • 1. India runs a current account deficit (CAD) with ample room to absorb foreign exchange inflows: Import substitution (high inflation and domestic supply-side bottlenecks), slow growth in services sector, inelastic energy demand and anemic global demand would lead to CAD remaining above sustainable levels in 2013.
    This article talks about India and its current account deficit. Import substitution is a good way to reduce current account deficit by reducing the import expenditure.

Forex Flash: Is Eurozone destined to repeat mistakes? â€" Goldman Sachs - 0 views

    This article talks about the sad outlook of eurozone. Eurozone is an example of monetary union/currency union. We can clearly see that the effects of economic downturn affect different countries to a different degree. Greece, Spain, and Ireland are much more heavily affected than the rest. This is the same as the crisis mentioned in this article as the 70s to 80s crisis. Shocks will affect different countries differently--a shortcoming of monetary union.

Australia's Current-Account Deficit Widened Last Quarter - Bloomberg - 0 views

  • by 1.5 percentage points since November last year to stimulate industries outside of resources as commodity prices ease. A high currency has hurt earnings for manufacturers and retailers, helping create what the RBA has referred to as a multispeed economy with those industries lagging behind mining companies.
    • Lola Z
      Lowering the interest rates means less foreign investment because of the low interest, and hence, the demand for the currency will be lowered as well. The currency value may decrease as a result, and making exports cheaper, reducing the trade deficit.
  • weaker prices for iron ore and coal, the nation’s two biggest commodity exports.

Balance of payments deficit skyrockets | Business - 0 views

    This article tells the balance of payments of Ghana skyrockets comparing to the same period in 2011. The main reason is the falling price of cocoa beans, which is a main export of Ghana, and the falling export volumes. With the export going down and imports of oil, and other non-oil imports skyrocket, the balance of payment become negative value.

Richard W. Evans: Punishing China for currency manipulation could hurt the U.S. | Deser... - 1 views

    It is interesting to receive a totally different perspective on the issue that China keeps its currency artificially low. In this article, it actually says that the benefits to the US of China manipulating its currency far outweighs the costs. The reason is that the consumers get cheaper goods, which are essential goods such as toys and clothes. The other reason is that when the Chinese government is constantly buying dollars to keep Chinese yuan low, it helps to stabilize the price level in the US because the imported goods do not become more expensive, and it also helps to keep the interest rate low. This is beneficial to the US economy.

Ukraine trade demand shocks global partners - 0 views

    This article reports that Ukraine is thinking to raise its tariffs on various imported goods. Since Ukraine joined the WTO, its trade deficit has been increasing. The increase in trade deficit suggests that the international market is too competitive for the Ukrainian goods and putting them at a disadvantage. To respond to this issue, the Ukrainian government is thinking to raise tariffs so as to protect the domestic goods from aggressive international competitions.

Mitt Romney's Secret Fundraiser Remarks Put The Lie To Supply-Side Economics - 1 views

    • Lola Z
      Sometimes economic policies have become slogans for political campaign. It may not do good to the real society but just a strategy helping one to be a president. 
  • lowering taxes for "job creators" benefits the poor and middle class by spurring job creation.
    • Lola Z
      This is a supply side policy. To lower the taxes for the producers will lower their costs. As a result, they will cut less personnels or even create more jobs to increase production.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • So he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich.

Singapore's Monetary Policy Aims To Ease Short-term Inflationary Pressures - 0 views

    • Lola Z
      supply side policy to improve supply counteracting the rise in production costs.
  • monetary policy should aim to temper, but not fully offset
  • productivity improvements arising from the significant economic restructuring will help to prevent higher costs from fueling strong price increases, the central bank is firmly committed to objective of price stability over the medium term, he told a conference.
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