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Anne Bubnic

ARRA Overview - CA State Board of Ed Meeting (May 09) - 0 views

    An Alternative Accessible Version of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) PreK-12 Education "Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education" Powerpoint Presentation given by Andrea Ball at the May 2009 State Board of Education Meeting. Outlines all of the stimulus funding programs.
Anne Bubnic

Expanded Learning Time: Initiatives in High-Poverty and High-Minority Schools [pdf] - 0 views

    The Center for American Progress, along with our partners, has carefully crafted a policy definition of expanded learning time. Aimed at high-poverty, underperforming schools, expanded learning is the lengthening of the school day, school week, or school year for all students in a given school by at least 30 percent-the equivalent of roughly two hours per day or 360 hours per year. To be \neffective, the concept of expanded learning requires the complete redesign of a school's educational program in a way that combines academics with enrichment for a well-rounded student experience and that supports teachers by giving them more time for planning, training, and professional development. \n
Anne Bubnic

Duncan Urges States to Turn Around 5,000 Low-Performing Schools - 0 views

    Turning a school around may mean replacing its leadership or teaching staff, or converting it into a charter school, Duncan said today in a speech in Washington. Charter schools operate under contracts with school districts and are exempt from many state and local regulations that govern traditional public schools.
Anne Bubnic

Make Wise Ed Tech Decisions with ARRA Funds - 0 views

    Use these six resources to help your school, district, and community collaborate to wisely invest American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds and stimulate teaching and learning.
Anne Bubnic

The status of federal stimulus dollars in California Education - 0 views

    This is an analysis of economic stimulus funding for education, provided by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA). Federal stimulus dollars have begun flowing to the state. But LEAs are still a few weeks away from getting them in their hands. LEAs will begin receiving these funds in May. There are three primary one-time funding sources in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA): Title I, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF).
Anne Bubnic

ARRA - Enhancing Summer Learning Programs - 0 views

    A joint paper from the Education Commission of the States and the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University identifies how states can use summer learning programs to maximize new federal funds while also increasing their chances of receiving additional federal funding through the Race to the Top awards program. (Jeff Smink and Mike Griffith, Education Commission of the States and National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University, April 2009)...
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus dollars may boost broadband in rural areas - 0 views

    The $787 billion federal stimulus package includes $7.2 billion to help bring broadband Internet to more of America.
Anne Bubnic

No Quitters in High School - 0 views

    The Secondary School Innovation Fund Act would provide critical resources for innovative secondary school redesign to dramatically raise high school graduation rates and stem the flow of high school dropouts.
Anne Bubnic

RECOVERY - Broadband Technology Opportunities Program - Federal Business Opportunities:... - 0 views

  • NTIA will have a total of $4,549,000,000 to award to grant recipients that will be available until September 30, 2010. Of the amount provided, NTIA will use about $3,749,000,000 for infrastructure-related grants; not less than $200,000,000 for competitive grants for expanding public computer center capacity; not less than $250,000,000 for competitive grants for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; and up to $350,000,000 to develop and maintain a broadband inventory map.
    NTIA will have a total of $4,549,000,000 to award to grant recipients that will be available until September 30, 2010. Of the amount provided, NTIA will use about $3,749,000,000 for infrastructure-related grants; not less than $200,000,000 for competitive grants for expanding public computer center capacity; not less than $250,000,000 for competitive grants for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; and up to $350,000,000 to develop and maintain a broadband inventory map
Anne Bubnic

Directing Stimulus Funds For Broadband To Schools First - 0 views

  • Digital curriculum, virtual classrooms, etc., will create opportunities for rich collaboration and enable our teachers to serve the needs of individual students.  These experiences and opportunities will be created by careful rigor, planning and holistic thinking….but supported by integrated and flexible technology and access to broadband.
    While the majority of schools have basic Internet access, it's often limited, slow and not capable of handling the technology applications our administrators and educators need to ensure our students are prepared for the 21st century workplace and life. As we continue to expand use of digital learning environments to deliver personal and adaptive experiences for our students, the need to ensure rich connectivity in and out of the classroom becomes paramount.
Anne Bubnic

Addressable Stimulus Opportunities in Broadband [PDF] - 0 views

    This funding will be distributed via grants, loans and loan guarantees for broadband infrastructure. At least 75% of areas to be served with these funds must be in a rural area without sufficient access to high speed broadband. \n
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus bill to provide 'windfall' for wireless providers - 0 views

    In a report released Tuesday, ABI says the government will spend $6.8 billion for "wireless communications upgrades and new deployments" over the next two years, thus providing "a significant one-off opportunity for wireless equipment vendors."
Anne Bubnic

Slow federal spending halts planned projects for 2009 - 0 views

    We're supposed to have an economic "stimulus" plan to both stave off further economic decline and invest in key 21st century assets such as broadband and electronic medical records. In the 90-plus days since its approval, it is disarming how little of the stimulus money has been invested and how far the funding allocation dates have been pushed back. In the case of broadband networks, the original stated goal was to have as much as half the stimulus funds committed or spent by Sept. 30. Now the federal government's Web site,, lists the first award date as Dec. 31.
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus aims to help close digital divide - 0 views

    More than $7 billion available to bring broadband access to underserved areas
Anne Bubnic

Follow the Stimulus Money for Education - 0 views

    The following provides national and state-by-state breakdowns of funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that has been budgeted for distribution by the U.S. Department of Education, based on estimates by the department.
Anne Bubnic

Broadband Stimulus Funding [Webinar] - 0 views

    This Broadband Stimulus Webinar is sponsored by Aperto, Wireless Connections and Edgenics. It is being hosted by the E Broadband Services Alliances (EBSALL), a non-for-profit alliance founded by the three companies to provide broadband services to under-served and un-served markets. This Webinar will provide valuable insights concerning: (1) opportunities for funding broadband initiatives under provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); (2) WiMAX wireless technologies used to implement broadband networks with insights on the design, engineering, and planning of broadband networks; and (3) best practices for securing broadband funding.
Anne Bubnic

Turning Around Troubled Schools - 0 views

  • If we turn around just the bottom 1 percent, the bottom thousand schools per year for the next five years, we could really move the needle, lift the bottom, and change the lives of tens of millions of underserved children,"
  • Besides being unpopular, school overhauls are costly and don't always produce the desired results. One of the main challenges is finding enough experienced teachers who are willing to work at a struggling school.
    To save the school, he fired the entire staff and put a nonprofit group in charge. New principals and teachers were brought in to set the school on the right path. "Sometimes it takes a fresh start," says Don Feinstein, executive director of the Academy for Urban School Leadership, the nonprofit group that took over Howe in September and now runs a total of eight "turnaround" schools along with six teacher-training academies in the city.
Anne Bubnic

Weiss To Lead 'Race to the Top' Initiative - 0 views

    Race to the Top, as ED has described it in the past, is designed to "help states with bold plans to improve student achievement." It will provide $4.35 billion to create incentives for states to create "innovative" programs that can be replicated throughout the country. And, in general, it will be aimed at funding programs that satisfy the principles outlined in the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, which include creating and saving jobs; ensuring transparency, reporting, and accountability; and improving student achievement through school improvement and reform.
Anne Bubnic

Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology - 0 views

    Provides assistance to States and localities for the implementation and support of a comprehensive system that effectively uses technology in elementary schools and secondary schools to improve student academic achievement.
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