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ARRA: State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Assurances [doc] - 0 views

    Assurances are equired as a condition of receiving funds. LEA applicants do not need to sign and return the assurances with the application; they must be downloaded and kept on file for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits.

Taking Action on ARRA: Education & Learning Disabilities - 0 views

    To reform education, and ensure that America's classrooms provide support for all learners, Congress and President Obama have provided an additional $12.2 billion in funding for special education through the stimulus package, known by its acronym as ARRA. That's the good news. The bad news is these funds may be endangered if they are not spent effectively, and as intended.

ARRA and Special Education - 0 views

    ARRA provides $12.2 billion in funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) under Part B and Part C. Part B consists of $11.3 billion allocated for Section 611 (ages 3-21) and $400 million for Section 619 (ages 3-5 only).1 $500 million is provided for Part C (infants and toddlers). In addition to IDEA funding, it's possible that other ARRA line items, including but not limited to Title I and Head Start funding, might also be dedicated to special education and educational reforms. State Fiscal \nStabilization Funds can also be used by states for these purposes, but there is no requirement that they do so/

Highlights of ARRA Funding Opportunities for Local Districts [PDF] - 0 views

    ARRA provides $12.2 billion in funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) under Part B and Part C. Part B consists of $11.3 billion allocated for Section 611 (ages 3-21) and $400 million for Section 619 (ages 3-5 only).1 $500 million is provided for Part C (infants and toddlers). In addition to IDEA funding, it's possible that other ARRA line items, including but not limited to Title I and Head Start funding, might also be dedicated to special education and educational reforms. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds can also be used by states for these purposes, but there is no requirement that they do so.

Webinar Archive: Leveraging Stimulus Funds for Lasting Change - 0 views

    Archive of a comprehensive 90-minute webinar covering all aspects of ARRA funds for education, including timelines, known requirements, assurances, big-picture goals, how to spend the money, etc.

Guidance on IDEA Part B funds under ARRA [PDF] - 0 views

    14-page document that describes authorized uses of IDEA PartB funding from ARRA.

EETT Competitive - Round 8 [PPT] - 0 views

    CTAP Region 10 PPT presentation on EETT-Competitive, Round 8. Economic stimulus funds will be distributed in July as an additional allocation for EETT Competitive Grants.

Economic Stimulus and Powering Through The Recession - 0 views

    What will President Obama's stimulus package mean for K-12 budgets? How can you make best use of federal dollars to protect instruction and extend achievement amid cutbacks at the state and local levels?

Schools Crunch Calculus of Stimulus Package - 0 views

    Schools struggling with some of their worst budget crises in generations are taking stock of President Obama's stimulus package -- hoping the money will restore funding for things like textbooks, teacher salaries and tuition. The $100 billion in funding dedicated to education touches programs for almost every age group, from early-childhood programs to financial aid for college students. While the money, part of the $787 billion stimulus package, may not result in a full turnaround, districts say, it will help stop some of the bleeding.

Education reform way to rake in stimulus money - 0 views

  • early $44 billion for schools was made available April 1 and is to help states and school districts jump-start reform efforts and stabilize shrinking budgets. Another round of funding will be made available for states' applications later in the year, according to the federal Education Department.States were given guidelines this month on how they could use stimulus funds. The majority of the money states receive must be applied to programs that serve low-income students in Title 1 and special education students in Individuals with Disabilities Education Act programs
  • states competing for Race to the Top funds will be judged on how well they are using the first round of stabilization and Title I funds to advance education reforms.
  • Every dollar we spend must advance reforms and improve learning," Duncan said in a release. "We are putting real money on the line to challenge every state to push harder and do more for its children."
    Nearly $44 billion for schools was made available April 1 and is to help states and school districts jump-start reform efforts and stabilize shrinking budgets. Another round of funding will be made available for states' applications later in the year, according to the federal Education Department.

Using ARRA Funds to Drive School Reform and Improvement [.doc] - 0 views

    The document, released on April 24, 2009, is intended to spark ideas about how schools and districts might use Recovery Act funds, particularly under the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Title I, and the Individuals with Disabilities Act Part B.

Initial Guidance on State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Title 1 and IDEA - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Education released a new PowerPoint overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on March 24. While much of the information we have already covered, there are some new points that are of importance to the charter community.

List of State Allocations for IDEA Recovery Funds [.xls] - 0 views

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) appropriates significant new funding for programs under Parts B and C of IDEA. Part B of the IDEA provides funds to state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to help them ensure that children with disabilities, including children aged three through five, have access to a free appropriate public education to meet each child's unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living.

Longitudinal Data Systems And The Impact Of ARRA - 0 views

    Increasingly, districts achieving significant gains in student performance cite longitudinal data systems -- systems that gather and track student data over time -- as their key to success. For these districts, easy access to accurate, real-time, frequently gathered data enables them to inform collaborative planning, differentiate instruction and drive improvement.\n\nAt this webinar, you'll hear first-hand from district leaders and education technology innovators including Pam Moran, Superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools, Kim Davis, Executive Director, Instructional Technology, Wichita Public Schools, and Luyen Chou, Chief Product Officer at Schoolnet, the data-driven education solution provider.

How Public Charter Schools May Benefit from ARRA - 0 views

  • In addition to the direct spending increases, several tax portions of the bill can benefit public charter schools, including a newly-authorized $22 billion school construction bond program, $10 billion to the New Markets Tax Credit Program, $25 billion in recovery zone bonds, and $1.4 billion in new funding to the Qualified Zone Academy Bonds - all tools charters will be able to tap to finance facilities. Additionally, several reform-oriented programs received new funding in this bill, including $200 million for the Teacher Incentive Fund and $250 million for the development of State Wide Longitudinal Data Systems. The Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program unfortunately did not receive any new funding and will rely on its FY09 appropriations until a new appropriation is made in FY10.
    The Department of Education received significant new funding that can benefit public charter schools. Over $100 billion in direct spending primarily is designated through already existing programs (e.g., Title I, IDEA) and the newly authorized State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund became the primary new education program in the bill, and absorbed the funding for modernizing public schools that had been included in earlier versions of the bill.

ARRA Education Fund Finder - 0 views

    Find your state's recently released allocations for ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs, IDEA Parts B and C, Rehabilitation Act State Grants, Independent Living State Grants, and Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind, as well as your school district's allocations for Title I, Part A, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
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