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Energy Net

Doctor Fish Invents Fan Blade With Twenty Percent Greater Efficiency By Mimicking A Whale Flipper : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Christian Science Monitor has published a totally charming story about how Dr. Frank E. Fish was inspired to "bio-mimic" a fan blade design, upon viewing a Humpback Whale sculpture in a Boston MA gift shop. There are prospective efficiency gains from re-designed wind turbine blades, also, based on this "discovery".
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Better Wind Turbines - 0 views

    Technology Review has an article on advances in wind turbine technology - Better Wind Turbines. ExRo Technologies, a startup based in Vancouver, BC, has developed a new kind of generator that's well suited to harvesting energy from wind. It could lower the cost of wind turbines while increasing their power output by 50 percent. The new generator runs efficiently over a wider range of conditions than conventional generators do. When the shaft running through an ordinary generator is turning at the optimal rate, more than 90 percent of its energy can be converted into electricity. But if it speeds up or slows down, the generator's efficiency drops dramatically. This isn't a problem in conventional power plants, where the turbines turn at a steady rate, fed by a constant supply of energy from coal or some other fuel. But wind speed can vary wildly. Turbine blades that change pitch to catch more or less wind can help, as can transmissions that mediate between the spinning blades and the generator shaft. But transmissions add both manufacturing and maintenance costs, and there's a limit to how much changing the blade angle can compensate for changing winds.
Energy Net

Quiet wind-turbine comes to U.S. homes - CNET News - 0 views

    A home wind turbine already installed at 250 sites in Scotland is now being sold across the pond. Cascade Engineering said Monday the Swift wind turbine, for homes and other buildings, is available in the U.S. and Canada. (Credit: Cascade Engineering) The Swift tries to set itself apart from existing small wind turbines with a design that reduces noise. Also, the turbine can be attached to a home, rather than to a free-standing pole or tower. Like other wind turbines, the Swift has blades that turn and power a generator. But rather than the typical three blades, the Swift has five and a ring that goes around them. That "outer diffuser" ring cuts the noise level to 35 decibels and reduces vibration, according to the company.
Energy Net

Vestas Breaks Ground in Colorado - Renewable Energy World - 0 views

    Colorado, United States [] Vestas held a ground-breaking ceremony this week for its two new manufacturing facilities - a nacelle assembly factory and blade factory - in Brighton, Colorado. The Brighton factories are part of the manufacturing and research base Vestas is establishing in the U.S. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Denmark participated at the event. Once the factories are fully operational in 2010, they will create about 1,350 jobs in Brighton. Vestas' investment in Brighton will total about US $300 million, and will secure an annual production capacity of 2,000 blades and 1,400 nacelles.
opinions1 opinions1

Lunettes de soleil Oakley Radar Range Mais - 0 views

Et sans être convaincu que, si les demandes sociales de protection face à ces risques sont légitimes, les magistrats devraient pouvoir mieux résister à la tentation de troquer leur robe rigide pour...

http:__www.caputimario.fr_ Lunettes de soleil Oakley Radar Range XL Blades

started by opinions1 opinions1 on 05 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

COOLKATANA katana sword - 0 views

    There are various forging processes for the forging of katana.  The blade we made for different targets are different in two aspects. Just like the picture shows. The light cutting blades are made without niku, razor sharp blades have no niku at all. So do not use this kind of blade on hard targets in case the edge chi
opinions1 opinions1

Oakley Occhiali da Sole Ma - 0 views

Ray Ban Occhiali Wayfarer Oakley da Sole Radar XL Blades

started by opinions1 opinions1 on 25 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Sharpener Guide Drill Adapter - 0 views

Chain saw sharpening attachment: Easily sharpen dull, slow-cutting chain saw blades. Easily screws on to your rotary tool in place of the tool's housing cap. Lawn mower and garden tool sharpener: ...

started by ava777 on 19 May 19 no follow-up yet
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Wind Power Holding - 0 views

    LM Wind Power Holding A/S (LM Wind Power), formerly LM Glasfiber Holding A/S, is a supplier of components and services to the wind turbine industry. The company designs and develops wind power blades and brakes through its group companies.
Energy Net

Boomtown Bremerhaven: The Offshore Wind Industry Success Story - Renewable Energy World - 0 views

    Formerly a region of high-unemployment, the German port of Bremerhaven has experienced a remarkable economic upturn, transforming into a major offshore wind power know-how centre and more. At least four of Germany's North Sea and Baltic Sea major ports have been transformed into the country's main wind industry logistical centres and/or equipment manufacturing/supply bases during the past few years. 'Of the €500 million invested for offshore wind power development along the German North Sea coastal region during the past years, about half came to Bremerhaven.' -- Jan Rispens, Managing Director, Windenergie Agentur Bremerhaven/Bremen (WAB) Emden serves as a main export harbour for Enercon wind turbines, and the German market leader operates a large concrete tower manufacturing plant within Emden's boundaries. BARD Engineering chose Emden as its offshore wind turbine assembly and rotor blade manufacturing location, while part of BARD's Tripile offshore foundations are being manufactured by a subsidiary company in Cuxhaven. Both BARD and Enercon have, in addition, built a foundry in the region, aimed at providing at least part of their individual demand for heavy-cast components.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Improving Wind Turbines - 0 views

    Grist has a post on new ideas for improving wind power technology, pointing to a Tyler Hamilton "Clean Break" column in the Toronto Star - Wind turbines get fancy. Solar energy sucks up a lot of research attention, partly because solar energy systems still have so much room for improvement. Wind turbines, on the other hand, have been around for over 1,000 years, and although the modern versions are vastly larger and more efficient than their ancient counterparts, the basic concept hasn't changed much. But the standard blades-on-a-horizontal-axle version of wind energy systems (as opposed to more exotic flavors like kites or blimps) may yet be poised for some big leaps forward, several of which were profiled in a recent Clean Break column.
Energy Net

Mullen | Power Rangers: A win-wind for alternative energy sources. - Salt Lake City Weekly - Salt Lake City's Independent Guide To News, Arts & Entertainment - 0 views

    The trip from Salt Lake City to southern Utah's red-rock playground-thousands of us make the drive to Moab during a typical year-will never be the same. There, where U.S. Highway 6 starts its cut through Spanish Fork Canyon, stand nine breathtaking, milk-white giants-the busily whirring turbines of the Spanish Fork Wind Project. The windmills are 405 feet high, and their blades, which from ground level look deceptively slow moving, spin at 170 mph, says Spanish Fork Mayor Joe Thomas. He should know. Shortly before the official ribbon cutting at the wind farm in early October, Thomas got the chance to climb to the top of a turbine.
Energy Net

Rainforest Fungus Naturally Synthesizes Diesel | Wired Science from - 0 views

    A fungus that lives inside trees in the Patagonian rain forest naturally makes a mix of hydrocarbons that bears a striking resemblance to diesel, biologists announced today. And the fungus can grow on cellulose, a major component of tree trunks, blades of grass and stalks that is the most abundant carbon-based plant material on Earth. "When we looked at the gas analysis, I was flabbergasted," said Gary Strobel, a plant scientist at Montana State University, and the lead author of a paper in Microbiology describing the find. "We were looking at the essence of diesel fuel."
Energy Net

Inhabitat » Groundbreaking Energy Ball Wind Turbine for Home Power - 0 views

    Swedish company Home Energy recently revealed an innovative wind turbine that spins in a spherical formation. Eschewing traditional rotors for a sleek orb structure, this beautiful rethinking of conventional wind turbine design utilizes the Venturi principle, which funnels wind within the turbine's blades. The resulting spherical wind turbine features increased efficiency and lower noise levels - making it ideal for small scale energy needs such as personal home use. Best of all it's called the Energy Ball: the fun name is an added bonus.
Energy Net

Energy Ball generates power for homes- - 0 views

    From Holland, the country famous for its windmills, comes a new design for home wind power. Looking like an eggbeater, it spins quieter and at lower wind speeds than a lot of traditional propeller-type turbines. It's now standard for big wind turbines to have propeller blades. Much of the turning force is generated at the tips, which slice perpendicularly through the air, causing a swooshing noise that some residents nearby have said they find unnerving.
Energy Net

Del. races to build offshore wind farm - Environment- - 0 views

    Visitors to Rehoboth Beach, Del., soon may be greeted by more than sand dunes, seagulls and beach umbrellas. If offshore wind advocates have their way, scores of 140-foot blades will be spinning in the ocean breeze nearly a dozen miles away, barely visible to the sunbathers.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Tidal power gets a boost from propeller and wind turbine techonology - 0 views

    The Guardian has a report on some new tidal power technology from a company in Wales inspired by ship propellers and wind turbines - Tidal power gets a boost from propeller and wind turbine techonology. Propellers on ships have been tried and tested for centuries in the rough and unforgiving environment of the sea: now this long-proven technology will be used in reverse to harness clean energy from the UK's powerful tides. The tides that surge around the UK's coasts could provide up to a quarter of the nation's electricity, without any carbon emissions. But life in the stormy seas is harsh and existing equipment - long-bladed underwater wind turbines - is prone to failure.A Welsh renewable energy company has teamed up with ship propulsion experts to design a new marine turbine which they believe is far more robust.
Energy Net

Answers to huge wind-farm problems are blowin' in the wind: ENN -- Know Your Environment - 0 views

    While harnessing more energy from the wind could help satisfy growing demands for electricity and reduce emissions of global-warming gases, turbulence from proposed wind farms could adversely affect the growth of crops in the surrounding countryside. Solutions to this, and other problems presented by wind farms - containing huge wind turbines, each standing taller than a 60-story building and having blades more than 300 feet long - can be found blowin' in the wind, a University of Illinois researcher says.
Energy Net

'Small wind' power plants are blowing strong | - 0 views

    DOVER, Mass. - On a recent sunny afternoon Bob Loebelenz pauses to gaze 72 feet into the air at the spinning blades of his wind turbine, a small "clean, free electricity" smile creasing the corners of his mouth. While giant wind turbines that supply power to utilities sprout along ridgelines across the United States, far smaller residential wind generators, like the one Mr. Loebelenz erected in 2003 to power his suburban Boston home, are still unusual in densely populated places.
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