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Electric Vehicles In An Electric-Centric World- Part 3- Nuclear/ Natural Gas - 0 views

    Granted, the risk that a nuclear reactor might fail today is fairly small on a per plant basis. "clean coal", because this source of energy is our most abundant and cheap.

Electric Vehicles In An Electric-Centric World- Part 5- Solar - Wind - 0 views

    For all of solar power's positive attributes and benefits, the most obvious drawback it suffers from is its marriage to the sun; the sun must shine for the power system to work.
Energy Net

EEStor Technology: The End of Batteries? - 0 views

    (NaturalNews) For decades, battery storage technology has been a heavy weight on the back of scientific innovation. From cell phones to electric vehicles, our technological capabilities always seem to be several steps ahead of our ability to power them. Several promising new technologies are currently under development to help power the 21st century, but one small start-up looks especially well positioned to transform the way we think about energy storage.
Energy Net

Schwarzenegger challenges automakers to meet Calif. rules - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Thursday that pressure from the auto industry will not deter California from attempting to impose strict emission rules for vehicles sold in the state.

Electric Vehicles In An Electric-Centric World- Part 10- Wasting Time - 0 views

    The main ingredient in securing an electric-centric transportation future is the means and methods required to increase the capacity of sustainable ["green"] "base-load" power.
Energy Net

The Cost of Energy » Blog Archive » Document alert: Annual Energy Review 2009 - 0 views

    The US Department of Energy has released the latest edition of their Annual Energy Review (from the Executive Summary): The projections in AEO2009 look beyond current economic and financial woes and focus on factors that drive U.S. energy markets in the longer term. Key issues highlighted in the AEO2009 include higher but uncertain world oil prices, growing concern about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and its impacts on energy investment decisions, the increasing use of renewable fuels, the increasing production of unconventional natural gas, the shift in the transportation fleet to more efficient vehicles, and improved efficiency in end-use appliances. Using a reference case and a broad range of sensitivity cases, AEO2009 illustrates these key energy market trends and explores important areas of uncertainty in the U.S. energy economy. The AEO2009 cases, which were developed before enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA2009) in February 2009, reflect laws and policies in effect as of November 2008.
Energy Net

The Cost of Energy » Blog Archive » Document alert: Alternative transportatio... - 0 views

    The US Dept. of Energy has issued a set of spreadsheets on the use of alternative fuel vehicles, available from two web pages: EIA Alternative Transportation Fuels-Supplier Data EIA Alternative Transportation Fuels-User and Fuel Data A few observations:

Electric Vehicles In An Electric-Centric World- Part 9- Economics & Risk - 0 views

    The real risk in this scenario is macro-economic: the energy markets and our economy convulse in epileptic spasms each time a sheik complains of chest pains or several sheiks start a family feud.
Energy Net

California Energy Blog: The Plan for Fuel Cells - 0 views

    The San Diego Union Tribune blogs about the new plan for Fuel Cell Cars & hydrogen fueling stations in California. The plan, which was released last month by the California Fuel Cell Partnership, anticipates by 2017 almost 50,000 fuel cell vehicles in California, supported by 36 fueling stations which are slated to cost $180 million. Check out the UT's blog post here, and follow it to the summary and the full report on the California Fuel Cell Partnership Web site.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Learning to Live With Electric Cars - 0 views

    Greentech Media has a post on one of the major issues facing electric car manufacturers - getting people used to the idea - Learning to Live With Electric Cars. While consumers overwhelmingly say they want plug-in cars, consumers will have to be educated on the differences between them and gas-burning cars, says Debra Reed, CEO of San Diego Gas & Electric, which will take delivery of 10 to 15 all-electrics Nissan when they come out next year. Nissan and SDG&E showed off a "mule" of Nissan's electric commuter today. The functioning vehicle sports the same basic motor and other electronics that will come with the production all-electric cars, said a Nissan spokeswoman. However, it is housed in the shell of an existing car.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Better Lithium-ion Batteries - 0 views

    Technology Review has an article on a startup that says its "solid polymer electrolytes will mean cheaper, more-reliable batteries" - Better Lithium-ion Batteries. A new incarnation of lithium-ion batteries based on solid polymers is in the works. Berkeley, CA-based startup Seeo, Inc. says its lithium-ion cells will be safer, longer-lasting, lighter, and cheaper than current batteries. Seeo's batteries use thin films of polymer as the electrolyte and high-energy-density, light-weight electrodes. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is now making and testing cells designed by the University of California, Berkeley spinoff. Lithium-ion batteries are used in cell phones and laptops because they are smaller and lighter than other types of batteries. They are also promising for electric and hybrid vehicles. However, conventional materials and chemistries have stopped them from being used extensively in cars.

Electric Vehicles In An Electric-Centric World- Part 8- National Security - 0 views

    The environmental benefits of binary geothermal power are also positive.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: A North American Wind Energy Scenario - 0 views

    I've got another guest post from Neil Howes up at TOD, this one proposing a rough plan for North AMerica to obtain 50% of its power from wind by 2030 - A North American Wind Energy Scenario. Would a "50% of electricity generated by wind scenario" work in North America by 2030? In this post, I make a rough cut estimate of what might be required to make such a transition in about 20 years time. Most proposals that are being made rely on a very big increase in carbon free energy, both to charge electric vehicles (EV's) and to replace oil and natural gas (NG) presently used for hot water and space heating. In this post, I lay out a path by which 50% of North American energy might come from wind by 2030, including replacement of a large share of oil and natural gas use by electricity. ... High quality wind resources (wind speeds greater than 6.9m/sec) in the US are estimated to be >5,500GWa, about x10 all of N America's present electricity production of 550GWa. Canada's potential appears to be similar or greater than the US, while Mexico's wind resources are more limited (these figures do not include deep offshore resources that could be harnessed by floating wind turbines or higher altitude wind resources that could potentially be harnessed by airborne wind turbines).
Energy Net

Roll-Up Solar Panels - 0 views

    Technology Review has an article on thin film solar vendor Xunlight's approach - making cells on flexible steel sheets - Roll-Up Solar Panels. Xunlight, a startup in Toledo, Ohio, has developed a way to make large, flexible solar panels. It has developed a roll-to-roll manufacturing technique that forms thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells on thin sheets of stainless steel. Each solar module is about one meter wide and five and a half meters long. As opposed to conventional silicon solar panels, which are bulky and rigid, these lightweight, flexible sheets could easily be integrated into roofs and building facades or on vehicles. Such systems could be more attractive than conventional solar panels and be incorporated more easily into irregular roof designs. They could also be rolled up and carried in a backpack, says the company's cofounder and president, Xunming Deng. "You could take it with you and charge your laptop battery," he says.

Car Sharing | Green Entrepreneurship Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Car sharing has become an increasingly common concept today. What is it? Car sharing is the concept of sharing a vehicle rather than owning it outright. It is similar to carpooling, only you do not ride with other people in every case.

Green Plumber | Green Entrepreneurship Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Being a green plumber means that you will be setting an example and providing an image from the very beginning. From driving an energy efficient vehicle to utilizing all green practices in the office and on the job site, it is important that you do not just say that you are green, but that you show it as well.

Battery Changing Station | Green Entrepreneurship Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    The world is changing, including the way we travel from. There may come a time when everyone will be driving hybrid vehicles rather than ones that use gas, fast becoming a precious resource.

Intelligent Chargers and Switch Mode Chargers: Making the Most Out of Your Battery: Eco... - 0 views

    Instead of having to recharge your battery for your electric vehicle (EV) you would simply drive to the nearest battery switching spot and the battery would be changed while you wait. This is a simple process that does not take longer than ten minutes.

Green Heavy Machinery and Transportation | Green Entrepreneurship Opportunities: GreenC... - 0 views

    When people think of green technologies and companies they think of recycling and small businesses. They think of small, hybrid cars and people sharing rides instead of driving their own vehicles.
Alex Parker

Could China lead the Electric Vehicle revolution? - 1 views

    China has signalled plans to invest $16bn into its electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, a move that could stimulate massive growth in EV sales and help the country cut carbon emissions. We take a look at the project and find out what impact an EV revolution could have on the power grid.
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