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Energy Net

Peak Energy: Hawaii Seeks To Become A Better Place - 0 views

    Yet another announcement from Project Better Place, this time spreading their wings to Hawaii - Hawaii goes electric. California's announcement last month of its aim to turn San Francisco Bay into the world's electric car capital has been followed by Hawaii jumping on the clean energy bandwagon. The state spends up to $7bn (£4.75bn) a year on importing oil, and cars account for almost 20% of the state's greenhouse gas emissions. In a mirror of the Californian plans, the electric transportation company Better Place will aim to build a network of kerbside charging points across Hawaii and create the equivalent of filling stations, where electric car owners will be able to replace their flat batteries for fully charged ones. With a full charge, a typical car will be able to travel 100 miles, ideal for commuting around urban areas.

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D'ailleurs il avait une supériorité sur lui, il était maître de son secret, tandis qu'au contraire il ne pouvait avoir aucune action sur Franz, qui n'avait rien à cacher. Cependant il résolut de fa...

started by touch0213 on 24 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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She is the real ruler of this land, and I stand next to her." "Then I pray you," said Leo, "keep me out of the way of that drunken man, for, look you, if I am at...

started by xketh147 on 06 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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MGM Grand H?tel et Casino est l'un des h?tels les plus prisés boutique à Las Vegas qui pourrait vous fournir un hébergement hors pair ainsi que l'expérience de jeu passionnante. Cet h?tel incarne u...

started by alisa0213 on 13 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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MGM Grand H?tel et Casino est l'un des h?tels les plus prisés boutique à Las Vegas qui pourrait vous fournir un hébergement hors pair ainsi que l'expérience de jeu passionnante. Cet h?tel incarne u...

started by happy0213 on 04 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Devia Rajput

Bermuda Triangle Mysteries place - 0 views

    Bermuda Triangle Mysteries place .Its Most dangerous place on the universe.Bermuda Triangle is associate degree enigma that humans has been unable to unravel as yet. man of science hasn't got one clue concerning the rationale behind its mystery. Their area unit many incidents associated with the constellation. we have a tendency to area unit here with a number of these mysteries,
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C'est le site américain The Vertical qui a rapporté en premier l'annonce du trade de Boris Diaw. Une information rapidement confirmée par le principal intéressé.Mercredi, dans notre journal, Nampal...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 07 Jul 16 no follow-up yet

A Better Look at A Better Place (A Company Profile): Eco20/20 - 0 views

    A Better Place is an ecologically forward thinking company that has won awards for its new battery switching station - a drive-up kiosk that looks like a carwash where depleted electric and hybrid car batteries are removed and replaced while the driver remains in the car.
Energy Net

Solar panels on graves give power to Spanish town - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    A new kind of silent hero has joined the fight against climate change. Santa Coloma de Gramenet, a gritty, working-class town outside Barcelona, has placed a sea of solar panels atop mausoleums at its cemetery, transforming a place of perpetual rest into one buzzing with renewable energy. Flat, open and sun-drenched land is so scarce in Santa Coloma that the graveyard was just about the only viable spot to move ahead with its solar energy program. The power the 462 panels produces - equivalent to the yearly use by 60 homes - flows into the local energy grid for normal consumption and is one community's odd nod to the fight against global warming.
Energy Net

San Francisco to Detroit: Go electric - Green Wombat - 0 views

    It was a day when the shift from the past to the future was almost palpable. It started Thursday morning in Berkeley where Green Wombat was moderating a panel of tech luminaries gathered at the University of California's Global Technology Leaders Conference. As Shai Agassi, founder of electric car infrastructure company Better Place, makes the case for harnessing Silicon Valley's technological innovation to Detroit's manufacturing might to create a sustainable car industry, dispatches from the automotive apocalypse roll down my BlackBerry: Ford (F) shares sink to $1.01…GM's (GM) stock falls to its lowest level since World War II…U.S. automakers beg for a bailout…California Congressman Henry Waxman ousts Michigan's John Dingell - the Duke of Detroit - from his 28-year chairmanship of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee. Agassi slips out of the conference and an hour later I catch up with him across the Bay at San Francisco City Hall where he and representatives of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the mayors of San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland announce a $1 billion project to build a regional network of electric car charging stations. Better Place has signed similar deals with governments in Israel, Denmark and Australia, but California is the company's first foray into the U.S. market. Planning for the Bay Area network begins in 2009 with construction scheduled to start in 2010 and commercial rollout set for 2012.
Ed Kerollis

solarnation » About Us - 0 views

    this is the place where Solar Citizens live, the place where we can rally to change and improve energy policy in America so that solar power becomes a key element of our future.
Energy Net

NEC to Feature Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies at 2nd Environmental Hall of Fame - 0 views

    The second Environmental Hall of Fame ceremony will be held in Chicago beginning tomorrow through Saturday, Nov. 20-22. Among the environmental celebrities to be honored are Pierc Brosnan (James Bond) and his wife, who have been activists in the movement. Two of the New Energy Congress' Global Top 100 Clean Energy Technology companies will also receive awards: Stirling Energy Systems, a concentrated solar technology that heats a highly-efficient Stirling engine, has been in first place in the Top 100 for over a year. Green Power Inc., which is commencing commercial production of a 100 ton per day municipal waste-to-diesel plant, recently rose to 15th place on the Top 100 list.

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.suite.xA0;64 La s?ur d'Arnaud, nous est apparue dans le récit comme incarnant cette dimension négative de la transmission, dans le sens où elle instaure une place particulière. Place vide, en creu...

started by xlinda55236 on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

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À la fin du déjeuner, Franz tira sa montre. «Eh bien, lui dit le comte, que faites-vous donc , -Vous nous excuserez, monsieur le comte, répondit Franz, mais nous avons encore mille choses à faire. ...

started by vacation0213 on 25 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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À mesure qu'ils approchaient de la place du Peuple, la foule devenait plus épaisse et au-dessus des têtes de cette foule, on voyait s'élever deux choses : l'obélisque surmonté d'une croix qui indiq...

started by judge0213 on 25 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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started by touch0213 on 13 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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Une fois l'armistice conclu, elle resta de juin à novembre 1945 aux Armées, en Forêt noire où, après s'être fait donner une mission en ce sens, elle mit en place un réseau de colonies de vacances q...

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started by xketh147 on 07 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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Ce sont ces choix et les compétences que cela demande au ma?tre que nous allons maintenant développer. Du c?té du ma?trexA0;: quelles compétences professionnellesxA0;?Les obstacles repérés [10] Ces...

started by angle44556 on 30 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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Gameiro a éteint le débat étrange sur son niveau international, l'affaire n'étant pas une question de statistiques ou d'âge mais de vécu. La carrière de l'ancien Parisien et ses trophées en Ligue E...

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