U.S. says wind could power 20 percent of eastern grid | Green Tech - CNET News - 0 views
"Wind energy could generate 20 percent of the electricity needed by households and businesses in the eastern half of the United States by 2024, but it would require up to $90 billion in investment, according to a government report released on Wednesday. For the 20 percent wind scenario to work, billions must be spent on installing wind towers on land and sea and about 22,000 miles of new high-tech power lines to carry the electricity to cities, according to the study from the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory."
A tale vista, il sovrano, spaventato, disse a suo fratello: "Come sono forti i nostri nemici, come hai potuto dire che la potenza militare di Jin era scarsa?", E si pentì per aver eccessivamente so...
Hummel LNG Hybrid Barge - Ship Technology - 1 views
The Hummel LNG Hybrid barge is the world's first environmentally friendly hybrid liquified natural gas (LNG) barge built by Becker Marine Systems. The vessel is a floating power plant providing clean and efficient cold ironing power to cruise ships. It also acts as a backup power bank to the local electric and power grid.
The UK - a role to play in developing clean African energy? - 1 views
While sub-Saharan Africa has seen robust economic growth, access to electricity is lagging behind. Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna has called on British industry to support the development of renewable energy in Africa, highlighting the economic value of establishing a firm base in the continent.
Department of Energy - Obama Administration Announces Billions in Lending Authority for... - 1 views
Loan Guarantees Will Help Create New Jobs while Fostering Clean Energy Innovation Washington, DC - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today that the Department of Energy will provide up to $30 billion in loan guarantees, depending on the applications and market conditions, for renewable energy projects. Another $750 million will support several billion dollars more in loan guarantees for projects that increase the reliability, efficiency and security of the nation's transmission system. The two new loan guarantee solicitations announced today are being funded partly through the Recovery Act and partly through 2009 appropriations.
Could China lead the Electric Vehicle revolution? - 1 views
Sinfonia: energising the European smart city - 1 views
The EU-funded Sinfonia smart cities project aims to retrofit more than 100,000m2 of living space in two pioneer districts, optimising technologies for electricity grids and district heating and cooling. At the project's heart is collaboration - the sharing of processes to increase energy savings and develop a coherent framework to expand the use of renewables.
The winds of change blow for Japan's energy mix - 1 views
Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Japan has struggled as many of its nuclear power plants remain off the grid, forcing the country to turn to expensive foreign gas imports. A new report however by Wood Mackenzie highlights the potential wind power has for transforming the Japanese energy mix. Could a great leap see Japan become a wind powerhouse?
Vietnam moves towards solar power through feed-in-tariffs - 1 views
Vietnam has witnessed a huge rush in solar PV projects development as the validity of attractive feed-in-tariff (FIT) rates ended on 30 June 2019. According to the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) as of 30 June, a total of 82 solar power plants with a cumulative capacity of 4.46GW had been connected to the national grid.
AfricaNews - Africa: Renewable energy key to development - The AfricaNews articles of D... - 8 views
The CEO of the China Africa Bridge said: “The solar radiation Africa receives could make this continent the Saudi-Arabia of the future”.
mong the discussed and recommended policies were micro-credits for the purchase of solar home systems, the reduction or abolition of import duties on renewable energy technology, renewable energy payments for independent electricity-producers in regions with a grid and policies for subsidizing the use of solar water heaters as widely used in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries.
The CEO of the China Africa Bridge said: "The solar radiation Africa receives could make this continent the Saudi-Arabia of the future".
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