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Leslie Healey

Reports of blogging's death have been greatly exaggerated | Cory Doctorow | Technology | - 6 views

  • t was coined in 1913 by Wolfgang Riepl. It's as true now as it was then.
  • Science fiction writer Bruce Sterling says: "The future composts the past." There's even a law to describe this, Riepl's Law – which says "new, further developed types of media never replace the existing modes of media and their usage patterns. Instead, a convergence takes place in their field, leading to a different way and field of use for these older forms."
    doctorow's take on why we need not just twitter and facebook and diigo but also older methods of socialmedia--blogging
    this is the best analysis on why we need the varied forms of social media in the classroom--and in life
meenoo rami

Wiki:interactive media resources | Social Media CoLab - 4 views

    interactive media tools shared on twitter
Clifford Baker

Free Technology for Teachers: Blogging Isn't About the Number of Readers - 0 views

  • Seth Godin is one of the leading authorities on social media, marketing, and organizational leadership. In this video he and Tom Peters are talking to an audience of business people about the benefits of blogging.
Leslie Healey

Reading in a whole new way - 15 views

    First time I have seen the way reading changes when reading on a screen. I can use this info with my students, understand how critical reading is changing but not disintegrating
Leslie Healey

'The Social Network': A Review Of Aaron Sorkin's Film About Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg | The New Republic - 1 views

    by Lessig insightful, creepy
Dana Huff

Record | Columbia News - 8 views

    "Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet on Facebook? With social networking the hot topic of the day, a computer science grad student, his advisor and a literature professor teamed up to analyze social interactions in 19th century British novels."
Meredith Stewart

The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families - 8 views

    American Academy of Pediatrics report
Leslie Healey

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media - - 10 views

    Though this is not true in my school, I know this must be MY tribe... and it must be true, cause it is in the NYT (in joke in my worldlit class).
Jenny Gilbert

YouTube - Ai Weiwei detained. Here is his TED film - 1 views

    excellent video for yr 10's Mao's last dancer - and yr 12 encountering conflict. gives insight into China today, use of social media and the ways people go about gaining freedom of speech.
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