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Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Find Easy to Read Text for Lower Levels - 14 views

    "Twurdy is actually based on Google, but it analyses Google results for readability, so it can help you to find more lower level texts for learners without you having to read through every result from Google to see if it's simple enough. "
    Twurdy is actually based on Google, but it analyses Google results for readability, so it can help you to find more lower level texts for learners without you having to read through every result from Google to see if it's simple enough.
Wanda Terral

Awesome Stories - 16 views

    AwesomeStories is a gathering place of primary-source information. Its purpose - since the site was first launched in 1999 - is to help educators and individuals find original sources, located at national archives, libraries, universities, museums, historical societies and government-created web sites. Sources held in archives, which document so much important first-hand information, are often not searchable by popular search engines. One needs to search within those institutional sites directly, using specific search phrases not readily discernible to non-scholars. The experience can be frustrating, resulting in researchers leaving key sites without finding needed information. AwesomeStories is about primary sources. The stories exist as a way to place original materials in context and to hold those links together in an interesting, cohesive way (thereby encouraging people to look at them). It is a totally different kind of web site in that its purpose is to place primary sources at the forefront - not the opinions of a writer. Its objective is to take the site's users to places where those primary sources are located. The author of each story is listed on the preface page of the story. A link to the author provides more detailed information. This educational teaching/learning tool is also designed to support state and national standards. Each story on the site links to online primary-source materials which are positioned in context to enhance reading comprehension, understanding and enjoyment.
Leslie Healey

Will hyperconnected millennials suffer cognitive consequences? (Audio) | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 8 views

  • multitaskers who count on the Internet as their external brain and who approach problems in a different way from their elders,
  • mostly positive between now
  • and 2020
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • exhibit a thirst for instant gratification and quick fixes, a loss of patience, and a lack of deep-thinking ability due to what one referred to as “fast-twitch wiring.”
  • In the report, Weinberger wrote, "Whatever happens, we won't be able to come up with an impartial value judgment because the change in intellect will bring about a change in values as well."
    note last line: there will be a change in values as a result of the changes in learning provoked by  he internet.We have embarked on the biggest social experiment of the century by accident.

Research: New 'science of learning' could reinvent teaching techniques - 0 views

    New "science of learning" shows initial, useful results teachers can use daily in designing and delivering instruction.

Standards: English Language Arts Learning Standards and Core Curriculum:CI&IT:NYSED - 0 views

    Einstein said "an idea should be as simple as possible but not simpler." These NY ELA standards are the result of long deep thought by some of the best minds in the field, those who understand the complexity of a real classroom.

Resource: John Seely Brown: Chief of Confusion - 0 views

    John Seely Brown is a remarkable thinker. His book The Social Life of Information and his article "Growing Up DIgital" are the result of deep and patient thought about society, education, human nature. This is his homepage that brings together in one place his work, his ideas. Highly recommended reading: 'Growing Up Digital."
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT - 1 views

    The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers. I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content. The survey also collected information about the teachers' existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
meenoo rami

NCTE Search - Search Results - 5 views

    Secondary Lesson Plans
Dennis OConnor

NWP Works! - ...making the case for the National Writing Project - 1 views

  • The time to advocate for NWP is now! We need all teachers and site leaders to call their two senators on Monday, November 29. Please ask them to VOTE NO on Coburn amendment #4697 to S. 510 that would ban all congressionally directed spending in FY2011, FY2012 and FY2013. We expect a vote to be held on this amendment on Monday, November 29, 2010. Read about what's at stake: "Earmark Ban Would Result in Catastrophic Cuts for Children" (Huffington Post)
    The possibility of the National Writing Project being killed by the Senate makes me physically ill.  Follow up on this article, call your senator. Stop the destruction of a national educational resource that we cannot let die.
Karen LaBonte

Internet Search Challenge - 6 views

    Retrieving the information you need from the Internet can be challenging. Internet Search Challenges provide practice and demonstrate techniques to improve your search results and find credible information. This blog introduces new challenges, discusses the difficulties and how they may be overcome.
andrew bendelow

Online Writing Teacher - 6 views

    the expert from Drexel, letting us know how to teach writing online--the same amount of work, but perhaps better results (more and better student writing)
Adam Babcock

The Failure of American Schools - Magazine - The Atlantic - 3 views

  • recalcitrant
  • From 1960 to 1980, our supply of college graduates increased at almost 4 percent a year; since then, the increase has been about half as fast. The net effect is that we’re rapidly moving toward two Americas—a wealthy elite, and an increasingly large underclass that lacks the skills to succeed.
  • in education, despite massive increases in expenditure, we don’t see improved results
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • That leads too many people to suspect that poverty is destiny, that schools can make only a small difference, and that therefore we’re unable to fix this problem, regardless of its seriousness. So why try?
  • That Kafkaesque outcome demonstrates precisely the way the system is run: for the adults. The school system doesn’t want to change, because it serves the needs of the adult stakeholders quite well, both politically and financially.
  • “Listen, they’re trying to get rid of a principal in my district who runs a Democratic club for us. If you protect him, you’ll never have a problem with me.” This kind of encounter was not rare.
  • President Obama was on to something in 2008 when he said: “The single most important factor in determining [student] achievement is not the color of [students’] skin or where they come from. It’s not who their parents are or how much money they have. It’s who their teacher is.” Yet, rather than create a system that attracts and rewards excellent teachers—and that imposes consequences for ineffective or lazy ones—we treat all teachers as if they were identical widgets and their performance didn’t matter.
  • The result: too few effective math and science teachers in high-poverty schools.
  • Many have candidly told me they are burned out, but they can’t afford to leave until their pension fully vests. So they go through the motions until they can retire with the total package.
  • And why give all teachers making $80,000, or more, a 10 percent raise? They’re not going to leave, since they’re close to vesting their lifetime pensions. By contrast, increasing starting salaries by $8,000 (rather than $4,000) would help attract and retain better new teachers.
Mark Smith

Don't mention the mockingbird! Meet Harper Lee the reclusive novelist who wrote the classic novel that mesmerised 40 million readers | Mail Online - 9 views

  • In the novel, Scout lives in fear of a ‘malevolent phantom’, a psychologically disturbed neighbour called Boo Radley, who ultimately saves her life. While it is clear that the character is in part based on a reclusive neighbour, in reality, it was Harper’s mother Frances who was the source of much terror and unhappiness.Suffering from depression and violent mood swings, friends in the close-knit Alabama town say that Frances allegedly twice tried to drown her daughter in the bath. As a result, perhaps, the young Harper was regarded as a difficult and aggressive child who would think nothing of punching other children who annoyed her.
Meredith Stewart

LibriVox: Search Results - 0 views

    Audio books of works in the public domain
Donalyn Miller

Spezify - 9 views

    Search a topic across websites and receive results in a visual format.
Dennis OConnor

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the ... - Google Books - 12 views

    This is a great book for any writing teacher. I bought my copy in 86 when it first came out. Here it is on Google books. Support Natalie Goldberg's work. Buy a copy!
Sheri Edwards

CMS Test results invite scrutiny - - 0 views

  • Staff at both schools will collect 10- to 15-percent pay hikes based on this year's scores, money that goes away next year. The raises, paid for by county commissioners eager to see kids succeed at low-performing schools, illustrate the rewards and penalties that can hang on test scores.
  • In 2006, a principal split Garinger into five academies with specialized themes. The New Technology school emerged strong, but the rest of the campus struggled.
  • She was convinced the dismal pass rate could change but believed many needed stronger skills to pass exams. “We really had to put the brakes on things,” she said. That meant letting strong students go straight into the EOC classes. But weaker ones took a semester or more of preparatory classes designed to boost their reading, math or science skills.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The Observer analysis shows an unusually large number of Garinger International students sidestepped EOC courses in 2008-09. (See box.)
  • This year the school added juniors, which meant enrollment grew by almost 50 percent. Yet the school gave 46 fewer tests.
  • In English I, which all ninth-graders must take, Garinger International's pass rate went from 67 to 81 percent.
  • the only thing we have to vary is the time it takes to attain the standards. We do not all learn at the same rate.
  • It sounds like the principal is trying to help all her kids be successful. Why must that be cause for suspicion??
    What do you think?
Dennis OConnor

My New Teaching Partner? Using the Grammar Checker in Writing Instruction - National Writing Project - 13 views

  • Summary: Reva Potter, a teacher-consultant with the Dakota Writing Project, and colleague Dorothy Fuller report on an action research project which concludes that Grammar Check instruction combined with direct instruction from the teacher can result in significant improvement in student understanding of key grammar concepts.
    Technology and grammar...
aunt tammie

BBC News - World News America - Why do Finland's schools get the best results? - 12 views

    good story about Finnish educational system
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