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meenoo rami

FeedJournal - The Newspaper You Always Wanted - 7 views

    Use this to publish student writing from blogs, could turn into a very cool project.
Dana Huff

BBC - Drama - 60 Second Shakespeare - Shakespeare's plays, themes and characters - 18 views

    BBC's 60 Second Shakespeare: Shakespeare newspapers with quick summaries of the plot and characters of fourteen major Shakespeare plays.
Mark Smith

Reading and the Web - Texts Without Context - - 14 views

  • We all may read books the way we increasingly read magazines and newspapers: a little bit here, a little bit there.
  • People tweet and text one another during plays and movies, forming judgments before seeing the arc of the entire work.
  • Recent books by respected authors like Malcolm Gladwell (“Outliers”), Susan Faludi (“The Terror Dream”) and Jane Jacobs (“Dark Age Ahead”) rely far more heavily on cherry-picked anecdotes — instead of broader-based evidence and assiduous analysis — than the books that first established their reputations. And online research enables scholars to power-search for nuggets of information that might support their theses, saving them the time of wading through stacks of material that might prove marginal but that might have also prompted them to reconsider or refine their original thinking.
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