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andrew bendelow

Education Week: Why Core Standards Must Embrace Media Literacy - 5 views

    Problems with CC media literacy standards: " focus marginalizes uses of a range of other media/digital literacies associated with social-networking sites, blogs, wikis, digital images/videos, smartphone/tablet apps, video games, podcasts, etc., for constructing media content, building social networks, engaging audiences, and critiquing status quo problems.And, other than a mention of the need to "evaluate information from multiple oral, visual, or multimodal sources," there is no specific reference in the common standards to critical analysis and production of film, television, advertising, radio, news, music, popular culture, video games, media remixes, and so on. Nor is there explicit attention on fostering critical analysis of media messages and representations."
meenoo rami

Wiki:interactive media resources | Social media CoLab - 4 views

    interactive media tools shared on twitter
Dennis OConnor

Caught Cheating: New Ways Kids Are Breaking the Rules - 14 views

    When is it cheating? When is it collaboration? This thoughtful article from Common Sense Media provides fine advice for parents (or teachers) on how to talk to kids about digital Media and ethics.  
Dana Huff

AAUP: New-Media Literacies - 5 views

    Being literate in a real-world sense means being able to read and write using the media forms of the day, whatever they may be. For centuries, consuming and producing words through reading and writing and, to a lesser extent, listening and speaking were sufficient. But because of inexpensive, easy-to-use, and widely available new tools, literacy now requires being conversant with new forms of media as well as text, including sound, graphics, and moving images.
casey mayfield

TheEngTeacher: Social Media in Learning: Handbook, Toolkit, Workshop, Community & Blog - 1 views

shared by casey mayfield on 26 Jul 09 - Cached
    Blog about all things social media
Clifford Baker

Documenting the Digital Generation | Ecology of Education - 0 views

  • offers a wealth of videos which will be relevant to anyone who wants to better understand the new media literacies, participatory culture, and young people’s online lives, themes which recur here with great frequency.
  • First, the site brings together substantive conversations with what they are calling “Big Thinkers.”
  • Second, the website offers some vivid and engaging portraits of typical American teens and their relationship to new media technologies and practices.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • new media in terms of its opportunities
  • Young people’s lives are shown to be conducted across and through a range of different media platforms, rather than, say, identifying one kid as a gamer or another as a social networker. The technologies are shown as supporting a range of different social roles and relationships rather than necessarily directing young people to develop in predetermined directions.

Center for Media Literacy - 0 views

    the premier media literacy organization
susan  carter morgan

Using Social Media to Define the New Humanities Classroom - 0 views

    Using social media to define the new humanities
Karen LaBonte

WebTools4u2use - Webtools4U2Use - 4 views

    The purpose of this website is to provide a place for K-12 school library media specialists to learn a little more about web tools that can be used to improve and enhance school library media programs and services, to see examples of how they can be used, and to share success stories and creative ideas about how to use and integrate them.
The0d0re Shatagin

Outlines for Conceptual Units - 12 views

    Links to a number of Conceptual Units, especially Literature and media - a number are in IRA's Read Write Think site which also has links to state standards. A work in progress.

Resources: ADText - An Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Advertising - 0 views

    Sleek interactive site about media in society. Here is their description: ADText is authored by Professor William M. O'Barr, Ph.D. Professor O'Barr ( is a cultural anthropologist who specializes in advertising and its relation to society, culture and history. He is author of Culture and the Ad: Exploring Otherness in the World of Advertising (1994). He is also founding editor of the online journal, Advertising & Society Review.
Patrick Higgins

New Mexico Media Literacy Project | | HOME - 0 views

    New Mexico's project to promote media literacy. Some fantastic resources here.
Leslie Healey

Reports of blogging's death have been greatly exaggerated | Cory Doctorow | Technology | - 6 views

  • t was coined in 1913 by Wolfgang Riepl. It's as true now as it was then.
  • Science fiction writer Bruce Sterling says: "The future composts the past." There's even a law to describe this, Riepl's Law – which says "new, further developed types of media never replace the existing modes of media and their usage patterns. Instead, a convergence takes place in their field, leading to a different way and field of use for these older forms."
    doctorow's take on why we need not just twitter and facebook and diigo but also older methods of socialmedia--blogging
    this is the best analysis on why we need the varied forms of social media in the classroom--and in life
Mary Worrell

Companies want applicants with social-media skills  | - 6 views

    Just another argument for getting social media into classrooms. Our students will be expected to demonstrate their digital footprints in job interviews and not addressing this is doing them a disservice.
andrew bendelow

My Languages: Social Media And Creativity In The Language Classroom - 3 views

    Isabella Jones' excellent slides on social networking creative ideas for the language classroom--pertinent to Eng teachers, too.
Mary Worrell

A Push to Redefine Knowledge at Wikipedia - - 6 views

    When Knowledge Isn't Written, Does It Still Count? Interesting look at citation policies at English Wikipedia and the complications they create in sharing media and information about cultures where written, published sources that can be cited aren't as easily found. 
andrew bendelow

Digital Youth Network: Creating New Media Citizens through the Affinity Learning Model | IJLM - 9 views

    Composing online is not writing alone, as students have done. When he produces an artifact, the networked student creates a communal effort on the Internet.
Clifford Baker

Free Technology for Teachers: StudyBlue - Collaborative Study Tools - 0 views

    Study Blue is a website for students to share and collaborate on the creation of study tools. High School and college students can share notes from class, create multi-media flashcards, email, and share calendars using Study Blue. Students can establish study groups or search for study groups already creating on Study Blue.

Resources: ALA | AASL 25 Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    The "Top 25" Web sites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. * Organizing and Managing * Content Collaboration * Curriculum Sharing * Media Sharing * Virtual Environments * Social Networking and Communication
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