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Adam Babcock

If Romeo and Juliet had mobile phones | Networked - 13 views

    • Adam Babcock
      Yeah... but "wherefore" translates to "why" in our contemporary language...
  • would have allowed Romeo and Juliet to move around, liberated from locale and parental surveillance. They would have been less worried about their families when they were figuring out where to meet. At the same time, their parents would have felt reassured because they could call their children and ask where they were and what they were doing. But, would Romeo and Juliet have told the truth? A location-aware app would also have been useful for parents in tracking them. Or they might have prowled friends’ Facebook updates or photo albums for clues.
  • Romeo and Juliet could find each other now because mobility means accessibility and availability. They’d be on each other’s top-five speed dial. And they would probably have had a location-aware app that that showed exactly where each other were: no wandering the streets of Verona looking for each other.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Public spaces have become more silent, as people concentrate on their text messages, while downwardly-peering texters have limited eye contact.
  • Imagine Romeo making plans to meet Juliet in the park, but his father calls to say that he has to come home immediately. At least, the mobile connection would have allowed Romeo to alert Juliet to his role conflict and possible absence.
  • As long as they talked or texted in private, neither the Montagues nor the Capulets would know – unless, of course, they snuck peeks at the list of previous calls and texts on the phones. Instead of a phone ringing in a home—where all would hear it and possibly become part of the conversation—internet communication and mobile communication are usually exchanges between two individuals.
  • Mobile contact has become multigenerational, as teens—and even children—are increasingly getting their own mobile phones. This affords people of all ages opportunities to become more autonomous agents.
  • As they grew up, Romeo and Juliet had gotten past their childhoods of being household and neighborhood bound.  They made contact by encounters in public places. Teens still do that—the shopping mall is the new agora—but their mobile phones also afford continuous contact with their homes and distant friends.
  • If they are right, Romeo and Juliet might never look up from their mobile phones to see each other. Or, would the course of true love have led them away from their screens and into each other’s arms?
  • The story of Romeo and Juliet is the story of two individuals escaping the bounds of their densely knit groups. It is a story of the social network revolution that began well before Facebook: the move from group-bound societies to networked individuals. This turn to networked individualism transforms communication from being place-based to person-based.
Karen LaBonte

Creating a PLN - home - 3 views

    The home page of this wiki is made with Glogster!
Mark Smith

The Case for Breaking Up With Your Parents - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 5 views

  • More than love, sex, courtship, and marriage; more than inheritance, ambition, rivalry, or disgrace; more than hatred, betrayal, revenge, or death, orphanhood—the absence of the parent, the frightening yet galvanizing solitude of the child—may be the defining fixation of the novel as a genre, what one might call its primordial motive or matrix, the conditioning psychic reality out of which the form itself develops.
    "This is the play-date generation. ... There was a time when children came home from school and just played randomly with their friends. Or hung around and got bored, and eventually that would lead you on to something. Kids don't get to do that now. Busy parents book them into things constantly-violin lessons, ballet lessons, swimming teams. The kids get the idea that someone will always be structuring their time for them."
    A great article, worth 15 minutes.
ten grrl

From the Home Front and the Front Lines (American Treasures Exhibition, Library of Congress) - 0 views

    This exhibition consists of original materials and oral histories drawn from the Veterans History Project collections at the Library of Congress. With an emphasis on World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1939-1945), the Korean War (1950-1953), the Vietnam War (1965-1975), and the Persian Gulf War (1991), the Veterans History Project, by act of Congress, collects and preserves the experiences of America's war veterans and those who supported them.
meenoo rami

Home - 6 views

    to build a website or a wiki
Donalyn Miller

Books at home push kids toward more schooling - 5 views

    Powerful study about the importance of books in the home.
Teresa Ilgunas

My Home - Practice speaking English while you watch great videos - - 4 views

    Wonderful video clips where students can record and practice their speaking. Good for improving literacy as well as English speaking skills. Any student who does not like reading aloud would enjoy! Latest: a clip from Despicable Me!
Leslie Healey

Lesson Plan: Analyzing and Designing Book Apps for Works of Literature - - 16 views

    how reading changes on an iPAD or tablet. How could we being using this? when will my school get ereaders? Even I resist carrying my 4 pound book home.
Karen LaBonte

Home (Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning) - 6 views

    This wiki complements the upcoming book "Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning" by Wesley Fryer and Karen Montgomery, and the T4T course ("Technology For Teachers") course Wesley is teaching in Spring 2010. Content from the book and on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License.
Jenny Gilbert

Prepositions: Next Vista for Learning - 13 views

    short 60 second video - took some time to load at home but would make a good support for discussion of prepositions in class as many students make errors with these.
C Reed

Pinterest / Home - 13 views

shared by C Reed on 28 Jul 12 - Cached
    ideas page
Berylaube 00

Community Club Home Listen and Read - Non-fiction Read Along Activities Scholastic - 3 views

    From Richard Byrne Free Technology for teacher, quoted below:Listen and Read - Non-fiction Read Along Activities Listen and Read is a set of 54 non-fiction stories from Scholastic for K-2 students. The stories are feature pictures and short passages of text that students can read on their own or have read to them by each story's narrator. The collection of stories is divided into eight categories: social studies, science, plants and flowers, environmental stories, civics and government, animals, American history, and community. Applications for Education Listen and Read looks to be a great resource for social studies lessons and reading practice in general. At the end of each book there is a short review of the new words that students were introduced to in the book. Students can hear these words pronounced as many times as they like. Listen and Read books worked on my computer and on my Android tablet. Scholastic implies that the books also work on iPads and IWBs"
Dana Huff

Jane Austen Fiction Manuscripts: Home - 6 views

    Jane Austen's fiction manuscripts are the first significant body of holograph evidence surviving for any British novelist. They represent every stage of her writing career and a variety of physical states: working drafts, fair copies, and handwritten publications for private circulation. Digitization enables their virtual reunification and will provides scholars with the first opportunity to make simultaneous ocular comparison of their different physical and conceptual states; it will facilitate intimate and systematic study of Austen's working practices across her career, a remarkably neglected area of scholarship within the huge, world-wide Austen critical industry. Many of the Austen manuscripts are frail; open and sustained access has long been impossible for conservation and location reasons. Digitization at this stage in their lives not only offers the opportunity for the virtual reunification of a key manuscript resource, it will also be accompanied by a record in as complete a form as possible of the conservation history and current material state of these manuscripts to assist their future conservation.
Mrs. Lenker

MIT OpenCourseWare | Writing and Humanistic Studies | 21W.730-3 Expository Writing: Autobiography - Theory and Practice, Spring 2001 | Home - 7 views

    Autobiography course, interesting paper topics
    Autobiography course, interesting paper topics
Dana Huff

Home Page of K. Nichols - 14 views

    Kathleen Nichols has one of the best websites I've seen. I have used it a lot over the years.
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