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Stephen Davis

HS English - Symbaloo - 11 views

    Great list of bookmarks (cool UI) for High School teachers! Would love one for Middle School!
    Great list of bookmarks (cool UI) for High School teachers! Would love one for Middle School!
    Steve, this is great. It doesn't hurt that you've got the majority of the links listed on my resources wiki page. Thisi much cooler. I have to try it. Thanks.
Leslie Healey

healigan1011 - BESTIARY - 3 views

    may be useful for British Lit or World Lit teachers: my resource page on bestiaries for my mythology unit/World Lit.
Meredith Stewart

Project Gutenberg - 3 views

    Online full text books
Todd Finley

Share More! Wiki | Anthology / Diigo the Web for Education - From TeleGatherer to TeleP... - 5 views

    "# Supporting Diigo-based fine-grained discussions connected to a specific part of a webpage - which opens up the possibility for more meaningful exchanges where teachers can embed all kinds of scaffolding into web-based materials with Diigo: * sharing questions for discussion (either online, or to prepare students for an in-class discussion); * highlighting critical features; asking students to define words, terms, or concepts in their own words/language; providing definitions of difficult/new terms (in various media, such as embedding an image in the sticky note); * providing models of interpreting materials. * using the highlighting/sticky note feature to "mark up" our "textbook" (blog) with comments, observations and corrections to specific words, phrases or paragraphs of each post. * Aggregating bookmarks the students make of websites valuable to their learning, and use the highlighting feature and sticky notes as if they were like the Track Changes feature in MS Word which lends itself more towards collaboration and the iterative process. "
Karen LaBonte

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century / FrontPage - 5 views

    This site represents a collective effort to explore teaching and learning in the 21st century and beyond. The list of teachers and student knowledge, skills, and dispositions was initially generated by teachers and administrators from Rockland County BOCES who explored a number of resources and references on 21st learning. The lists are a work in progress and will benefit greatly from the continued exploration and addition of outcomes by those who visit this site.
Karen LaBonte

teachweb2 » home - 9 views

    A group of teachers into web2.0- explore, review, integrate
Dana Huff

Qwiki - 12 views

    Qwiki allows users to learn more about a variety of topics through multimedia and storytelling. Users can also contribute content to make Qwiki even better.
    already used this as I introduced my research project last week, in between snowflakes. Great reception!
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