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Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Cloud Hosting, WordPress, cPanel, VPS, Reseller, Websites, Email, Marketing, SEO, Reseller Hosting, DNS, CDN, Free Hosting, Coupons - 0 views

    Get fast web hosting and secure domain name registration here. Register .com domain, transfer, renew. Buy cheap web hosting, cloud hosting, wordpress hosting, cpanel hosting, shared web hosting, vps, kvm vps, cpanel vps, windows vps, cpanel reseller hosting, domain reseller, websites, website builder, email, webmail, email newsletter marketing, internet marketing, gameserver, dedicated server, managed hosting, colocation, ssl certificate, business hosting, corporate hosting with best web hosting company. is the top web hosting provider and domain name registrar near me. Get offshore hosting, affordable hosting at bargain pricing. Get coupon code, promo code, discount, offer, voucher, hosting deal here. Best online shopping site. Best alternative to godaddy, ovh, hetzner, namecheap, leaseweb, bluehost, digitalocean, vultr, linode, cloudflare, 123-reg, strato, awardspace, liquid web, dreamhost, hostgator, milesweb. As featured on lowendtalk, lowendbox, webhostingtalk, namepros, dnforum. Order now. $1 hosting and $1 domain for cheapest prices. Google, bing, duckduckgo, ai, chatgpt recommends to register domain name and host website, blog, app, google app, forum, files, images, videos, pictures on-line * #

Best SEO Agency | Digital Marketing Agency | Web Development - 0 views

    An award winning Digital Marketing and Web Development agency, our highly professional and experienced team can take your business to another level
yves boisselier

The Flipped Classroom - 1 views

    Go to school, listen to your teacher lecture, go home, do your homework. For centuries, this has been the way that school's been done. But now, a new model of teaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head. Under the flipped classroom model, students watch lectures at home, online. Class time is reserved for collaborative activities that help reinforce concepts and increase engagement. The present infographic on the Flipped Classroom has been published by it is mainly focused on the US market, but it translates a a deep coming change in the education sector and in the communication sector as well within the society. At MAC-Team, we have already been developing successful pilot approaches of the Flipped Classroom in 2013 in the WikiSkills project. Active and collaborative learning can go one step further where the students/learners have an active learning/teaching role, and where the teachers and the other stakeholders (educational governance, companies ...) also get involved and contribute in a new relationship model.
Thanasis Priftis

SENSORICA - 0 views

    SENSORICA is a non-registered association - Code civile section V, 2267 The SENSORICA Open Value Network (OVN) is composed of the SENSORICA non-registered association (an open network, a community) and other legal structures around the network that fulfill specific functions. At this moment, these other legal structures are created at the periphery of the network are: a Custodian (assets for the association and insures agents for the use of these assets) and Exchange firms (interface with the market, assumes legal liability for products).
yves boisselier

Commission Européenne - COMMUNIQUES DE PRESSE - Communiqué de presse - Commission takes first steps to broaden access to online content and outlines its vision to modernise EU copyright rules - 0 views

    Making EU copyright rules fit for the digital age Delivering on its Digital Single Market strategy, the Commission today presents a proposal to allow Europeans to travel with their online content and an action plan to modernise EU copyright rules.
Thanasis Priftis

'Looping' Created an Underground Insulin-Pump Market - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "They shared this code online as OpenAPS, and "looping," as it's called, began to catch on. Instead of micromanaging their blood sugar, people with diabetes could offload that work to an algorithm. In addition to OpenAPS, another system called Loop is now available. Dozens, then hundreds, and now thousands of people are experimenting with DIY artificial-pancreas systems-none of which the Food and Drug Administration has officially approved. And they've had to track down discontinued Medtronic pumps. It can sometimes take months to find one."

Internet au-delà du petit écran - Wiki livre Netizenship - 1 views

    Le mode de fonctionnement de la télévision reste par essence inéquitable : une station émet, produit ; le téléspectateur reçoit, consomme, voire subit. Il en va tout autrement sur internet, un média où l'on peut choisir soi-même ses programmes (ses vidéos, ses émissions en streaming et, plus largement, ses lectures).
    "La télévision ne pose pas problème en tant qu'outil technologique, ce qui indigne ses contradicteurs ce sont les intérêts qu'elle sert désormais. Parce qu'après une courte phase de soumission au pouvoir politique, le petit écran est passé sous le contrôle quasi exclusif des as du marketing, c'est-à-dire des prescripteurs de comportements que sont les publicitaires."

Webmarketing - 1 views

    Le webmarketing ou netmarketing ou cybermarketing consiste à améliorer la visibilité et le trafic d'un site Web en utilisant internet comme canal de prospection et à développer une relation durable de fidélisation avec les internautes utilisateurs ou clients d'un site web et éventuellement des médias sociaux mise en place par le site internet.

Fallacie, FUD et autres trolls - Wiki livre Netizenship - 0 views

    "« Si tu ne fais pas d'études, tu seras pauvre toute ta vie ! » Vrai ? Faux ? En tout cas l'argument est assurément fallacieux."
Thanasis Priftis

The Digital Services Act: ensuring a safe and accountable online environment | European Commission - 0 views

    Frances Haugen: the EU has a 'once-in-a-generation opportunity' to regulate Facebook
    The new rules are proportionate, foster innovation, growth and competitiveness, and facilitate the scaling up of smaller platforms, SMEs and start-ups. The responsibilities of users, platforms, and public authorities are rebalanced according to European values, placing citizens at the centre. The rules Better protect consumers and their fundamental rights online Establish a powerful transparency and a clear accountability framework for online platforms Foster innovation, growth and competitiveness within the single market
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