Bruce Sterling is back this year. He has a remarkable ability to both celebrate dreams of the future - but also to challenge us with the problems he sees. That makes us more deeply consider what we are doing, why we are doing it - and the potential consequences of those decisions.
World traveler, science fiction author, journalist, and future-focused design critic Bruce Sterling spins the globe a few rounds as he wraps up the Interactive Conference with his peculiar view of the state of the world from a global perspective. March 2016.
Bruce Sterling Sterling discusses the historical response to fascism, and the current political moment with the rising tide of ultra-right populist/authoritarian political movements
World traveler, science fiction author, journalist, and future-focused design critic Bruce Sterling spins the globe a few rounds as he wraps up the Interactive Conference with his peculiar view of the state of the world from a global perspective, as one who lives in Turin, Belgrade, and Austin. Most recently, Bruce has been an instigator of the DIY - Internet of Things model home project, Casa Jasmina. He also makes an annual "state of the world" assessment, with Jon Lebkowsky, for two weeks every January on The WELL.
"Michael Bruce Sterling, né le 14 avril 1954 à Austin au Texas, est un auteur américain de science-fiction, souvent inclus dans les listes d'auteurs du mouvement Cyberpunk (en partie pour avoir édité la première anthologie Cyberpunk, Mozart en verres miroirs)."
TEDxDeakinUniversity (Melbourne) invited Bruce Sterling as a speaker. The theme of his talk was Alien Aesthetics. He's American science fiction author who is best known for his novels and his work on the Mirrorshades anthology. This work helped to define the cyberpunk genre.
Bruce Sterling closes the SXSW Interactive Festival with a wide-ranging, hour-long speech about the state of the nation (technological obsolescence of humanity, the robots-will-take-our-jobs,...)
transmediale 2014 afterglow Opening Ceremony
"It's time to build alternative computational systems, which reflect our own ethics and values" ... "We're never going to meet our creative needs from these gigantic big data empires that are algorithmically optimized to make us into sheep"
Un changement de paradigme est en cours. Internet est un nouvel environnement qui nous permet de passer du statut de consommateur passif à celui de consomm'acteur, co-créateur d'informations et de services. Chacun peut faire des retours sur les produits, évaluer un service, vendre lui-même, apprendre à gérer sa propre réputation... Nous ne sommes plus séparés, mais tous reliés, tous à même d'apporter notre pierre à l'édifice. Nous intégrons une nouvelle culture (la culture numérique, alias eCulture) où le modèle n'est plus...