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Does Reason Know What It Is Missing? - - 2 views

  • Jürgen Habermas
  • Enlightenment
  • postmodernism
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • “…the authority of the holy,” he once declared, “is gradually replaced by the authority of an achieved consensus.”
  • In recent years
    • Terry Elliott
      Transition to new position
  • First
  • second
  • post-secular age
  • “Among the modern societies, only those that are able to introduce into the secular domain the essential contents of their religious traditions which point beyond the merely human realm will also be able to rescue the substance of the human.”
    • Terry Elliott
      What is the quote for?
  • The question of course
    • Terry Elliott
      sets context for quote AND for what follows
  • “An Awareness of What is Missing: Faith and Reason in a Post-secular Age.”
  • The point can be sharpened: in the context of full-bodied secularism, there would seem to be nothing to pass on to, and therefore no reason for anything like a funeral.
    • Terry Elliott
      a summary?
  • To be sure
    • Terry Elliott
      why this transition?
  • secular reason is missing something
  • What secular reason is missing is self-awareness
  • It is
    • Terry Elliott
      understood that he is saying "in other words".
  • no mechanism for questioning the products and conclusions of its formal, procedural entailments and experiments.
  • postmodern radicalization of the ‘dialectic of the Enlightenment’ and in the naturalism founded on a naïve faith in science.
    • Terry Elliott
      quote trick again
  • Postmodernism announces (loudly and often) that a supposedly neutral, objective rationality is always a construct informed by interests it neither acknowledges nor knows nor can know.
    • Terry Elliott
      PM defined and summarized
  • Meanwhile science goes its merry way endlessly inventing and proliferating technological marvels without having the slightest idea of why. The “naive faith” Habermas criticizes is not a faith in what science can do — it can do anything — but a faith in science’s ability to provide reasons, aside from the reason of its own keeping on going, for doing it and for declining to do it in a particular direction because to do so would be wrong.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is the money quote, the big kahuna idea
  • The problem is that a political structure that welcomes all worldviews into the marketplace of ideas, but holds itself aloof from any and all of them, will have no basis for judging the outcomes its procedures yield.
    • Terry Elliott
  • Worldviews
  • Worldviews
  • Habermas says,
    • Terry Elliott
      quoting again and paraphrasing
  • The liberal citizen is taught
    • Terry Elliott
      Further implications of this point of view
  • Habermas concludes
    • Terry Elliott
      quote again
  • The consequences
    • Terry Elliott
      Fish realizes he has gotten into some rarified atmosphere and then decides he needs to give us something concrete.
  • massive injustices nations and tribes inflict on one another
  • So what will supply the strength that is missing?
    • Terry Elliott
      The big question after the critique
  • Religion
    • Terry Elliott
      the answer
  • And so he proposes something less than a merger and more like an agreement between trading partners: “…the religious side must accept the authority of ‘natural’ reason as the fallible results of the institutionalized sciences and the basic principles of universalistic egalitarianism in law and morality. Conversely, secular reason may not set itself up as the judge concerning truths of faith, even though in the end it can accept as reasonable only what it can translate into its own, in principle universally accessible, discourses.”
    • Terry Elliott
      Habermas's answer
  • There is still something missing.
    • Terry Elliott
      MacGilchrist suggests what that might be--the leavening influence of the right hemisphere
  • Liberal rationality is committed to pluralism and cannot affirm the absolute rightness of anything except its own (empty) proceduralism.
  • which derides
  • secular to go it alone
  • Enlightenment rationality

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