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Susan Bistrican

Chronology of Dostoevsky's Life (1821-1881) - 1 views

    • Susan Bistrican
      This timeline indicates just how prolific Dostoevsky was in his lifetime. 
  • 1839 Father possibly murdered by his own serfs at his estate, Chermashnya, in province of Tula.
    • Susan Bistrican
      His father's murder could serve as an influence in writing C&P.
Susan Bistrican

Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche & Kafka - 1 views

    • Susan Bistrican
      p. 127 : Nietzsche and Dostoevsky
    Use as a reference for your existential lens for your comparison paper.
Susan Bistrican

Miguel de Unamuno - Wikiquote - 1 views

  • But the capacity to enjoy is impossible without the capacity to suffer; and the faculty of enjoyment is one with that of pain. Whosoever does not suffer does not enjoy, just as whosoever is insensible to cold is insensible to heat.
    • Susan Bistrican
      As I discussed in the example paper I posed to Diigo, Miguel de Unamuno was an existential philosopher unlike those in the same school of thought because he included God within his philosophy (as opposed to the traditional atheism of thinkers such as Nietzsche: "God is dead.") This aligns with the suffering Raskolnikov experiences in C&P and the redemption that accompanies Ras after he serves time in Siberia and "finds" God. This is autobiographical, as Dostoevsky himself served time in a Siberian prison and became religious after the experience. The existentially-wrought text that also includes God is perfect to read through Unamuno's lens.
  • Not by way of reason, but only by way of love and suffering, do we come to the living God, the human God.
    Migel de Unamuno and thoughts on suffering
Susan Bistrican

Dostoevsky Papers - 1 views

  • Dostoevsky depicts social issues, especially the problem of murder, through an image of people who go through pain. He presents a graphical experience of ones who do not know how to deal with humanity and its problems. Dostoevsky himself does not give a clear solution nor does he leave one with the certainty of faith for an example.
    Critical essays written by students at Middlebury College. Use them as a reference for your final analysis due at the end of the semester.
Susan Bistrican


  • Sonya the innocent From Grazhdanskaya 19 I continue on to Kaznacheyskaya, to Sonya Marmeladovna's house and the corner where Raskolnikov exchanged a few words with some whores. A madwoman eats bird seed on Kaznacheyskaya and a half-blind woman is selling used shoestrings. Dostoyevsky knew his Sonya well, and the whores are here again in Ploschad Mira, rubbing shoulders with the other freaks. The official records reveal that in 1868 there were two-thousand-and-forty-eight prostitutes in St. Petersburg. I say my farewells to Sonya's virtues and Dostoyevsky's unrealistic psychology.
    Short story by Rosa Liksom 1994, inspired by C&P's pro/antagonist.
Susan Bistrican

How do I pronounce and spell Dostoevsky? - 1 views

    • Susan Bistrican
      Some speculation on how to spell "Dostoevsky" when translated from Russian to English.
Susan Bistrican

C&P Full text - 1 views

  • t's her eyes I am afraid of... yes, her eyes... the red on her cheeks, too, frightens me... and her breathing too.... Have you noticed how people in that disease breathe... when they are excited? I am frightened of the children's crying, too....
    • Susan Bistrican
      Raskolnikov describes his fears that are other than physical pain.
    Use this page to navigate through C&P on your computer if you need to find specific words or passages. Hit ctrl+F and type key words in order to find specifics in the text.
Susan Bistrican

Dan Schneider on Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment - 0 views

  • The best example of this is that its lead character, Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov, is not a realistic villain, but an archetype- and really a symbol. The sound of his name connotes his being a rascal or rapscallion, and in Russian raskolnik even means to be divided, or schismatic. His swings between guilt and mendacious evil are better seen as devices serving the drama of the narrative than as any true portrait of a sociopath- be it a modern serial killer, a gangster, or any other form.
    A GREAT characterization of Ras, as well as a thorough reading of C&P and its larger themes.
Susan Bistrican

Theme: Corrupted moral skepticism - 0 views

  • Crime and Punishment also portrays the dilemma of the Russian intellectual in the nineteenth-century. Dostoyevsky shows how Raskolnikov is corrupted by moral scepticism. The novel exposes the bankruptcy of intellectual or ideological arguments which lack moral concern or compassion.
    C&P as a portrait of the 19th century intellect and corrupted moral skepticism. 
Susan Bistrican

Crime and Punishment Themes - 0 views

    A quick guide to the themes of C&P that we will be expanding as we read.
Susan Bistrican

The Stream of Consciousness Technique - 0 views

    "One of the most important choices an author faces when choosing a point of view is the ability to manipulate the distance between the novel's characters and the reader. Early writers of fiction had mostly limited themselves to presenting a character's thoughts and feelings through action or dialogue with other characters."
Susan Bistrican

Dostoevsky and social sin | Commentary | Indiana Daily Student - 0 views

    An interesting article that applies themes and morals in Dostoevsky's work to a tragic murder that occurred in Indiana this past June.
Susan Bistrican

Existential Primer: Introduction - 0 views

  • Existentialism was a philosophy born out of the Angst of post-war Europe, out of a loss of faith in the ideals of progress, reason and science which had led to Dresden and Auschwitz. If not only God, but reason and objective value are dead, then man is abandoned in an absurd and alien world. The philosophy for man in this “age of distress” must be a subjective, personal one. A person’s remaining hope is to return to his “inner self”, and to live in whatever ways he feels are true to that self. The hero for this age, the existentialist hero, lives totally free from the constraints of discredited traditions, and commits himself unreservedly to the demands of his inner, authentic being.
    A great introduction to existential philosophy as we'll be applying it to the Russian literary tradition.
Susan Bistrican

St. Petersburg, Russia on the road to capitalism (1840s to 1890s) - 0 views

    The political and economic climate in Saint Petersburg around the time C&P was published.
Susan Bistrican

Allusions and Religious Images | Glogster - 0 views

    Great Glogster discussing allusions.
Susan Bistrican

ebook - Project Gutenberg - 0 views

    Free e-book for your convenience. 
Susan Bistrican

Pre-Crime and Punishment | Endless Innovation | Big Think - 0 views

  • One of the most striking facts about the recent Oslo massacre and bombing by an extremist 32-year-old Norwegian was the sheer amount of pre-meditation that went into the grisly act.
  • There is somehow an unsettling notion that all of these senseless deaths could have been prevented had all the facts been considered ahead of time.
  • If Dostoevsky were to have written his masterpiece Crime and Punishment in the 21st century, Fyodor Mikhailovich - himself accused of a crime and sent to a firing squad in Siberia - would surely have reversed the plot line of the story. The inspector Porfiry would surely have detected Raskolnikov hours - if not days - before his murder of the old pawnbroker in her St. Petersburg apartment. Instead of Raskolnikov slowly but surely submitting to the guilt and terror of having commited the crime after the fact, he would have surely posted his Nietzschean superman manifesto online -- and maybe even tweeted about it -- a few hours beforehand. Without a single violent act being committed, the police authorities would have initiated his arrest and put his eventual Siberian exile into motion. But at what cost to the moral fabric of society?
    An article discussion the notion of "pre-crime" as referenced in Philip K. Dick's _The Minority Report_. The writer argues that if C&P were written in the 21st century, it could be possible to have stopped the crime before it was committed. This is also in relation to the recent terrorist attacks in Oslo, Norway and Anders Behring Breivik's premeditation of the crime.
Susan Bistrican

Razumikhin: Man of Action | Bookstove - 0 views

  • The “man of action” is straightforward and goes after what he desires. People envy him
  • for this simple reason. I found out there is a good side and a bad side to being a man of action by studying the life of Mr. Razumikhin. He is the idea of the man of action come to life and provides the perfect study in the pros and cons of leading such a straightforward lifestyle.
    An interesting Characterization of Razumikhin, Raskolnikov's sensible best friend who tries to help Ras out of his depression and self-alienation.
Susan Bistrican

Porfiry Petrovitch in Crime and Punishment - 0 views

  • Porfiry is the attorney investigating the murders of Alyona and Lizaveta, and is a bit of a mystery. We don't really know him outside of his professional capacity. He's related to Razumihin, but that doesn't give us much to go on as far as his character is concerned.
    Characterization of Porfiry Petrovitch. 
Susan Bistrican

The Redeemed Prostitute In Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment And Other Works By John Ba... - 0 views

  • In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky uses the character of Sonia Marmeladov, whose first name means wisdom, not solely to illustrate God's mercy toward a fallen woman but to have her redeem both herself and Raskolnikov through God's mercy.
  • He shows us that even the lowliest of the lowly lost are loved by the Father, and by their sufferings gain merit.
    A paper on Dostoevsky's examination of prostitution and the redemption of Sonya.
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